I am posting this to help others who may have a desire to understand how this works.
I want to add a link to the default "Site Stats" on the home page.
(I know that I can add the link in other ways but I want to do it this way to help my understanding of Special Blocks in Dolphin 7.1)
Here we go...
on the home page I have a block called "Site Stats"
go in to Admin and then the Page builder,
select the Homepage,
click the hyperlink on the "Site Stats"
It displays a block
The block type is "Special Block"
The Key is "_Site Stats"
I then go to my database and I query the sys_page_compose table for rows related to this caption
It returns one row.
The only field that seems to possibly tie to a function is in a column called Func.
The name of the Function in the field is "SiteStats"
I now do a case sensitive string search for the "SiteStats" on a copy of the entire Dolphin 7.1 website.
It shows "SiteStats" to be located in 3 files.
1. cachedb_sys_page_compose.inc_SOMEGUID.php
2. incclassesBxDolInstaller.php
3. templatesbasescriptsBxBaseIndexPageView.php
So my first guess is that the Special Block is being rendered based on something in the file under templatesbasescripts.
I open the BxBaseIndexPageView.php file.
I search for "SiteStats"
I find one function that seems to be related.
function getBlockCode_SiteStats()
return array(getSiteStatUser(), array(), array(), false);
I did not see what I was looking for here.
I now do a case sensitive string search for the "getSiteStatUser" on a copy of the entire Dolphin 7.1 website.
It shows "getSiteStatUser" to be located in 3 files.
1. incclassesBxDolPageView.php
2. incdesign.inc.php
3. and the file I just had open. (BxBaseIndexPageView.php)
So I open the BxDolpageView.php file.
Here is the function I find...
function getBlockCode_MemberStat()
return getSiteStatUser();
I think that function is getting the data that is displayed.
So I open the design.inc.phpfile.
Here is the function I find...
function getSiteStatUser()
global $aStat;
$aStat = getSiteStatArray();
$sCode = '<div class="siteStatMain">';
foreach($aStat as $aVal)
$sCode .= $GLOBALS['oFunctions']->getSiteStatBody($aVal);
$sCode .= '<div class="clear_both"></div></div>';
return $sCode;
That looks a lot better. :-)
I added the word test in the div.
$sCode .= '<div class="clear_both"></div>TEST</div>';
I uploaded the file, cleared my cache, reloaded and it worked.
I had the word test at the bottom of my site stats.