Hi all,
I was thinking (like i do most of the time) about something that could be done to make dolphin forms a lot more customizable for module developers and users too sometimes. The idea is to move all the form from all over dolphin to the datebase. Somewhat what it is done for profile fields. In case if module developers need to add something in the core form in admin panel page builder or nav menu builder or contact form etc. It can be done without editing core dolphin files. Honestly nobody likes to roam on 100s of files and edit it, everybody likes to upload and hit install and done. Clean, compact and effective.
Right now it uses array to generate forms and its not at all can be changed without editing some files. It could be done that create a table and give each form a unique key and put all fields there for all forms and it get selected by its key. Of course its a full rewrite of the dolphin form class but i think it worth it. Dolphin has customizable blocks and somewhat customizable profile fields too so why not all forms. An option for form builder can be given too otherwise someone would create one anyway . Think about it, it maybe a big step for dolphin 7. Yeah i said "7" cuz if we make this a perfect s/w nobody cares what the version number is 8, 9, 10 blah blah.
Ok its too much for me, i don't write this long. I QUIT!!!!!!!
Please give your views here. Thanks