Habe found a fix there is a fault in DOLPHIN CODING please note lads .. we have corrected it and works fine now
The issue was not due to CometChat. It was due to improper coding of dolphin's file module.
We have corrected the following line of code in /public_html/modules/boonex/files/classes/BxFilesTemplate.php(line no. 32):
'value' => getLink($aInfo['albumCaption'], $sUrlPref . 'browse/album/' . $aInfo['albumUri'] . '/owner/' . getUsername($aInfo['medProfId'])),
by replacing it with the following line:
'value' => $this->getLink($aInfo['albumCaption'], $sUrlPref . 'browse/album/' . $aInfo['albumUri'] . '/owner/' . getUsername($aInfo['medProfId'])),