AndrewP "Points - Gifts - Affiliate System" support thread is here.
product itself located at:
AndrewP "Points - Gifts - Affiliate System" support thread is here. product itself located at: |
I'm a newbie to this module and I'm hoping someone can give a few tips on putting it to best use. My main concern at the moment is not to get caught giving money to members simply because they uploaded some photo's etc. That would obviously defeat the purpose of it. Also I'm wondering about the free Ipod business. I don't want to buy somebody a free Ipod if I'm not making profit out of it! I've only just installed the module but think that I should set it up correctly as soon as possible. Any help would be greatly appreciated. |
Would It be possible to allow other members to post in gifts shop, and once someone purchases gift with points transfers to seller for virtual items / or into escrow for physical items , then once buyer confirms receipt... points transfer to seller. Of course item count would decrese and once none (0) gift item not listed or not allow purchase...
Thank You if this can be done, A feature that would sell allot of this script... And make it a one of a kind.... well worth your time to program in... Thank You, Rev Jeff Thornton
Hello, I have a compatibilty problem with this mode with a Template |
Hi BangLoungeFM, make sure that in your custom template UNO you have <bx_injection:injection_between_content_footer /> in your _sub_footer.html file of UNO template (this injection key should present in this file by default) plus, possible clean all caches (or disable it for time of checking) will solve this problem. plus will need to investigate it more close, give me your website URL to view to it in firebug (by PM) |
Thx Andrew for your help some solution from Andrew for all my Template Probelm All problem on my page are from the template and not from the moduel Ok, I see issue.
second point:
Next, points $ gifts module ..
And this one is for the suggestion module
div.subMenusContainer { (top_menu.css (line 208))
Everywhere I have looked in the demo, I can not find any store view! Sorry for my English! |
Everywhere I have looked in the demo, I can not find any store view! Ok see theses mods: PS: If possible do not write me personally, please try to ask on the forum first |
Don't you think it's just a little inappropriate to advertise your mods in someone else's product support thread? My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
Don't you think it's just a little inappropriate to advertise your mods in someone else's product support thread?
I just got an answer to the question. If I gave links to third modules that would be normal for you? PS: If possible do not write me personally, please try to ask on the forum first |
Now I know if I was misunderstood. My English is not the best. Sorry for my English! |
Now I know if I was misunderstood. My English is not the best. You you mean Andrew's module is not true. You can spend your points only for buying the gifts. PS: If possible do not write me personally, please try to ask on the forum first |
You you mean Andrew's module is not true. You can spend your points only for buying the gifts. Why, this is false too. Earned points you can many ways: * yes, to purchase e-gifts so - many ways to spend it |
I added store block to (bottom right block) I made this block visible only for members, so please join to see it. current website is live, I decided to remove this block :) |
Just something I was looking for! Thank you! Sorry for my English! | |
Wait me a little, 2 days max. I redeveloping it using new ideas. It will much, much more better. I removing wasting code, making it more professional, and must more user friendly ! |
Ok so how long before it will be ready, and i hope its gonna stay the same price lol. |
@Andrey Please Andrey... If you update your module, add at least a notification (Email template) that will be sent to the recipient of a gift to let him/her know that he/she received something ;-) And adding an option for the Admin to choose if the member can add or not a message with the gift will be very nice too ;-) Life is a fatal disease, sexually transmissible - Virginity is carcinogenic! Ask here for vaccine. |
I forgot... A filter/search fuction is needed in the Admin part to allow the admin to easily manage members points ;-) Life is a fatal disease, sexually transmissible - Virginity is carcinogenic! Ask here for vaccine. |
So, currently I made big update. Code become more pretty and stable. Re-factored whole code. Plus going to change a little allocate system, so it will more comfortable (not only search). Can suggest play with demo and check screenshotes of product. Currently I have to implement more useful functional in this module and remove useless. Price will same, don`t worry. Plus (maybe) will create some professional affiliate system based on this module, but without electronic points ;-) - it will useful for full business models. |
