Add PHP Block to Page Builders Support Forum

This is the support forum for my Add PHP Block to Page Builders mod.

This product was added to the market quite a while back and no support forum was ever added. So here it is.
Quote · 2 Jun 2012

As requested -



*                            Dolphin Smart Community Builder

*                              -------------------

*     begin                : Mon Mar 23 2006

*     copyright            : (C) 2007 BoonEx Group

*     website              :

* This file is part of Dolphin - Smart Community Builder


* Dolphin is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under

* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the

* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the

* License, or  any later version.


* Dolphin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;

* without even the implied warranty of  MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

* See the GNU General Public License for more details.

* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Dolphin,

* see license.txt file; if not, write to



require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT . 'plugins/Services_JSON.php' );


class BxDolPageViewAdmin {

var $aPages = array();

var $oPage;

var $sPage_db; //name of current page, used form database manipulations

var $sDBTable; //used database table

var $bAjaxMode = false;

var $aTitles; // array containing aliases of pages


function BxDolPageViewAdmin( $sDBTable, $sCacheFile ) {










       'pb_delete_column' => 'pb_cross.gif'



        $this -> sDBTable = $sDBTable;

$this -> sCacheFile = $sCacheFile;


        // special actions (without creating page)

        if (isset($_REQUEST['action_sys'])) {

            switch ($_REQUEST['action_sys']) {

                case 'loadNewPageForm':

                    echo $this -> getCssCode();

                    echo $this -> showNewPageForm();



                case 'createNewPage':

                    echo $this->createUserPage();






$sPage = process_pass_data( isset( $_REQUEST['Page'] ) ? trim( urldecode ($_REQUEST['Page']) ) : '' );


$this -> getPages();


if (strlen($sPage) && in_array($sPage, $this->aPages)) {

            $this->oPage = new BxDolPVAPage( $sPage, $this );



$this -> checkAjaxMode();

if( !empty($_REQUEST['action']) and $this -> oPage ) {

$this -> sPage_db = addslashes( $this -> oPage -> sName );


switch( $_REQUEST['action'] ) {

case 'load':

header( 'Content-type:text/javascript' );


echo $this -> oPage -> getJSON();



case 'saveColsWidths':

if( is_array( $_POST['widths'] ) ) {

$this -> saveColsWidths( $_POST['widths'] );

$this -> createCache();




case 'saveBlocks':

if( is_array( $_POST['columns'] ) ) {

$this -> saveBlocks( $_POST['columns'] );

$this -> createCache();




case 'loadEditForm':

if( $iBlockID = (int)$_POST['id'] ) {

                        header( 'Content-type:text/html;charset=utf-8' );

echo $this -> getCssCode();

echo $this -> showPropForm( $iBlockID );




case 'saveItem':

if( (int)$_POST['id'] ) {

$this -> saveItem( $_POST );

$this -> createCache((int)$_POST['id']);




case 'deleteCustomPage' :

   header( 'Content-type:text/html;charset=utf-8' );

   $sPage = isset($_POST['Page']) ? $_POST['Page'] : '';


   if(!$sPage) {

       echo _t('_Error Occured');


   else {

       //remove page from page builder

       $this -> deleteCustomPage($sPage);




case 'deleteBlock':

if( $iBlockID = (int)$_REQUEST['id'] ) {

$this -> deleteBlock( $iBlockID );

$this -> createCache();




case 'checkNewBlock':

if( $iBlockID = (int)$_REQUEST['id'] )

$this -> checkNewBlock( $iBlockID );



case 'savePageWidth':

if( $sPageWidth = process_pass_data( $_POST['width'] ) ) {

$this -> savePageWidth( $sPageWidth );

$this -> createCache();


if( $this -> oPage -> sName == 'index' ) {

if( $sPageWidth == '100%' )

setParam( 'promoWidth', '998' );


setParam( 'promoWidth', (int)$sPageWidth );







case 'saveOtherPagesWidth':

if( $sWidth = $_REQUEST['width'] ) {

setParam( 'main_div_width', $sWidth );

echo 'OK';




case 'resetPage':

$this -> resetPage();

$this -> createCache();




if($this -> bAjaxMode)



$sMainPageContent = $this -> showBuildZone();


global $_page, $_page_cont;

$iNameIndex = 0;

