Alright - I really need to know this as I am about to jump in a direction that may leave Dolphin completely for one of my web sites and do not want to do so but need to know...
Will Dolphin 7.0 beta have CCBILL integrated or will I be forced to buy a plugin? If I have to buy then sadly Dolphin will no longer be a viable option for me to use on one of my sites as I am not able to buy a single plugin at this time for at least the rest of the year. (Being unemployed and getting married in 40 days makes a heck of a difference in finances). Currently in the Trac and from what I have seen, only Paypal is an option. Sure I can use 6.1.6 until hopefully it is integrated in 7 but if you look at my issues I have had with it and CCBILL I think it would be useless at this time.
So, what is the answer?