Birthdays Mod Support (Modzzz)

This is the support forum for the Birthdays mod.

Paypal email is -
Quote · 12 Feb 2011

A simple question for understand well:

different greetings are scheduled by cron ad send on user's birthday?

Thanks for the clarification


Quote · 12 Apr 2011

Yes, that is correct.

A simple question for understand well:

different greetings are scheduled by cron ad send on user's birthday?

Thanks for the clarification



Paypal email is -
Quote · 12 Apr 2011

Version 2.0.0 released. (see patches/version_2.0.0 folder)

Fixes problem where all components are not removed if mod is un-installed.

Paypal email is -
Quote · 12 Apr 2011



My members are complaining that their YEAR is showing...I want to be able to change the view on the home page to display different formant, otherwise, all my members with their birthday approaching as sending me emails asking to remove them from it...They do NOT want to SHOW their year...

Please can you change this to allow different format, like "Aug 23" Only...

screenshot and access are emailed to you!

Quote · 23 Aug 2011

Version 2.0.1 released. (see patches/version_2.0.1 folder)

Adds the ability for Admin to set the format of the Birth date displayed

Paypal email is -
Quote · 23 Aug 2011

Version 2.0.2 released. (see patches/version_2.0.2 folder)

Adds the ability for Admin to set the default display (today, week or month)

Paypal email is -
Quote · 13 Sep 2011

Version 2.0.3 released. (see patches/version_2.0.3 folder)

Adds Membership level control so Admin can decide which members can send Birthday Greetings. This is useful if you want to limit the functionality to paying members only etc.

Paypal email is -
Quote · 16 Nov 2011

 I got confused about how to send birthday greeting. Does that mean I have to do 1 for each day? Because I do not see  a selection in the setting where I can select [On member's birthday] I see dates, so that means, I have to set one for each day of the year. I check the birthday Mod. Because this is extremely not user friendly. Setting 365 birthday.

I believe should be a setting where I can check and select something like [On members birthday send email to inbox or/and email]

Quote · 5 Dec 2011

No, you do not set 365 birthday greetings. I am not that nonsensical. Month and Day are optional. If you want to create a general Birthday Greeting then you ignore month and day. However, you can also set special Birthday Greetings for particular days (eg. Thanksgiving or Christmas) that will override the general Greeting. That is when Month and Day comes into play.

Regarding the settings, those option already exist. Look in the settings block.

 I got confused about how to send birthday greeting. Does that mean I have to do 1 for each day? Because I do not see  a selection in the setting where I can select [On member's birthday] I see dates, so that means, I have to set one for each day of the year. I check the birthday Mod. Because this is extremely not user friendly. Setting 365 birthday.

I believe should be a setting where I can check and select something like [On members birthday send email to inbox or/and email]


Paypal email is -
Quote · 5 Dec 2011

Can there a captcha been added to the mail and to limit the longitud of the mail.


I got complains of robots posting to users because of not having captcha and easy acces to the send mail.


Greetings benjivds

Quote · 8 Feb 2012

and maybe important that it shows witch user sended the mail so we can take accion against spam thanks.

Quote · 8 Feb 2012

ok if someone want to put the captcha this one adds it after the title when they want to send a mail

in BxBlogsModule

look for

   function actionGreet($iProfileId) {
        if(! $this->_iProfileId) {
   login_form( _t( "_LOGIN_OBSOLETE" ), 0, false );
     $sRecipient = getNickName($iProfileId);

  $aForm = array(
            'form_attrs' => array(
                'name' => 'greet_form',
                'method' => 'post',
            'params' => array (
                'db' => array(
                    'submit_name' => 'send_greet',
            'inputs' => array(
                'title' => array(
                    'type' => 'text',
                    'name' => 'title',
                    'caption' => _t('_modzzz_birthday_form_caption_title'),
                    'required' => true,
                    'checker' => array (
                        'func' => 'length',
                        'params' => array(3,100),
                        'error' => _t ('_modzzz_birthday_form_err_title'),
                    'db' => array (
                        'pass' => 'Xss',
                    'display' => true,

and add this lines

'captcha' => array(
    'type' => 'captcha',
    'caption' => _t('_Enter what you see:'),
    'name' => 'securityImageValue',
     'required' => true,
     'checker' => array(
                 'func' => 'captcha',
                 'error' => _t( '_Incorrect Captcha' ),

before                 'message' => array(
                    'caption'  => _t('_modzzz_birthday_form_caption_message'),
                    'type'   => 'textarea',
                    'name' => 'message',
                    'required' => true,


that way you get the captcha between the title and the message

i hope there will be an update that will have this future integrated with also the person who sended the card so they can be backtracked.



Quote · 11 Feb 2012

Version 2.0.4 released. (see patches/version_2.0.4 folder)

Adds Captcha to Send Birthday Greeting form.
Adds the ability for Administrator to decide whether members are only allowed to send a birthday greeting on the actual birthday of the recipient.

Inclusion of email template to allow flexibility in modifying Send Birthday Greeting message.

Paypal email is -
Quote · 11 Feb 2012

Thanks for the change in the birthdays mod  now it works fine



Greetings benjivds


Great Mod

Quote · 12 Feb 2012

This mod has been updated for Dolphin 7.1

Paypal email is -
Quote · 9 Nov 2012

Birthdays Module  - This is now compatible with Dolphin 7.2 . For those upgrading from Dolphin 7.1, please check the upgrade folder for instructions.

Paypal email is -
Quote · 20 Sep 2015

Is there a way to get it to sort the birthdays into chronological order? Mine are all scrambled, some past, some coming up. But i want to show a whole month of birthdays at a time. Thanks!

You can't make chicken salad out of chicken shit.. although it does work the other way around!
Quote · 18 Apr 2018

@dentech3 - Do you have Couple Profiles on your site ?

Paypal email is -
Quote · 18 Apr 2018

The following file has been updated :


Paypal email is -
Quote · 18 Apr 2018

No, I don't have couples on my site.. I did download the new file, and upload it to my site, but nothing is being sorted, either by name or date.. and yes, I cleared cache and refreshed my screen!

You can't make chicken salad out of chicken shit.. although it does work the other way around!
Quote · 20 Apr 2018

@dentech3 - Please send a screenshot to my support email showing how the listings are appearing.

Paypal email is -
Quote · 21 Apr 2018

I'm sorry, I cannot find your email. I did message you through this site, but have not gotten a reply. 


I'm having trouble with the birthday list not sorting by date. I have it set to show a month at a time. It would be nice if the past birthdays dropped off as well, and that the module was picking up birthdays 30 days in advance, period. I'm concerned that it's picking up all the April birthdays, and won't show May's birthdays until May 1. I'm attaching a photo.



lacesistertime_com.png · 630.4K · 214 views
You can't make chicken salad out of chicken shit.. although it does work the other way around!
Quote · 30 Apr 2018

@dentech3 - I will do some further investigation into the matter.

Paypal email is -
Quote · 30 Apr 2018

Thank you! 

@dentech3 - I will do some further investigation into the matter.


You can't make chicken salad out of chicken shit.. although it does work the other way around!
Quote · 1 May 2018

The following file has been updated :


Paypal email is -
Quote · 4 May 2018

Dolphin 7.4 - The following file has been updated :


Paypal email is -
Quote · 26 Sep 2019
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.