Audio/Video instant messenger (AndrewP)

AndrewP "Audio/Video instant messenger" support thread is here.

Quote · 9 Aug 2014

hass this been tested using an Apple device? Is there a test site? I am interested, but the last time I spent $120 on a module, it did not work completely.
Quote · 10 Aug 2014

The module is installed at my demo website:
However you should understand, that in order to test it - you need a companion. The video call button is placed at profile page.
You can make an appointment with me by PM (I am available in day time to demonstrate the module's possibilities)

I am not sure about apple devices. Because it is not listed in supported browsers (refer to


>As of August 2014, Internet Explorer and Safari still lack the native support of WebRTC. Several plugins are available to add the support of WebRTC to these browsers.[17][18]

However, that 18th link ( tells that:

> Today, Temasys announced that it now provides universal support for webRTC video and audio across all major desktop web browsers, including Microsoft’s Internet Explorer and Apple’s Safari web browsers.

> The Temasys plugin will let any webRTC-based website work on Microsoft’s Internet Explorer and Apple’s Safari web browsers. The solution was designed and tested to work with Internet Explorer versions 9, 10, and 11, and current versions of Safari on Microsoft windows, and MacOS X.


Thus, I suppose, that you should try this plugin.

Quote · 11 Aug 2014


I have tested module with Andrew on his site and I must say it looks very cool.... and it works great!

Saving money.... ha ha

Good work AndrewP!!



"When things get tough the tough get going..."
Quote · 11 Aug 2014

Hi Andrew I am considering purchasing this mod for my site. Does it come with a not available button, so a member that is online can display a 'Not Available' for video chats and therefore stops other members making a request to video/audio chat with them? Also is there a busy option, so that a member that is in a chat can display 'Busy' notice? Also can a member block other members from requesting a video/audio chat?

Quote · 28 Aug 2014

Hello, this is to no purpose. In order to make a call, both should be online (available). So, if your recipient is offline, you can not see the 'call' button

Quote · 28 Aug 2014

But how does a member stop other members calling them when online?... What I worry about is members getting harassed  with calls from other members. Similar to skype or any video chat, you can block people, show as busy, show as off line, etc.

I run an adult site, and I wouldn't want people continually harassing other people with calls.

Quote · 28 Aug 2014

Yes, you can add people to block list (as you do in case of messaging). Moreover, when you are talking with someone, you can not accept a new call, because your camera is busy in this moment

Quote · 29 Aug 2014

Thanks Andrew. Would you consider in a future upgrade making it so a member can stop all calls whilst online, and turn it on when they want to accept calls?

Quote · 29 Aug 2014

Basically, you always can do it. When someone is calling you, you may accept the call or you can ignore it.

If someone really bothers you, you may add him to the block list, so he will not disturb you anymore :-)

Anyway, if you have any other interesting and useful ideas - you always can offer them to me to implement them in this module (but before that, I think that you need to work with this module for some time to understand what would be useful)

Quote · 29 Aug 2014

Hi Andrew

I installed the mod. Some members are not happy that there is no way to stop calls coming through unless they put themselves in 'off line' mode.

My only other option is to make another similar membership level, without the IM access. But this means my members have to keep changing their membership type if they do want to video chat with someone. Members don't want to have to keep clicking the ignore button..especially if a lot of people are trying to video chat with them. It becomes annoying, and a few members have just logged off because of this.

There must be a way for members to be seen online, but be able to stop calls coming in. All video chats have this option.

Quote · 2 Sep 2014


It is getting stuck at Connecting to peer... each user can view their own video but the other screen is blank and then I get a message Connection fail. Advise? Thanks.

Quote · 26 Oct 2014

The connection issue appears to be browser settings.

Quote · 28 Oct 2014

Everything should work. In the latest version I added responsive styles, so, the module should work properly even on mobile devices now. Confirmatory photos were added on the product page.

Quote · 20 Nov 2014

Hello Andrew,

I bought your product few days ago and I found some problems:

1º Fullscreen does not show the windows size of the video-conference correctly. (I tested with: mozz +chrome)

I have the same size in normal view that in fullscreen.

2º If one user dont have camera and the other yes, can they send text message?

3º If one user receives a notification of call and after that, he reject the call, the emisor is waiting for the connection with no time limits. In these cases, is posible to set a timeout?

Thanks in advance.

evidence.doc · 24.5K · 444 downloads
Quote · 16 Dec 2014


I'm really sorry about the delay, didn't notice your message earlier.

1. The fullscreen mode is adjusted to work with default dolphin template. Did you try it with another custom template? In this case, yes, probably you will need to adjust some styles of the fullscreen mode.

2. Yes, it should be possible

3. This feature is added in latest version. The timeout is 25 seconds

Today the module was updated for dolphin 7.2.0

Quote · 24 Sep 2015

AndrewP for Web Chat for groups using WebRTC -


Couple of things before I try this out.  1. Can you set it up to have users resize and move video feeds wherever they want on the screen? 2. Can you have separate buttons to turn on and off audio and video individually? 3. Does this have to be placed in a group module or can one use it is a replacement for the stock a/v chat room that comes with Dolphin? 4. If this works with member levels on dolphin, can you have a way to right click on the video feed and have an option to private message the user and/or view their profiles from their video feed? 5. Is there a limit to number of video feeds in a room at one time? I doubt that every user will be on at once, but I'd need it to work for whomever wants to turn on their cam whenever they want. 6. Can there be a way to set it up with a link to other browsers that work or to whateve r plugin needed for WebRTC so it's a fairly painless process for when Mac users start complaining that it doesn't work for them? Or a link that says mac users click here - and it takes them to the standard flash chat built in with Dolphin as a plan b for them?


Thanks in advance! Looking forward!

Quote · 28 Sep 2015

Hello, how do you plan to use it? Because I am a bit confused with your questions.

This module (video chat for groups) is like a common chat, that allows fans to speak together.

1. In general - this is possible, but for what? Your screen is already smaller than of your companions. It should be convenient to talk with 4-5 people simultaneously

2. by default, you can on/off only your own video stream

3. this is not a replacement, this is new (additional) module

4. for private conversations, it is possible to create a new private group, or you can use another my module - AV Chat (that is not for groups)

5. usually this is one room per group

6. as I know, most modern browsers support webrtc now. I don't have any MAC to test, but I think that it supports webrtc as well

Quote · 2 Dec 2015

were do you get the Your Serial Key?

Quote · 31 May 2016

I installed the product but can't use it 24 hours after, because no one can tell me where I can find : Your serial key.

Quote · 16 Aug 2016

Is this module working for anyone? I installed module per instructions it didn't work. I installed signal server changed module to use signal server and still nothing. When I click video call button only a grey faded screen appears no connection. Any advice?

Quote · 30 Oct 2017
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.