I am trying to allow redirected URL’s to Ads websites that I am posting in the promo block. This is for members only, guests are still directed to the join page and I am fine with that.
I found the following in the BxBaseIndexPageView and tried adding a portion as you can see in red. (this of course was an utter failure, I even added the URL redirect in the DB)
$sPromoLink = $sSiteUrl;
$sPromoRelocationVisitor = getParam('promo_relocation_link_visitor');
$sPromoRelocationMember = getParam('promo_relocation_link_member');
$sWelcomeElement = '';
if(!isMember()) {
$sWelcomeC = _t('_Welcome_to_the_community');
$sWelcomeElement = '<div class="sys_title">' . $sWelcomeC . '</div>';
$sPromoLink .= ($sPromoRelocationVisitor!='') ? $sPromoRelocationVisitor : 'join.php';
$sPromoLink .= ($sPromoRelocationMember!='') ? $sPromoRelocationMember : 'http://www.mysite.com';
BAD IDEA as this resulted I 404 errors. Anyway, repaired the damage and looking at maybe trying to replace the promo block with an html instead, just not sure if that is possible. I like how the current promo block blends with the tab bar and not sure if I can make the html block work here.