$_page = array(

'name_index' => $iNameIndex,

'css_name' => array('pageBuilder.css', 'forms_adv.css'),

'js_name' => array('ui.core.js', 'ui.sortable.js', 'ui.slider.js', 'BxDolPageBuilder.js'),

'header' => _t('_adm_pbuilder_title'),

'header_text' => _t('_adm_pbuilder_box_title'),


$_page_cont[$iNameIndex]['page_main_code'] = $GLOBALS['oAdmTemplate']->addJs(array('tiny_mce_gzip.js', 'page_builder_tiny.js'), 1) . $sMainPageContent;





    function createUserPage() {


        $sUri = process_db_input($_REQUEST['uri']);


        if (db_value("select `Name` from `{$this -> sDBTable}_pages` where `Name` = '$sUri'"))

            return 'Uri is not unique.';


        $sTitle = process_db_input($_REQUEST['title']);

        $bIsSystem = 0;


$sQuery = "

INSERT INTO `{$this -> sDBTable}_pages` (`Name`, `Title`, `Order`, `System`)

SELECT '{$sUri}', '$sTitle', MAX(`Order`) + 1, '$bIsSystem'

FROM `{$this -> sDBTable}_pages` LIMIT 1





if (!db_affected_rows()) return 'Failed database insert';


return 'OK';



function savePageWidth( $sPageWidth ) {

$sPageWidth = process_db_input( $sPageWidth, BX_TAGS_STRIP );

$sQuery = "UPDATE `{$this -> sDBTable}` SET `PageWidth` = '{$sPageWidth}' WHERE `Page` = '{$this -> sPage_db}'";

db_res( $sQuery );


echo 'OK';



function createCache($iBlockId = 0) {

$oCacher = new BxDolPageViewCacher( $this -> sDBTable, $this -> sCacheFile );

$oCacher -> createCache();


        if ($iBlockId > 0) {

            $oCacheBlocks = $oCacher->getBlocksCacheObject ();

            $a = array (










            foreach ($a as $sKey)

                $oCacheBlocks->delData($oCacher->genBlocksCacheKey ($sKey));





function checkNewBlock( $iBlockID ) {

   $iBlockID = (int) $iBlockID;


$sQuery = "SELECT `Desc`, `Caption`, `Func`, `Content`, `Visible` FROM `{$this -> sDBTable}` WHERE `ID` = '{$iBlockID}'";

$aBlock = db_assoc_arr( $sQuery );


if( $aBlock['Func'] == 'Sample' ) {

$sQuery = "

INSERT INTO `{$this -> sDBTable}` SET

`Desc`    = '" . addslashes( $aBlock['Desc']    ) . "',

`Caption` = '" . addslashes( $aBlock['Caption'] ) . "',

`Func`    = '{$aBlock['Content']}',

`Visible` = '{$aBlock['Visible']}',

`Page`    = '{$this -> sPage_db}'


db_res( $sQuery );


echo db_last_id();


$this -> createCache();




function deleteCustomPage($sPageName)


   $sPageName = process_db_input($sPageName, BX_TAGS_STRIP, BX_SLASHES_AUTO);

   $sQuery = "DELETE `{$this -> sDBTable}_pages`, `{$this -> sDBTable}` FROM  `{$this -> sDBTable}_pages`

   LEFT JOIN `{$this -> sDBTable}` ON `{$this -> sDBTable}`.`Page` = `{$this -> sDBTable}_pages`.`Name`

   WHERE `{$this -> sDBTable}_pages`.`Name` = '{$sPageName}'";





function deleteBlock( $iBlockID ) {

   $iBlockID = (int) $iBlockID;


$sQuery = "DELETE FROM `{$this -> sDBTable}` WHERE `Page` = '{$this -> sPage_db}' AND `ID` = '{$iBlockID}'";

db_res( $sQuery );



function resetPage() {

if( $this -> oPage -> bResetable ) {

$sQuery = "DELETE FROM `{$this -> sDBTable}` WHERE `Page` = '{$this -> sPage_db}'";


execSqlFile( $this -> oPage -> sDefaultSqlFile );


if( $this -> oPage -> sName == 'index' ) {

setParam( 'promoWidth', '960' );





echo (int)$this -> oPage -> bResetable;



function saveItem( $aData ) {

$iID = (int)$aData['id'];


$sQuery = "SELECT `Func` FROM `{$this -> sDBTable}` WHERE `ID` = $iID";

