The idea is albums will be stored in a bookcase with shelves. Members can create bookcases and add shelves to the bookcase as needed.
The basics of it is that albums will be located in a Bookcase, the bookcase will have shelves. You can have a Holiday Photos bookcase and each shelf can be a year. Each shelf can then hold the holiday albums for the year.
Or, you could have a Pop Music Bookcase with the shelves holding different recording artists. Then on the shelf for the artist you can have each album of the artist.
Members can create the bookcase and add shelves to the bookcase as needed. Each album will have additional information about the album stored in the database, that information will be what bookcase the album is in, and what shelf the album is on in the bookcase. Of course supporting code for displaying the information will be needed; such as bringing up a bookcase and having a list of the shelves in the bookcase. Then one can list the albums on each shelf; or list all albums in the bookcase.