Wow... i just ban a spam member and im surprise to see that this feature is SO BASIC on dolphin... this is a very big problem...
What happen when you ban a member on the website??? its only refuse him to login??
And what about Hide it from the member list ? user still see it and can send message to him.. and dont know that this member is ban....
And what about his post... still showing... all his content should be banned too... this member should be completly erased from the server when he s ban... I know i can use the delete member feature.. thats what i did... dont have choice!
But as a veteran webmaster... one of the most important thing to know.. is to NEVER delete banned member from your database.. this could be useful later in other case.. or if the member create another account...
Also.. what about banned IP when you ban a member...
Seriously.. i was expected more from the 7.1 version... the banned function still too basic.. please boonex do something!