Hi...I got a problem with my site.
How I can get backup if I clear all cache files...
Hi...I got a problem with my site. How I can get backup if I clear all cache files... |
Please explain your problem first. Can't understand so much to do.... |
When I installed SimpleShareMeId...I follow step by step.But after step6...I got a problem with my site.... I add attachment Instal.txt And in step 6...I got problem. Thank you. |
Clearing the cache is normal procedure for a lot of mods. Also normal procedure during regular maintaince of dolphin as well. https://www.deanbassett.com |
What is the error and did you cleared your cache through ftp if yes did you leave the .htaccess file in the cache and cache_public folders? As deano said we need info about error to help you. so much to do.... |
Everything is ok...We get back my site...
Thank you. |
Good luck :) Everything is ok...We get back my site...
Thank you.
so much to do.... |