I have a question for you AndrewP before I move on to reviewing this product for a purchase or not. I appreciate the upfront honesty in your ad on the market, so I want to make sure what this is: 1. Is this an IONCube type product where we need to ensure we have IONCube on our servers in order to utilize it? 2. The licensing? Does it make one call back to a server somewhere to verify the license upon install or is this a call back everytime it's utilized? Thinking server resources and is this product iFramed in (meaning it's actually on someone else's server) or are ALL the source files open and placed directly onto our servers? Just some honest questions as I personally never install any module into my servers that has to make repeated license calls or has the opportunity to scrape me for member data. |
IONCube? mm, what is this? current module is my own module, don`t worry. Made by me 2. This module don`t have any hidden iframes etc. After installing - this will only your! I don`t require any extra verifications. All sources working only at your side. Very strange questions. |
How are the questions strange AndrewP? IONCube is a simple server item that is necessary to verify licensing on 3rd party software, use wikipedia, it will help you understand it. Next up on the calls out to verify the license. You posted in your Ad in the market for this product that it's good for one site and one site only and that it requires a license. All I'm asking is what means are you using for license verification.
I don`t using any 3rd party software here, I don`t use any IONCube, I don`t using any extra licensing. During installation you uploading new module into your dolphin, after goto dolphin admin panel - page with modules, selecting my new module in list of not installed modules and click 'install' button. Thats all. Yes, I prefer that my work used at 1 domain only, for second domain (for your own honestly) - I prefer that you take another license of this product. But I not forcing you. This is just on yours. If I will feel that my customers neglect this - I`ll find some solution. |
*you even can withdraw (optional) earned points is this a cash for points withdrawel via Paypal????
Thanks |
Yes, via paypal or any other custom method (which will save member in its details) |
Hi Andrew, Is this a recommended update for existing users? And, if I update will I lose some settings and need to re-apply them? |
Yes, that would be much better commonly, structure of tables was not changed, but all rest SQL - important, so I advice to save your settings, remove from install.sql and uninstall.sql all actions for create/remove own tables, and - reinstall module. |
Andrew, I wanted to know the setting change needed for the input box for the Points and Gifts when entering the items into the GIFTS STORE. I have checked all CSS files for the values, and even used Firebug, but cannot trace the values to a specific file. The width of 196px is way too narrow for input. Even Monkeys and Retards get it right with repitition! - Author Unknown |
Hi andrew.. I'm new here. I wanna open a social network with point systems for sharing. I would like to use AndrewP Points - Gifts - Affiliate System for this purpose. But, i want to use IBDW SpyWall and Facebook Friend Inviter also. will these mods integrate with AndrewP Points - Gifts - Affiliate System?? If my users share the photos or comments etc... in IBDW SpyWall, the poitns will be counted by AndrewP Points - Gifts - Affiliate System?? and the same thing with Friend Inviter?? |
2 richmanfl sorry, not noticed your question before.
.form_input_file, .form_input_select, .form_input_select_multiple, .form_input_select_box, .form_input_slider, .input_wrapper_select_box .form_input_text {
background-color: #FFFFFF;
border: 1px solid #999999;
margin-bottom: 1px;
width: 198px;
2 riffaz My module linked with All default dolphin modules, not with custom modules. It will impossible to pre-link of all custom modules which present in market. But, you always can add alerts from other custom modules. I using dolphin alert system in my module. So if another custom modules using alerts too - it will mean that it will possible to link both modules. btw, IBDW SpyWall using own methods to share photos? It not using boonex photos module? |
I have upgraded my site to 7.0.7 and find that the interface in the Points/Gifts do not properly read the new interface to the Membership levels. There are only 2 lines showing Custom Levels an System Levels, and they are not linked at all to the membership levels. So I uninstalled, re-uploaded the 2.0.1 version, and re-installed and cleared the cache. Not working.
