This is support thread of F-Chat module
This is support thread of F-Chat module |
is there a simpler version of this that just has the im feature?.. i would like the instant messaging part of it but not the main rooms, and i would want in in the bottom task bar instead of in the tabs at the top MY SITES general social networking | niche site |
What is bottom task bar? If you mean bottom member menu bar, that you can just install simple messenger in order to get only IM, in case of my module - if you don't want main chat - you always can remove destination page from navigation menu. |
yes i ment the bottom member bar, i dont want to use simple messenger cause i HATE simple messenger MY SITES general social networking | niche site |
Then - you always can try to use my new module, you even can remove whole bottom member menu bar if you like |
Just judging by testing it on your site: Where's the minimize button for the instant (private) chat window and why it does not dock into the bottom panel like the simple chat does? Where's the feature for some chat history? Like in simple messenger? And are there notification emails if you are sent a chat message while offline? Admin setting to display last members - can be there a possibility to choose only those with photos too? Maybe even only friends of friends feature? |
Today our product has been updated (v 1.1.1). A few more features: * integration of flash video messenger (default one)
Hello Prisca, Thank for your letter, haven't noticed it in time, but, can answer now. >Where's the minimize button for the instant (private) chat window and why it does not dock into the bottom panel like the simple chat does? There is 'close' button instead. If you don't want to keep PrivateChat window - just close it. It is very easy to open and close PM chats. And, this module don't use bottom menu bar, for what? This is to no purpose. Opposite, it works like facebook's chat. >Where's the feature for some chat history? Chat history keeps in database, to avoid long listings - this module displays only last X messages. >Admin setting to display last members - can be there a possibility to choose only those with photos too? Maybe even only friends of friends feature? Yes, it is possible, I'm always open for new ideas. |
Does your module will support and run efficiently in dolphin 7.1. I know you have very good module but fear that it will work with 7.1 or not. |
Due this fact that boonex staff haven't changed everything in dolphin (as was between 6.1 and 7.0) for modules support, I can tell that most of products will work in new 7.1 without problems. |
Thank you Andrew for replying me. If I buy F-chat now and in case it will be not running with 7.1 then would you update your product to run with 7.1 and how much time will you take to us to get your updated module? Do I need to pay again for updated version? |
Lol, but in Fb, if a chat is docked in the bottom menu bar, it stays there, can be minimized there, in short, if you go to some other page, it's easy to reopen it and carry on chatting. Whereas in your case I noticed on your demo, when you go to other page, in the same window you had your chat opened, it disappears and you have to go to open chat, choose your friend or member from the list and click to open the chat again. That's not user friendly. At all.
What I had on my mind is something like Simple Messenger (the updated version I mean, from ESASE) with your side-bar aka Fb-style thing. That would be cool, because some user features of Fb are top league (but I didn't say I like Timeline, no). Lol.
Today our product has been updated (v 1.1.1). A few more features: * integration of flash video messenger (default one)
Hello Prisca, Thank for your letter, haven't noticed it in time, but, can answer now. >Where's the minimize button for the instant (private) chat window and why it does not dock into the bottom panel like the simple chat does? There is 'close' button instead. If you don't want to keep PrivateChat window - just close it. It is very easy to open and close PM chats. And, this module don't use bottom menu bar, for what? This is to no purpose. Opposite, it works like facebook's chat. >Where's the feature for some chat history? Chat history keeps in database, to avoid long listings - this module displays only last X messages. >Admin setting to display last members - can be there a possibility to choose only those with photos too? Maybe even only friends of friends feature? Yes, it is possible, I'm always open for new ideas.
I have tried many times with for making a payment to you but I am facing problem with it. If you have any other option for making payment, then please let me know about it so I can buy f-chat |
2 avesh: You never should worry about 7.1, as I promised - all my products will be updated to 7.1. Nobody have to pay in case of updates. You can try to use Swreg instead Paypal to order this product. By the way, today this module has been updated. It is available for Dolphin 7.1 now. |
Thank you Andrew, I am using new updated version. I must say that your products are really good and you maintain quality. |
Thank you for your kind words Avesh |
Module has been updated (v2.0.1). there are three new features: * New! Online friends section |
Version 2.0.5: * Hiding and Minimization of Chat Boxes (you can minimize, or even hide important chat sessions) |
Hi Andrew, a few questions for you :-) 1 - can this be controlled by membership levels as in only useable by certain levels set in admin 2 - can users create their own chat room in main chat area, and if so, can they be password controlled as with regular dolphin chat 3 - does this work on mobile devices inc iphone?