$sFunc  = db_value( $sQuery );

if( !$sFunc )



$sCaption = process_db_input($aData['Caption'], BX_TAGS_STRIP);

$sVisible = is_array( $aData['Visible'] ) ? implode( ',', $aData['Visible'] ) : '';

$iCache = (int)$aData['Cache'] > 0 ? (int)$aData['Cache'] : 0;


if( $sFunc == 'RSS' )

$sContentUpd = "`Content` = '" . process_db_input($aData['Url'], BX_TAGS_STRIP) . '#' . (int)$aData['Num'] . "',";

elseif( $sFunc == 'Echo' )

$sContentUpd = "`Content` = '" . process_db_input($aData['Content'], BX_TAGS_NO_ACTION) . "',";

elseif( $sFunc == 'PHP')

$sContentUpd = "`Content` = '" . process_db_input($aData['Content'], BX_TAGS_NO_ACTION) . "',";

elseif( $sFunc == 'XML' ) {

$iApplicationID = (int)$aData['application_id'];

$sContentUpd = "`Content` = '" . $iApplicationID . "',";

} else

$sContentUpd = '';


$sQuery = "

UPDATE `{$this -> sDBTable}` SET

`Caption` = '{$sCaption}',


`Visible` = '{$sVisible}',

                `Cache` = '{$iCache}'

WHERE `ID` = '{$iID}'


db_res( $sQuery );

$sCaption = process_pass_data($aData['Caption']);

                if (mb_strlen($sCaption) == 0)

                    $sCaption = '_Empty';

echo _t($sCaption);



function saveColsWidths( $aWidths ) {

$iCounter = 0;

foreach( $aWidths as $iWidth ) {

$iCounter ++;

$iWidth = (float)$iWidth;


$sQuery = "UPDATE `{$this -> sDBTable}` SET `ColWidth` = $iWidth WHERE `Page` = '{$this -> sPage_db}' AND `Column` = $iCounter";

db_res( $sQuery );



echo 'OK';



function saveBlocks( $aColumns ) {

//reset blocks on this page

$sQuery = "UPDATE `{$this -> sDBTable}` SET `Column` = 0, `Order` = 0 WHERE `Page` = '{$this -> sPage_db}'";

db_res( $sQuery );


$iColCounter = 0;

foreach( $aColumns as $sBlocks ) {

$iColCounter ++;


$aBlocks = explode( ',', $sBlocks );

foreach( $aBlocks as $iOrder => $iBlockID ) {

$iBlockID = (int)$iBlockID;

$sQuery = "UPDATE `{$this -> sDBTable}` SET `Column` = $iColCounter, `Order` = $iOrder WHERE `ID` = $iBlockID AND `Page` = '{$this -> sPage_db}'";

db_res( $sQuery );




echo 'OK';



function getCssCode() {

return $GLOBALS['oAdmTemplate']->addCss(array('general.css', 'forms_adv.css'), true);



function showBuildZone() {

        return $GLOBALS['oAdmTemplate']->parseHtmlByName('pbuilder_content.html', array(

            'selector' => $this->getPageSelector(),

            'bx_if:page' => array(

                'condition' => (bool)$this -> oPage,

                'content' => array(

                    'bx_if:delete_link' => array(

                        'condition' => !$this->oPage->isSystem,

                        'content' => array(



                    'bx_if:view_link' => array(

                        'condition' => !$this->oPage->isSystem,

                        'content' => array(

                            'site_url' => $GLOBALS['site']['url'],

                            'page_name' => htmlspecialchars($this->oPage->sName)



                    'parser_url' => bx_html_attribute($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']),

                    'page_name' => addslashes($this->oPage->sName),

                    'page_width_min' => getParam('sys_template_page_width_min'),

                    'page_width_max' => getParam('sys_template_page_width_max'),

                    'page_width' => $this->oPage->iPageWidth,

                    'main_width' => getParam('main_div_width')






function getPageSelector() {

        $aPages = array(


                'value' => 'none', 

                'title' => _t('_adm_txt_pb_select_page'),

                'selected' => empty($this->oPage->sName) ? 'selected="selected"' : ''



        foreach($this->aPages as $iKey => $sPage)

            $aPages[] = array(

                'value' => htmlspecialchars_adv( urlencode($sPage)),

                'title' => htmlspecialchars( isset($this -> aTitles[$sPage]) ? $this -> aTitles[$sPage] : $sPage ),

