BugFix/Suggestions 4 Dolphin U


Purpose of this post is to suggest in 1 thread what can be added or changed in Dolphin U from all users.

1. Andrew in dolphin 7.14 i was unable to change the name of Notes/blogs to some thing else e.g my diary etc. I tried to change from it from language and permalinks but it always shows the same name i.e Notes/blogs. I noted the same thing with boonex website. If you go to Blogs on top the permalink is showing notes also in sub header its showing My Notes instead of My Blogs. I hope you will fix this issue.

2. I am testing Dolphin U and i found out if i want to change the layout of the home page it is giving me error. On rest of the pages it worked fine so far. Is there any possibility to add more layouts?

Umar Haroon
Quote · 30 Oct 2014



 Forgot what you were going to say?

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 30 Oct 2014

I see you remembered, and edited your post... well done.

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 30 Oct 2014

3. Age filter for content

4. In demo i can see are you doing work on seach. Right now its a popup search. I havnt tested it properly cause no content there right now. Only thing i can suggest is to make the popup bigger with search result of different category shown become more visible. I think you are doing the same just bigger popup suggestion from me.

Umar Haroon
Quote · 30 Oct 2014

Bugs in demo of Alpha 8:

1. Search bar auto hide on android native and google chrome browser when try to type something to search.

2. Popups of both member menu and naviagation menu don't auto hide when clicked in the middle of website on firefox linux browser. Works fine with google chrome.

So far this, lemme test more things :)

Umar Haroon
Quote · 10 Nov 2014

Studio>Pages>select e.g Homepage>Add blocks>image> The block will appear. Now click on the image block, it properties will open. Add any image and  remove the title and save the settings. The image will appear on the page with out any title. Good enough but the admin wont be able to open that blocks setting again cause the title was removed. Properties should come by click on the block instead of the title of the block.

Umar Haroon
Quote · 10 Nov 2014


Bugs in demo of Alpha 8:

1. Search bar auto hide on android native and google chrome browser when try to type something to search.

2. Popups of both member menu and naviagation menu don't auto hide when clicked in the middle of website on firefox linux browser. Works fine with google chrome.

So far this, lemme test more things :)

1. Fixed.

2. Fixed.

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Quote · 12 Nov 2014


Studio>Pages>select e.g Homepage>Add blocks>image> The block will appear. Now click on the image block, it properties will open. Add any image and  remove the title and save the settings. The image will appear on the page with out any title. Good enough but the admin wont be able to open that blocks setting again cause the title was removed. Properties should come by click on the block instead of the title of the block.


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Quote · 12 Nov 2014

What if no title needed on the web page display? I think either like dolphin pro you need to have system name and default name separate or just make block clickable to show properties. :)


Studio>Pages>select e.g Homepage>Add blocks>image> The block will appear. Now click on the image block, it properties will open. Add any image and  remove the title and save the settings. The image will appear on the page with out any title. Good enough but the admin wont be able to open that blocks setting again cause the title was removed. Properties should come by click on the block instead of the title of the block.



Umar Haroon
Quote · 12 Nov 2014

There are block layouts without title, so actually you don't need to write empty caption - just change block layout.

What if no title needed on the web page display? I think either like dolphin pro you need to have system name and default name separate or just make block clickable to show properties. :)


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Quote · 13 Nov 2014

I would appreciate if the new video module will show the number of time a video is played instead of number of time a video page is viewed. Also it would add a play sign on video thumbnails while processing it.

Umar Haroon
Quote · 28 Nov 2014

Suggestion for Mobile app of DU: I was using mobile app when idea stuck my mind. What if there is a "Near by location tag" with different modules e.g ads, store etc. So when user use the function in search "Near by Me" in result along with different people it also show different modules result as well. For example right now in DU we have Organization. Lets make the Oraganization (Brand e.g a Hotel Brand name) tagged with geo location option. So when the user will search near by me, along with people it will also show Organizations(Brands) near by him. How helpful that would be for the users ^_^

Umar Haroon
Quote · 28 Nov 2014

Bug: In Ocean template with the layout in picture below in people section the user names don't adjust properly.  there is a comparison of both template. 

Umar Haroon
Quote · 28 Nov 2014

Bug: On home page Layout wont work for PEOPLE & RECENT POSTS..if i want to remove the titles from all blocks it only works for join & Outline.

Umar Haroon
Quote · 28 Nov 2014


Bug: In Ocean template with the layout in picture below in people section the user names don't adjust properly.  there is a comparison of both template. 


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Quote · 29 Nov 2014

Thank you for the reports


Bug: On home page Layout wont work for PEOPLE & RECENT POSTS..if i want to remove the titles from all blocks it only works for join & Outline.


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Quote · 29 Nov 2014

 Cover photo need adjustment function to adjust the picture, right now its auto selection.

Umar Haroon
Quote · 10 Dec 2014

Can we rearrange search result priority? Right now posts result show on top. What if I want the orginizations result to show on top? 

Screenshot_2014-12-16-04-40-41.png · 122.4K · 387 views
Umar Haroon
Quote · 15 Dec 2014

Bug: On Organization edit asks for picture upload mandatory despite having a current picture. 

Screenshot_2014-12-16-04-14-48.png · 164.1K · 393 views
Umar Haroon
Quote · 15 Dec 2014

Bug: Does not count Sub-comment in number of comments on any post. 

Screenshot_2014-12-16-05-07-29.png · 153.2K · 396 views
Umar Haroon
Quote · 16 Dec 2014

Thank you for the suggestion - https://github.com/boonex/dolphin/issues/118 

Can we rearrange search result priority? Right now posts result show on top. What if I want the orginizations result to show on top? 


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Quote · 20 Dec 2014

It's already in the tasks' list - https://github.com/boonex/dolphin/issues/69 

Bug: On Organization edit asks for picture upload mandatory despite having a current picture. 


Rules → http://www.boonex.com/terms
Quote · 20 Dec 2014

Thank you - https://github.com/boonex/dolphin/issues/119 

Bug: Does not count Sub-comment in number of comments on any post. 


Rules → http://www.boonex.com/terms
Quote · 20 Dec 2014

when you login and jou dont have a person created you get te line 

You have no profiles created, so you can't perform any actions on the site, please create profile.

this link is set to : page/account-profile-switcher  

as in the language file defined as

You have no profiles created, so you can't perform any actions on the site, please <a href="{0}">create profile.</a>

on line 3973 of the system xml 

i think this link should point to : page/create-persons-profile

Quote · 14 Jan 2015

Trident 10

Got Key from Boonex and placed it in settings -> General

When i go to the Store Front i get a error stating i need to insert the keys

Be a dolphin, be creative in you own way and you will attract a audience
Quote · 16 Jan 2015


Trident 10

Got Key from Boonex and placed it in settings -> General

When i go to the Store Front i get a error stating i need to insert the keys

Unfortunately, we cannot reproduce the issue. Could you please recheck whether the Key and Secret were saved in settings. If so and the issue is still there it would be great if you can provide us with the access info for your site that we can investigate the problem.

Quote · 20 Jan 2015

Error after you enabled the thank you button for users. 

Screenshot_2015-02-18-23-07-37.png · 375.7K · 414 views
Umar Haroon
Quote · 18 Feb 2015

Thank you for the report, it has been just fixed. 

Error after you enabled the thank you button for users. 


Rules → http://www.boonex.com/terms
Quote · 18 Feb 2015
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.