Cache Settings for Module Upload! Site Scrambled.

Well 7.1 has one issue and that is if a module upload fails it can and did break my beta site.  The old ones use to do that but stopped later in the process. 

  1. When you upload modules and you have settings like Memcache in place are those to be turned off in order to get a proper upload?
  2. Please advise on the error in both attached pictures.
  3. I got as far as finding the product to upload and then when I pushed install I got those issues.  Please advise...
  4. Also when this happens how do you go back to before is there a post about the steps to remove a failed upload or is each one its own issue.  IOW is there a periodical to remove a fail upload so a person can get back to work?  


Dang It..jpg · 147.5K · 374 views
Error.jpg · 25.1K · 383 views
Quote · 16 Nov 2012

Anyone on this?  Burning up a entire day on this...

Quote · 16 Nov 2012

That looks like a problem for the module creator..

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 16 Nov 2012

He is working on it but my cache question still stands? Does that matter if I have memcache setup when uploading a module?  Or does it have to be set to file... 

Quote · 17 Nov 2012


He is working on it but my cache question still stands? Does that matter if I have memcache setup when uploading a module?  Or does it have to be set to file... 

 I have never really been able to trust MemCache.. I have tried several attempts to make it work.

Thing is, the site seems to run fine but I get server mail errors all day long about memcache not being able to connect yet the site is fine. Sometimes..

Remember it was always suggested we turn off all "cache" features while we work on our site. It is what I do. Then enable them when the work is done, and manually cleaning the cache folders.

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 17 Nov 2012

Newton when I setup memcache in a combination with quick cgi I think it's called my site performance changed dramatically...Is there any posts that talk about turning off cache before working on sites or is that one of those obvious things only people who do this day and night are suppose to know.....?Embarassed  Especially when uploading a new module... 

Quote · 17 Nov 2012

memcache works good to help with site speed, but it MUST be OFF to make any changes to your site including installing modules

Quote · 17 Nov 2012

Dolphin actually can't clear memcache cache from admin panel. Thats pitty. If you want PM me your site i will see the error it gives

EDIT: and restart your memcache, it should clear the cache.

so much to do....
Quote · 17 Nov 2012

Did you see this document? 

Please note - the clear cache function is not supported for this type of cache, but it clears all data after 1 hour by default. If you need to clear the cache now, then you need to switch to another cache type or disable it and after 1 hour switch back. Alternatively, you can restart a Memcached server.

there many more topics, it's just best practice to turn them off to see your results of changes..

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 17 Nov 2012

I have always recommended caching be off while making changes on a site.

But this is the first i have heard that a caching engine can interfere with the install of a module.

But then again, i don't normally run with any caching on at all. I just don't trust dolphins caching. Never have.
Quote · 17 Nov 2012

Welcome back Deano... Hope you are doing well...

Quote · 17 Nov 2012
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