Bad concept,bad coding,bad system

Dear 'developers' at boonex.The way you use to save data to the filesystem and across the database is really a shame.I really wonder about this absolutely non-conceptional kind of programming and mad ideas like saving different type of user accounts to different database-tables(user,admin,moderator).

Quote · 19 May 2009

Dear 'developers' at boonex.The way you use to save data to the filesystem and across the database is really a shame.I really wonder about this absolutely non-conceptional kind of programming and mad ideas like saving different type of user accounts to different database-tables(user,admin,moderator).

abd, who are you?

Do you have a web site so we can all take a look at your credentials?

Have you ever coded a social networking site?

Do you know the how to set up a database so it will scale quickly?

Have you ever worked with high volume sites?

Quote · 19 May 2009

abd could you do better?lol

Quote · 19 May 2009

abd, don't strain your brain. These questions are not difficult. It's one of those things that you either know or you don't.

Quote · 19 May 2009

@ashmozza: yes, i can.

@zeusworx: is this an interview for a job ?

i think every developer knows what i mean and why.and it looks to me like many other projects with bad code written by people who just learned to write spaghetti-code instead of clean structured mvc-design.

Quote · 19 May 2009

@ashmozza: yes, i can.

@zeusworx: is this an interview for a job ?

i think every developer knows what i mean and why.and it looks to me like many other projects with bad code written by people who just learned to write spaghetti-code instead of clean structured mvc-design.


So you have samples of your master code?

Let's start with that.

Quote · 19 May 2009


We are all waiting.

Question is not hard. Show some samples of your good master code.

Quote · 19 May 2009


my code wouldn't qualify the boonex code.but if you give me an idea for a short sample..why not.

Quote · 19 May 2009

abd, it's been over an hour and I can't even get a simple answer to my simple questions from you.

The reason I want to know is because I see many so-called programmers chime in here and start tearing Dolphin apart. I don't know why. Many remain anonymous behind some avatar name and that is fine with me. We all need to maintain a level of privacy.

The problem starts when you start making crits that you can't back up. It's easy to say what you said. I hear it all the time usually by some guy who has an axe to grind against Dolphin or is a direct competitor to the product.

Before you start writing checks that your mouth can't cash, why not think about it then prove it. You might save us all a lot of time and trouble. Who knows you might be doing us all a huge favor. Why not give us all specific examples of what you mean?

Prove your case or please STFU and sit down.

Prove your case please.

Thank you.

Quote · 19 May 2009

i have a site and samples.but i want to stay anonymous for now and fo course i will not post any url's of customer projects i made.

Quote · 19 May 2009

i have a site and samples.but i want to stay anonymous for now and fo course i will not post any url's of customer projects i made.


abd, you've made some sweeping statements about Dolphin. I now ask that you show me where you find fault with it. It would be good for me, the BoonEx team and anyone else who might be reading this. Again, you brought this up and not me.

In my view, for you to have made those statements, you've must of spent enough time with it to make such crits. How long have you worked with Dolphin? Are you familiar with all its classes? From your other post, it looks like you know little about the template system.

And no, this app is far from perfect. There is always room for improvement.

I defy anyone who makes these crits to prove their case. If you are going to say that Dolphin sucks then you have made the invitation to me and the BoonEx team to prove your case. Otherwise, keep it to yourself because all it does no good to anyone.

Quote · 19 May 2009

I think a main problem is the bad documentation. I'm working on my first project based on dolphin and it's really hard to get an entry in the template logic and the class-structure. Can you give some help?

Quote · 19 May 2009

I think a main problem is the bad documentation. I'm working on my first project based on dolphin and it's really hard to get an entry in the template logic and the class-structure. Can you give some help?

elfe you are right. This will give you a start

Quote · 19 May 2009

i'll try to explain my points:

1. because of the way you save the backend data splitted in files and to the database, the data is not portable.i work with multiple servers during development and keep them in sync trough svn.but i really don't want to have to commit files because i changed data in the backend.

2. query data gets cached in plain php-files.that's really bad because there are also all the password-hashes within.

3.sql-queries are not encapsulated in business-classes but built as strings with some string-replacements for templating.why don't you simply use entity classes for the database structure.this way you could have objects, with default values and central methods for the queries.

4. methods containing logic or managing data from queries should not build strings with html-output , that's the job of the template.

and that are some of the points that make code hard to read and to extend, because i have to read every line of code until i get to the interesting locations.