Thanks - Tim |
I been trying to reach you, since the purchase 3 days ago. Its a nice product, but the links won't be click able if inserted inside the IM. Everyday is a new beginning. |
I would like to know when will you reply? I have several questions. Everyday is a new beginning. |
I was just informed AndrewP is on vacation with his wife, and when he returns sometime at the end of this month he will reply back to several questions. Everyday is a new beginning. |
Version 2.0.6: * Auto-responder for offline messages |
Hello Daihlo and DeanMonte, Thank you for your attention to me and my products. Yes, as it was told, I was on vacation at the time you wrote here. In the current version - membership is not in use, users can create their own (public) rooms. I do not see any reason to this module does not work on mobile devices, why? There - exactly the same browser as the browser on the PC. |
Very knowledgeable, good service and great module! Thank you! Everyday is a new beginning. |
Hi Andrew, I have a suggestion for you: I don't know if it's my particular F-chat, but when I put my status in offline all people continue watching my profile online and even they can chating with me, as if be offline or online will not affect F-chat, and also when a member-1 block another member-2, the member-2 blocked may continue communicating through F-chat, because this does not affect this module. |
Hi ecrdesign, With regards to the 'online' members list, it displays members who are online, it is not related with custom statuses. This logic uses the same logic as it is used on the search (and browse) page ('DateLastNav' property is in use) Thank you for your idea about the 'block', I will implement it. |
The list of new improvements (v 2.0.7): |
The list of new improvements (v 2.0.8): |
Hello, I've purchased Andrew's F-Chat and it works out-of-the-box. I have translated the module to Slovenian language and everything , well almost everything is OK. I can not find how to change or translate Send button in "Home › F-Chat › Dialogs" further more button captinon sayes "Submit query" ?? See the picture: Regards Mayki "When things get tough the tough get going..." |
Hi Mayki, Thank you for purchasing my module, today I updated this module according your needs, please download the fresh version and update the following two files: modules\andrew\fchat\js\priv_chat.js + modules\andrew\fchat\classes\AFChatModule.php And then the mentioned button will be translated. Thanks for your report |
Hello Andrew, Thank you very much for fast respond and help. The "Send button" is now translated correctly. Pic:
PS: If someone needs Slovenian translation for your module just let me know. Thanks again. Mayki "When things get tough the tough get going..." |
Thank you for your contribution. You may send me your result, and I will include it in the product (email: aramisgc @ |
Hi Andrew, a question about sound notification while using F-Chat: it's not working (only sometimes while on site with open F-Chat dialog window), is it possible that it doesn't work because I have sound notification for Simple messenger (Messenger sound notification by AntonLV)? In Simple messenger sound notification works, but for F-Chat does not.
Suggestions: - Admin or user with enabled privileges should have options to edit/delete messeges in Rooms... - Standard user should have option to delete their messeges... Kind regards Mayki PS: I will send you Slovenian translation ASAP to the mail you gave above. "When things get tough the tough get going..." |
Hello Andrew, thank you for your help yesterday, very helpful! Everyday is a new beginning. |
Hello AndrewP Can you please check: Bug while using Chrome browser (Version 31.0.1650.63 m)? When a member is on someone's profile page and wants to send him/her a New message(f-chat) Chrome opens new page for sending a new message (.../m/fchat/messages/) but from that page if using Google Chrome member can not send a message. New message with selected member does not start correctly = on left-side column it fails to display recepient and on the right-side the whole block is empty - does not display history, does not start new conversation, no text input box at the bottom of the message block. What is displayed are some members from previous conversations-dialogs. If I select one of those shown members then the right-side part gets populated e.g. it shows history and text-input box... Not OK: It works OK in IE and Firefox:
And just one more question: where can message lengt limit (now 256 char) can be incresed?? Regards Mayki "When things get tough the tough get going..." |
Hello Mayki, I checked the module in Chrome (Version 31.0.1650.63 m), and the mentioned page (m/fchat/messages/) works fine on this page (in the same way as it does in Firefox). However, it may be possible due to changes in the template/layout. If you tell me your website address, I can have a look at it directly at your website. You may increase this limit (255 symbols), for this you will need to change the type of the `message` field from VARCHAR to TEXT (for example). However, keep in mind that the more a field, the more space it occupies on the disk. |
Hi Andrew, Thanks for the tip about max character lenght limitation. I have disabled and re-enabled permalinks for F-Chat and strange enough - now it works in Chrome too ...... Regards Mayki "When things get tough the tough get going..." |