                'selected' => $this->oPage->sName == $sPage ? 'selected="selected"' : ''



        return $GLOBALS['oAdmTemplate']->parseHtmlByName('pbuilder_cpanel.html', array(

            'bx_repeat:pages' => $aPages,

            'url' => bx_html_attribute($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])




function getPages() {

$sPagesQuery = "SELECT `Name`, `Title` FROM `{$this -> sDBTable}_pages` ORDER BY `Order`";


$rPages = db_res( $sPagesQuery );

while( $aPage = mysql_fetch_assoc($rPages) ) {

$this -> aPages[] = $aPage['Name'];

$this -> aTitles[$aPage['Name']] = $aPage['Title'];




function checkAjaxMode() {

if( isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] ) and $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] == 'XMLHttpRequest' )

$this -> bAjaxMode = true;



function showPropForm($iBlockID) {

$sNoPropertiesC = _t('_adm_pbuilder_This_block_has_no_properties');

$sProfileFieldsC = _t('_adm_pbuilder_Profile_Fields');

$sHtmlBlockC = _t('_adm_pbuilder_HTML_Block');

$sPHPBlockC = _t('_adm_pbuilder_PHP_Block');

$sXmlBlockC = _t('_adm_pbuilder_XML_Block');

$sRssBlockC = _t('_adm_pbuilder_RSS_Feed');

$sSpecialBlockC = _t('_adm_pbuilder_Special_Block');

$sHtmlContentC = _t('_adm_pbuilder_HTML_content');

$sPHPContentC = _t('_adm_pbuilder_PHP_content');

$sXmlPathC = _t('_adm_pbuilder_XML_path');

$sUrlRssFeedC = _t('_adm_pbuilder_Url_of_RSS_feed');

$sNumbRssItemsC = _t('_adm_pbuilder_Number_RSS_items');

$sTypeC = _t('_Type');

$sDescriptionC = _t('_Description');

$sCaptionLangKeyC = _t('_adm_pbuilder_Caption_Lang_Key');

$sVisibleForC = _t('_adm_mbuilder_Visible_for');

$sGuestC = _t('_Guest');

$sMemberC = _t('_Member');

        $sCaptionCacheC = _t('_adm_pbuilder_Caption_Cache');


$sQuery = "SELECT * FROM `{$this -> sDBTable}` WHERE `Page` = '{$this -> sPage_db}' AND `ID` = $iBlockID";

$aItem = db_assoc_arr($sQuery);


return MsgBox($sNoPropertiesC);


$sPageName = htmlspecialchars($this->oPage->sName);


$sBlockType = '';

switch( $aItem['Func'] ) {

case 'PFBlock': $sBlockType = $sProfileFieldsC; break;

case 'Echo':    $sBlockType =$sHtmlBlockC; break;

case 'PHP': $sBlockType =$sPHPBlockC; break;

case 'XML':     $sBlockType =$sXmlBlockC; break;

case 'RSS':     $sBlockType =$sRssBlockC; break;

default:        $sBlockType =$sSpecialBlockC; break;



$aVisibleValues = array();

if(strpos($aItem['Visible'], 'non') !== false) 

            $aVisibleValues[] = 'non';

if(strpos( $aItem['Visible'], 'memb' ) !== false)

            $aVisibleValues[] = 'memb';


$sDeleteButton = ($aItem['Func'] == 'RSS' or $aItem['Func'] == 'Echo' or $aItem['Func'] == 'XML' or $aItem['Func'] == 'PHP') ? '<input type="reset" value="Delete" name="Delete" />' : '';


$aForm = array(

'form_attrs' => array(

'name' => 'formItemEdit',

'action' => bx_html_attribute($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']),

'method' => 'post',


'inputs' => array(

'Page' => array(

'type' => 'hidden',

'name' => 'Page',

'value' => $sPageName,


'id' => array(

'type' => 'hidden',

'name' => 'id',

'value' => $iBlockID,


'action' => array(

'type' => 'hidden',

'name' => 'action',

'value' => 'saveItem',


'header1' => array(

'type' => 'block_header',

'caption' => $sTypeC . ': ' . $sBlockType,


'header2' => array(

'type' => 'block_header',

'caption' => $sDescriptionC . ': ' . $aItem['Desc'],


'Caption' => array(

'type' => 'text',

'name' => 'Caption',

'caption' => $sCaptionLangKeyC,

'value' => $aItem['Caption'],

'required' => true,


'Visible' => array(

'type' => 'checkbox_set',

'caption' => $sVisibleForC,

'name' => 'Visible',

'value' => $aVisibleValues,

'values' => array(

                        'non' => $sGuestC,

                        'memb' => $sMemberC



'Cache' => array(

'type' => 'text',

'name' => 'Cache',

'caption' => $sCaptionCacheC,

'value' => (int)$aItem['Cache'],

'required' => false,





$sBlockContent = $aItem['Content'];

