After a long time Boonex finally changed design. But what it does?
I was happy when I found the link to create new post here on forum.
Today my customers few times asked me the same question: "Where the link to buy your module?!"
It's here, in the basement:
The 'Like' button is huge and visible. Do you really want people to LIKE module rather to BUY it? In order to like it you need to buy it first.
Is it really good idea to put the link to buy AFTER all descriptions and in smallest font ever?? It's like you will go to supermarket and will find cashier in the basement of the building! People can't see this small 'Add to cart' or 'Download' link, why not to make it visible and put it AT THE TOP of the module page? Why everything so difficult now? Usually goals of new design is to make site BETTER and more UNDERSTANDABLE, but not COMPLICATED.
Please note that not only 20 years old people may want to use this site and buy modules, but 50-60-70 years old also, who may NOT find small-font links somewhere at the bottom. Also it is difficult to re-learn all site interface if you used it for a couple years.
Sorry, but in my opinion now site looks 'naked' and so complicated. I put 'Buy it' button on every my module description. Sure, at the top of description.