BUG Report before Dolphin 7.1 Release

1) First of all the the captcha doesnt display with the newest SVN.


2) Upon installation there are a few empty folders that are missing which we have to create on our own.


3) When I go to articles and do a category search then the entire layout is broken


4) In the login box the "forgot password" should be in the middle, but the current position looks a bit rushed. Please align it under the "login button".


5) The website title is made with Css3, unfortunately text shadow is not supported in internet explorer 8 and 9. 


6) the tick boxes are not perfectly aligned with the text


7) Status message should be in green.


8) When I try to add a group I get: checkAction() fatal error. Unknown action ID: 0


9) Flash modules dont seem to work, tested Chat which endlessly tries to connect.


10) Add some more space between the tick boxes and labels. Also styling the tick boxes to fit the layout would be good.


11) In the store its impossible to see the "Add more Buttons". They seem to be hidden under the upload file search. I noticed when I zoomed in, they only show partially.


12) The Album upload page button "Select File" and "Cancel uploads" is horrible. They use two different fonts and it looks as if the whole buttons were scaled verticaly. Make them aligned and readable.


13) In the store its impossible to see the "Add more Buttons". They seem to be hidden under the upload file search. I noticed when I zoomed in, they only show partially.


14) Inaccurate displaying of the animation of the flash music player? Checked it with a music that has equal strength in the entire frequency spectrum.


15) We cant choose file size limits in admin section!


Additional) You should add some space between all those elements, it looks too crowded!
You should style the browse buttons to make them fit the current white layout.

We need an option for NO FOLLOW

Allow users to add pictures for their music uploads.

Membership badges images mod integration

Quote · 11 Oct 2012

Found another bug:

As a admin if I click on pending members it says "page empty" eventhough there is something to confirm.

Quote · 11 Oct 2012


2) Upon installation there are a few empty folders that are missing which we have to create on our own.

 Sorry if i sound rude but i still think bugs should be reported after betas. Sealed

so much to do....
Quote · 12 Oct 2012

Thank you for reports.

Some of the reported issues were fixed.

Some of them are because of incorrect checkout/setup.  

It's better to wait for the official beta, to report bugs, but some of the critical ones or very obvious are very welcome now. 

Rules → http://www.boonex.com/terms
Quote · 18 Oct 2012


1) First of all the the captcha doesnt display with the newest SVN.

  •  Yes it does, you have to enable it with the keys..working AS of SVN 17041

2) Upon installation there are a few empty folders that are missing which we have to create on our own.

  • The beta is not released, so the work is still being performed.. creating the folders is very easy..

3) When I go to articles and do a category search then the entire layout is broken

  • Read answer above.. 

4) In the login box the "forgot password" should be in the middle, but the current position looks a bit rushed. Please align it under the "login button".

  • Read answer number two again..


5) The website title is made with Css3, unfortunately text shadow is not supported in internet explorer 8 and 9. 

  •  WOW, the complaints never stop
  • If you were to have read all the notes, Andrew Boon tells you again, this is an option for webmasters that do not have logo's. Make your own and apply shadowing and upload like you do for 7.0.9

6) the tick boxes are not perfectly aligned with the text

  •  Read answer number two again..


7) Status message should be in green.

  •  Change that in css, I like mine to be Florida Gator Orange..

8) When I try to add a group I get: checkAction() fatal error. Unknown action ID: 0

  •  That's because the Beta is not done..

9) Flash modules dont seem to work, tested Chat which endlessly tries to connect.

  • Default chat does work, just don't go into the Flash Apps setting and try to register it; it will stop working if you do.. So will four other modules.. hence still not in Beta 

10) Add some more space between the tick boxes and labels. Also styling the tick boxes to fit the layout would be good.

  • If you read the Spring cleaning post by Andrew Boon, he states they are cleaning up "layouts and the look"

 11) In the store its impossible to see the "Add more Buttons". They seem to be hidden under the upload file search. I noticed when I zoomed in, they only show partially.

  •  ? Screenshot please

12) The Album upload page button "Select File" and "Cancel uploads" is horrible. They use two different fonts and it looks as if the whole buttons were scaled verticaly. Make them aligned and readable.

  •  That has been fixed as of SVN 17041

13) In the store its impossible to see the "Add more Buttons". They seem to be hidden under the upload file search. I noticed when I zoomed in, they only show partially.


14) Inaccurate displaying of the animation of the flash music player? Checked it with a music that has equal strength in the entire frequency spectrum.

  •  Your kidding right?

15) We cant choose file size limits in admin section!

  •  That is why it is set in php.ini, I don't see that ever changing without a special mod
  • To the following below,
  • IT's still not in BETA

Additional) You should add some space between all those elements, it looks too crowded!
You should style the browse buttons to make them fit the current white layout.

We need an option for NO FOLLOW

Allow users to add pictures for their music uploads.

Membership badges images mod integration

 In other words, when the Beta is finally released... Blast them then.. Right now your wasting your time....

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 18 Oct 2012

Not a bug, but the UNI template layout for the forums is in SVN, the ALT is not...

I created mine to use..for my demo..

It's attached below

upload to modules/boonex/forums/layout/

7.1 Alt Forum Layout.zip · 36.4K · 202 downloads
ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 18 Oct 2012

Thanks for the alt template Newton.  Will try to install it in a few.

Ultra Newb reporting for duty.
Quote · 15 Nov 2012
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.