Not compatible at all with the 7.0.7 format of Membership levels. Even Monkeys and Retards get it right with repitition! - Author Unknown |
Are you assigned wished prices in points for your custom mem levels? also you can attach screeenshot for better understanding of problem |
I have checked the settings and made sure: Use buy membership for points functionality:CHECKED When you click on memberships, in the points module, there is just 2 text lines and none of them link to anything. See attached! I go into Admin> Membership levels, and all levels and prices work fine.
Richard Even Monkeys and Retards get it right with repitition! - Author Unknown |
Hello Richard, I prepared full explanation to you how to use memberships |
Andrew, I have had the memberships already setup with points for over a year. I upgraded the Dolphin to 7.0.7 and your module does not read ANY LEVELS within the site which are paid levels anymore. There is new PHP files in the administration/membership that your module does not read properly. I already had membership levels in place and also have points assigned to those levels for over 1 year. Then I upgrade Dolphin and now when you click on MEMBERSHIPS in the POINTS & GIFTS 2.0.1 module, it no longer reads the existing membership levels at all..... not even the Standard, Promotion, or Non-Member levels show in your module anymore. The detailed explanation you show is not 7.0.7 website on Dolphin. There is new admin interface to membership levels in 7.0.7. which is incompatible with your module. Other modules in the site which read the membership levels work fine. Please check on an upgraded site. Even Monkeys and Retards get it right with repitition! - Author Unknown |
Ok another reply to this issue. I have taken a domain which had no Dolphin, and setup a dummy domain. Installed 7.0.7 as per instructions, and then applied the Points Gifts module. The site has 3 membership levels in addition to the normal system-based STANDARD, PROMOTIONAL, NON-MEMBER levels. All had prices set. I installed the Points and Gifts 2.0.1 module. I went into the site and went to MODULES>POINTS AND GIFTS in the admin panel I went to the SETTINGS in the points and gifts module and checked the "Use buy membership for points functionality". Then i clicked on the Memberships tab in the points and gifts module, and NOT A SINGLE membership level shows at all! Not the system defined ones or the custom ones. This shows that the points/gifts module is not capable at this time (version 2.0.1) of supporting the Dolphin 7.0.7 membership levels for points. Even Monkeys and Retards get it right with repitition! - Author Unknown |
During changes in 7.0.7 regarding memberships - I updated my module. Now it able to work with 7.0.7 too. And this is again 7.0.x compatible (you can use it in any dolphin subversion) |
Hello , Thanks Yousaf Riaz |
Are you deleting my posts ?
You are neither replying nor fixing this bug in your code .
How to recreate steps
1: assume there are 2 users in the dolphin and they are friends scott and victoria
2: login as scott , search for friends , select victoria from the list and click it .
3: you will able to see victoria wall and you can use from the menu above to go to victoria's ( profile - info - friends - GIFTS - Blog - Photos )
4: as soon as you hit gifts the session changes automatically to scott and if you click blog , photos you will video onwards you'll see Scott's stuff instead of victoria
5: if you don't click on gifts tab and keep on clicking other tabs it works fine .
Please suggest ,
Thanks |
Terrible customer service !! Don't buy from this Guy !! |
Andrew Fixed all the issued I had afterwards , He was on vacations when all this happened . |
This module has been updated. It is available for Dolphin 7.1 now. |
I have changed servers and module lists in installed modules and when I recompile languages it says"Cannot recompile module from "aramis/gifts/" directory Failed". I have tried to uninstall the module and it says "Cannot uninstall module from "aramis/gifts/" directory Failed". How can I remove this module so it will acknowledge it as a Not Installed Modules? |
Hi Linda, First version is: what is your dolphin version? 7.0.x? or Did you update your dolphin till 7.1.0 ? Anyway, make sure that during changing your server you didn't forget something. Please check if you can see folder 'aramis' in your 'modules' folder. And also confirm that you have folder 'gifts' inside that folder. |
New features: |