have a problem with Mass Mailer, if I send the message as an admin, the
message does not transmit to the members, such as whether members fits
islands not receive the activation message. So if a member forgets his password he does not get the message sending password. but what is odd members can send messages between them but only if it connects to the site, but not in their own mail! Help me please!
version dolhin7
I have only problem with mass mailer... wont send to no one message... Sending message from member to another work ok. |
Yes sending the message to another member's work but when the admin mail message to members of their Staff Email does not work. and member forgets his password he does not get the message sending password.
It is a major problem HELP ME PLEASE
I resolve that problem with mass mailer yesterday... i have to edit cronjob in my cPanel... now is working, but i dont know is this the reason why, so dont take me for granted man... i updated cronjob for another reason... |
Ok, but I think its just "cron job" problem. at
the beginning of the installation there was no problem, but I delete
the script and I have to reinstall the second for another reason. thank you for the info Man I hope someone can help! |
I have told you how i fix this, thanks to Zarcon. Ask hem... |
You have not said how your resolved this problem! you just said you change your job cro. how you fix your cro job?
I just noticed that mail sent automatically by example forgot password are received by members but they are classified as spam!
thank you in advance
Any help would be appreciated.
My notify emails just sit in the queue.
I do not know how to go about resolving this issue.