Is tehre anyway to make the article page be part of the builder? I want to add another column and have some other items on the article pages.
Is tehre anyway to make the article page be part of the builder? I want to add another column and have some other items on the article pages. Thanks. Cory |
Thanks again, and I did search and came up with no results so I doubt it has been that many, maybe 1 trillion. |
Well, i looked through all of mrpowless's blogs and am not seeing one about changing the Article page using the builder. He does have some other great tips though. Cory |
I don't think Mr. Sunshine even bothered to read, much less understand your question. This question certainly hasn't been posted multiple times today. Bologna.
I will keep an eye open and see if I can find an answer to this. I haven't seen this question before & I don't remember reading any tutorials about it either. If I run across something I will let you know.
...............unless you really wanted another lecture instead of actual help to resolve your question :P
EDIT: I think the tutorial that the overly friendly fellow was referring to earlier is HERE
You may have to register to view the video & I'm not sure that it will really solve your problem, but there ya go. |
You know what Mr. Happy? I don't really don't care what you think about me.
You troll around here bitching at people & giving lectures. You offer precious little help. That takes a whole lot of brains now doesn't it? Anyone here could do that.
If you used your head you would realize that 99% of all questions probably already *have* been answered. That means they are also search-able. So what are you going to do? Are you going to go around insulting everyone who is foolish enough to ask a question when *YOU* are online? Maybe they should just lock new posts all together, would that satisfy you? Not much point in even having forums when most everything has been asked already, right?
As far as the "edit" goes.... I went offline at about 3am and didn't get back on until around 1pm so I don't have a clue what the hell you are talking about. Everything that is in that post was there by the time I went offline early this morning. Try reading the damned post next time before running your big mouth & calling people names.
As for calling you a "liar" - I didn't call you a liar. I stated fact. Have a look around and tell me where you see how......
"this has been cover 2 trillion and 4 times so far today"
Better yet, show me where it was even covered at all yesterday. So either you are lying or you aren't. I don't have to call you anything - the facts speak for themselves.
Since you have such a negative attitude towards anyone who you deem to be less intelligent than you, Slap Happy, why do you bother reading posts at all? Just to rip into whoever wrote them? Does it give you some kind of pleasure to treat people like crap? Apparently it does because you've been doing it a lot lately.
I don't know, or care, what your problem is. I'm just sick to death of reading the rude comments you are leaving for people, including me. It serves no purpose other than to boost your ego & that's not why the rest of us are here.
If you don't want to answer some-one's question MOVE ON. Simple huh? Nobody asked for your insults or preaching.
I thought Unity had done away with this kind of belligerence, rudeness, and general contempt for others. Why any one person is allowed to stomp around like you have been doing is beyond me. You act like you own the place.
I've known a lot of people like you, Colonel Chirpy. Not one of them was ever worth my time to begin with & you're no exception to that rule. That said, I had better quit typing. I'm sure there is some newbie on here who is looking forward to being abused - for your entertainment.
I've requested that you be told to lay off of this trip you seem to be on, and I'm going to request it again since you clearly didn't get the memo. There is no need for this - but you know that already huh perky?
Wow, I really must admit it....... you are a Dolphin genius.
I don't know why anyone would feel compelled to prove anything to you - let alone myself. I don't *have* to prove anything because I don't troll the forums making grandiose statements and belittling everyone.
What you are posting isn't *sarcasm* - it's unadulterated crap intended to make you look better than everyone else.
I really don't think you understand the purpose of having a support forum. People are here to learn, not be slammed at every turn. But you either don't get it, or don't care. I think it's the latter.
What you are doing is trolling & flaming. You know it and so does everyone else. Why you are allowed to continue doing it is beyond me. I don't care what you've done in the past - this is now.
Obviously nobody is going to stop you - so be my guest - tear everyone a new bunghole & call it sarcasm. I don't really care. I've about had it with all the ego trips & insults that come from whoever decides they are the *know all* when it comes to Dolphin.
What you know isn't the point. The fact that you supposedly know so much, yet choose to come here specifically NOT to share it is. If you think that is intelligent there is nothing anyone can say to you. You're the shibbitz man - really. The real deal. The big cheese. The Alpha male. A God. Capable of leaping tall buildings in a single bound.
I will now bow to you and slither back to my peasant's quarters.
Whatever man. You've got a real problem. You. |
I need this like I need a another hole in my head.
Look pal, you do whatever you want. If this is what Unity is going to be about, I don't need to be here anymore.
Adios |
Wow, mydatery, what is the point of acting like that? Arent we all here to try to help others, and not hold what you do know over others heads? I know how to add a completely new page to the page builder, not very complicated. I am trying to add an existing area of the site to the page builder, and nothing in countless searches, or tutorials from MPowerless say how to add the articles section of the site (or any other existing section like the Events or Polls page) to the page builder so I can customize a new column. There are posts on how to edit the php file to put in another column, but nothing to add it to the page builder. Not at all the same as adding a completely new page. Try reading the question correctly before being a deliberate ass to people for no reason. Cory |
I see this is another dead-end and useless thread on this forum.... suggest you start another one. Shared Dolphin Hosting w/RMS |