Quote · 19 May 2009

abd, quick reply and then I have to get some work done:

1. A choice had to be made between portability or speed. Hard to have both.

2. Cache pages are for speed and scalability.

3. That one I will agree, hence, more objects in Dolphin 7.

4. You need to understand the template system better.

I think if you spend more time on the code you'll get a good idea of what BoonEx is trying to do.

Quote · 19 May 2009

1. A choice had to be made between portability or speed. Hard to have both.

If you build the right db-structure for your app, create the right indexes and make optimized queries, there's no reason for such a shared model.

2. Cache pages are for speed and scalability.

that's right, but there ready-to-run frameworks that also offer a secure way for caching.also i would recommend an in-memory cache instead of filesystem because I/O is a big performance break.

3. That one I will agree, hence, more objects in Dolphin 7.

I hope with a standard design pattern.

4. You need to understand the template system better.

I agree with this point.I'll report here if my oppinion changes.

Quote · 19 May 2009

Everyone's a critic and there is always a better way. I am sure boonex company did what they did for reason.

abd I don't see you posting FREE community builder apps anywhere. If you post people will do the same to you.

Why don't you build something better and post it free since you are so knowledgeable. What I see is boonex has proof of what they have done and you have nothing to show exept complaints.

Quote · 19 May 2009

Everyone's a critic and there is always a better way. I am sure boonex company did what they did for reason.

abd I don't see you posting FREE community builder apps anywhere. If you post people will do the same to you.

Why don't you build something better and post it free since you are so knowledgeable. What I see is boonex has proof of what they have done and you have nothing to show exept complaints.

that's the't hard to build something new with that codebase.

Quote · 19 May 2009

@ashmozza: yes, i can.

@zeusworx: is this an interview for a job ?

i think every developer knows what i mean and why.and it looks to me like many other projects with bad code written by people who just learned to write spaghetti-code instead of clean structured mvc-design.

abd if you can build better Dolphin then show your work. Why not share it free? If you have nothing to show then it is all talk. This forum invites many critics and talkers but they cannot back up their claim. I see fancy words being used that I can also google. All theory and no substance. Like zues said show me the money! Maybe you should go work on your app then when it is ready you can show us your better community builder. Then people will tear it down too.

Quote · 19 May 2009

yes ,you can google everything ,but that doesn't mean that you also understand.if i code for money, it is quality work.

and this system is not free software, just don't tell me about google and fancy words while i talk about the facts.

Quote · 19 May 2009

yes ,you can google everything ,but that doesn't mean that you also understand.if i code for money, it is quality work.

and this system is not free software, just don't tell me about google and fancy words while i talk about the facts.

the facts are you have nothing to show for what you say - no site no sample no name no free app from you

why are you here except to shit on the product? what purpose are you trying to serve here

if you can't improve it by offering your better solution then STFU! you are wasting our time by whining about dolphin then not offering anything better.

you have nothing to offer here. go on your way and make your better app somewhere else.

Quote · 19 May 2009

yes ,you can google everything ,but that doesn't mean that you also understand.if i code for money, it is quality work.

and this system is not free software, just don't tell me about google and fancy words while i talk about the facts.

I have to say " A big So What! " to all your critisms here. Its widely understood that dolphin is an ongoing project, and Bonnex themselves have said that with the release of dolphin 7 (which is why they are taking their time releasing it) that boonex didnt want to make the same mistakes they made with the rushed release of dolphin 6. i like Dolphin, it has its problems, nothing is perfect and like i said, it's an on going project that will just get better and better. dont really see the point to your complaining other than to try and make out you could do better. Well if you can, then get on with it, trying to debase boonex for its coding is really going nowhere other than to get peoples backs up. Anybody that uses dolphin knows there is nothing better out there ( i know ive looked) so dont really see the point. Have you got an actual point or do you just like to complain, when really nobodys much cares so long as it works.

Quote · 19 May 2009

He wasn't very polite with the way he expressed it, and those certainly are sweeping generalizations, but there are things I don't like about the way Dolphin data is managed either.   Anything you put in the "pre-defined values" table, for example, ends up embedded in some PHP code.  I added an "industry" table there but it doesn't end up in mySQL, so is not possible to use with other applications or for better database management.



Quote · 19 May 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.