Adult Site Restriction Labeling

We all know that the Adult Oriented Sites should have the home page set with a type of Splash that prevents the minors and such from entering the site without acknowledging they are an adult.  This is not for that, instead this is for making a small reminder at every login point of the site after the splash page.  It's called an "RTA" (Restricted To Adults) Label and can be added to all the login boxes to help remind those coming into the site when they login that it is an Adult Oriented Site.  Now, you can create your own lable for this or you can go over to alt=banners and get a banner for free to set on your sites login boxes. 

This will cover both the login on the home page and all the AJAX type logins that happen on your site.  It's a pretty simple thing to set in and will help to make sure that your in compliance a little better with the laws out there.  I'll also be setting this in the market shortly for free to all who wish to download it and add it to their sites. 

Step One:

Create an image that denotes it's an RTA (Restricted To Adults) site or you can go to alt=banners and grab a free image from there.  Do NOT attempt to hotlink to the images they have as they have disabled hotlinking to their site.  You must get a banner image from there or create your own for this.

Step Two:

Upload the image to your site at:  templates/tmpl_uni/images/rta.gif (Note we are using a gif for this, you can use the image file type you prefer and will need to adjust accordingly.

Step Three:

Open templates/tmpl_(tmpl)/login_form.html and located the following code near the end of the file:


<div class="login_form_join">
   __or__ <a href="__join_page_url__">__join_label__</a>

Below that last </div> tag you need to inser the following:


<div style="margin-left:85px;" >
  <img src="" height="31" width="88" />

Please note I have set in orange the height & width as you will need to adjust these to the size of the banner you get.  We chose the 31 x 88 for this trick.


Next up open login_form_ajax.html and locate the following code near the bottom again.  This is not all the way at the bottom like the other one was, but it is still down there:


<div class="login_form_row">
      <div class="clear_both"></div>
      <div class="login_form_label"></div>
      <div class="login_form_val">
       <input type="submit" class="login_form_submit" value="__submit_label__"/>
      <div class="clear_both"></div>

Below the last </div> tag again and before the <td> that is right below it insert the following code:


<div style="margin-left:85px;" >
  <img src="" height="31" width="88" />


Again, adjust the height & width to the size of the image you select, adjust the <div style="margin-left:85px;"> tag to center it in as you need it and place your correct file path.


The above are the instructions for D6 and we will do another post shortly for D7.  This will place a nice image directly below your login or join now buttons that reminds all your members that your site is Adult Oriented at every login point you have.  We know you guys have a hard enough time staying in compliance and proving those coming to the site knew it was Adult Oriented, this is just another little trick that will help you with that and also add a little more integrity to your sites. 

Please note, we stumbled across this when EColin asked us to put the image on his sites under the login boxes.  Initially it was wanted in an html box but this is a much cleaner appearance than an html block on the home page would give you.


****Note:  This little hack has been 100% developed by me with the idea for it coming from EColin.  It is being offered here for free to everyone and is not eligible to be sold for any type of fee.  If you need this installed on your site and do not trust yourself to do it then please contact me or one of the many other members here who will be happy to help you out with this quick item without charging you for it.  This item may be relisted on other sites under the condition that you link back to this post for it and you do not charge anyone for it. 

Samples are below:




Quote · 28 Mar 2010

I can't seem to find dolphin7 for this is it the same or... I am needing it on my site if you could help me.

Quote · 27 Sep 2010
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.