Update to AdrewP about F-Chat Hi Andrew, I have disabled and re-enabled permalinks for F-Chat and strange enough - now it works in Chrome too ...... Regards Mayki
Not exactly true about F-Chat: I have tested all (FF, Chrome and IE browsers) and what I've managed to find out is: When user "A" starts his very first F-Chat converstation from profile page of user "B" it is OK but only until reaching 6th user. So first five conversation of user "A" started from other users profiles pages works. When user "A" wants to start the conversation with user no. 6 , the conversation does not start correctly. It happens in all tested browsers. Kind regards Mayki "When things get tough the tough get going..." |
Andrew wassssup! This is just an idea, what do you think if and when you have extra time, a picture can be shared inside the PM pop up box. Something similar to what FB is doing now? This is just an idea! Everyday is a new beginning. |
Update to AdrewP about F-Chat Hi Andrew, I have disabled and re-enabled permalinks for F-Chat and strange enough - now it works in Chrome too ...... Regards Mayki
Not exactly true about F-Chat: I have tested all (FF, Chrome and IE browsers) and what I've managed to find out is: When user "A" starts his very first F-Chat converstation from profile page of user "B" it is OK but only until reaching 6th user. So first five conversation of user "A" started from other users profiles pages works. When user "A" wants to start the conversation with user no. 6 , the conversation does not start correctly. It happens in all tested browsers. Kind regards Mayki
Andrew, it is clear now = I found that this is not a problem but function or should I say limitation in "priv_chat.js" at line 103 there is " // if amount of visible dialogs is above than 5, then hide the first visible dialog (afcToggleVisSess) " which leads me to line 372: " hideExcessDlgs(5); " I've changed 5 to 50 and now its working, but I guess it will stop when reaching 50.... Any comment on that? Can someone tell me, how to make left side part (where privious chat friends are) to be scrollable? Regards Mayki "When things get tough the tough get going..." |
All the remarks (and features) by Mayky were implemented, thanks for contribution |
Andrew is there the option to insert photo? Everyday is a new beginning. |
All the remarks (and features) by Mayky were implemented, thanks for contribution Andrew, thank you for implementing the ideas. It is easy to have an idea but to have knowledge to implement them..., ha, that's the whole new story
Greetings, Mayki "When things get tough the tough get going..." |
Hi Andrew, it is me annoying Mayki again, noticing a problem with links in F-chat. When a member sends some URL link the links are broken:
Any idea why? I was looking to regex but I can not find the problem?
Kind regards Mayki "When things get tough the tough get going..." |
Hello everybody, The mentioned (by Mayki) problem was solved (the chat didn't let us to use the '-' symbol in URLs), also, there are new features in the updated version: The list of new improvements (v 2.0.9): |
Hi Andrew, great improvments, but may I suggest: The mentioned (by Mayki) problem was solved (the chat didn't let us to use the '-' symbol in URLs), also, there are new features in the updated version:
There should be "_" as well in regex, so line around 63 in a file "AFChatDb.php" should read: $pattern = array('/(http:\/\/[a-z0-9-_\.\/]+)/i', '/\n/i');
.... or else links with "_" in URL gets broken.
- As for the new (great function) "add picture to the message" here is my experience: The directory "images" in /modules/andrew/fchat/data/ must be manualy created and must be writable in order "image upload" will work.
Next: The "Upload" button can not be translated??
Suggestion for improvement: When a member receive an image from other member it is just a 250x250px thumbnail of uploaded image in a message. It would be great to add possibility to click on received thubnail which would then open a bigger or original size of the photo, same as in a Facebook messenger. Same should apply from sender's site. Those images should be clickable and resizable in Dialogs history page as well. Fancybox or something similar would be great.
Problem: In IE the icon for image insertion is destorted: Regards Mayki "When things get tough the tough get going..." |
Sweet NICE JOB...AWESOME!!!!!! Everyday is a new beginning. |
Some more changes to regex: There should be "_" as well in regex, so line around 63 in a file "AFChatDb.php" should read:
$pattern = array('/(http:\/\/[a-z0-9-_\.\/]+)/i', '/\n/i'); .... or else links with "_" in URL gets broken. some more aditional signs like = ? & so now my line is: $pattern = array('/(http:\/\/[a-z0-9-_=?&\.\/]+)/i', '/\n/i');
Regards Mayki "When things get tough the tough get going..." |
Ok, thanks. Last remarks were implemented as well. Have a nice day! ) |
Hello, Since 'insert photo' function I've noticed rather confusing behaviour for users of F-chat module : In 90% or more, when one tries to type-in a message, F-Chat 'wants' to upload a picture. In other words, in 90% (or more) F-Chat is in photo insertion 'mode' so users must then click to the letter icon before they can start writing a message....; that shouldn't be the case because it is as I wrote - confusing, and discourages the use of F-Chat Kind regards Mayki "When things get tough the tough get going..." |