BxDolEvents.php - really puzzled

Hi All,

I'm trying to get the pay for events functionality working. I've been told that this was present in previous versions of Dolphin, but has been removed from the latest version.

What's puzzling me is that the code on inc/classes/BxDolEvents.php seems to indicate that the functionality is still there (although bare in mind I'm a php novice)

See the code below - lines 1011 - 1024

Surely what this does is look to see if a ticket price has been set, and if it has sends the user to the checkout

Or am missing I something?

thanks in advance


if ( $iTicketPrice > 0.0 ) {
$sInnerData .= <<<EOF
{$sCanBuyTicketC}<br />
<form id="buyTicketForm" action="{$site['url']}checkout.php" method="post" style="margin: 2px;">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="collect" />
<input type="hidden" name="checkout_action" value="speeddating" />
<input type="hidden" name="data" value="{$iEventID}" />
<input type="hidden" name="amount" value="{$iTicketPrice}" />
<input type="submit" class="no" value="{$sBuyTicketC}" style="width: 100px; vertical-align: middle;" />

Quote · 22 Sep 2008

Why puzzled? :)

If you want to return Payable functional for events - better create your own, no need open and understand our old functional.

It will better for you.

in 6.1.4 this functional was cutted quite in all places, I just comment it in events.

yes, early if event had price - you can able to buy ticket and goto to checkout page.

but it will not work now at all. .. checkout.php forget how work with it :)

Quote · 23 Sep 2008

Thanks  - Why would it be better to create my own pay for events functionality?

Did the  old  code work properly? If so why not  reuse it?

I'd  really like to see the  old  code to get  an idea  how it  worked. Is there anywhere  I get hold of an old version?


Quote · 23 Sep 2008

This is just your way .. if old code help you - this is good. But usually understanding of another old code is more longer if you write code self.

You can reanimate this functional .. need just check it working.

Quote · 23 Sep 2008

Thanks - could you please give me an idea how I would animate this - do I just  need to uncomment some code?

if so could you point me to the page(s) and the code in question


Quote · 23 Sep 2008
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