//$sBlockContent = htmlspecialchars_adv( $aItem['Content'] );


if( $aItem['Func'] == 'Echo' ) {   

$aForm['inputs']['Content'] = array(

                'type' => 'textarea',

                'html' => false,

                'attrs' => array ('id' => 'form_input_html'.$iBlockID),

'name' => 'Content',

'value' => $sBlockContent,

'caption' => $sHtmlContentC,

                'required' => true,

} elseif( $aItem['Func'] == 'PHP' ) {

$aForm['inputs']['Content'] = array(

'type' => 'textarea',

'html' => true,

'name' => 'Content',

'value' => $sBlockContent,

'caption' => $sPHPContentC,

'required' => true,


                'colspan' => true,


} elseif( $aItem['Func'] == 'XML' ) {

$aExistedApplications = BxDolService::call('open_social', 'get_admin_applications', array());


$aForm['inputs']['Applications'] = array(

'type' => 'select',

'name' => 'application_id',

'caption' => _t('_osi_Existed_applications'),

'values' => $aExistedApplications


} elseif( $aItem['Func'] == 'RSS' ) {

list( $sUrl, $iNum ) = explode( '#', $aItem['Content'] );

$iNum = (int)$iNum;


$aForm['inputs']['Url'] = array(

'type' => 'text',

'name' => 'Url',

'caption' => $sUrlRssFeedC,

'value' => $sUrl,

'required' => true,


$aForm['inputs']['Num'] = array(

'type' => 'text',

'name' => 'Num',

'caption' => $sNumbRssItemsC,

'value' => $iNum,

'required' => true,




$aForm['inputs']['Save'] = array(

'type' => 'submit',

'name' => 'Save',

'caption' => _t('_Save'),

'value' => _t('_Save'),



if ($aItem['Func'] == 'RSS' or $aItem['Func'] == 'Echo' or $aItem['Func'] == 'XML'or $aItem['Func'] == 'PHP') {

$aForm['inputs']['Delete'] = array(

'type' => 'reset',

'name' => 'Delete',

'caption' => 'Delete',

'value' => 'Delete',




$sResult = '';

$oForm = new BxTemplFormView($aForm);


$aVariables = array (

'caption' => _t('_adm_pbuilder_Block'),

'main_content' => $oForm->getCode(),

'loading' => LoadingBox('adm-pbuilder-loading')


        return $GLOBALS['oAdmTemplate']->parseHtmlByName('popup_form_wrapper.html', $aVariables);



    function showNewPageForm() {

$oForm = new BxTemplFormView(array(

'form_attrs' => array(

'name' => 'formItemEdit',

'action' => bx_html_attribute($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']),

'method' => 'post',


            'inputs' => array(


                    'type' => 'hidden',

                    'name' => 'action_sys',

                    'value' => 'createNewPage',



                    'type' => 'text',

                    'name' => 'uri',

                    'value' => 'newpage',

                    'caption' => _t('_Page URI'),

                    'info' => _t('_adm_pbuilder_uri_info', BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . 'page/newpage'),



                    'type' => 'text',

                    'name' => 'title',

                    'caption' => _t('_Page title'),

                    'value' => 'New Page',

                    'info' => _t('_adm_pbuilder_title_info'),



                    'type' => 'submit',

                    'name' => 'do_submit',

                    'value' => _t('_adm_btn_Create_page'),





$aVariables = array(

'caption' => _t('_adm_pbuilder_Create_new_page'),

'main_content' => $oForm->getCode(),

'loading' => LoadingBox('adm-pbuilder-loading')


        return $GLOBALS['oAdmTemplate']->parseHtmlByName('popup_form_wrapper.html', $aVariables);




class BxDolPVAPage {

var $sName;

var $sName_db;

var $oParent;

var $aColsWidths     = array();

var $aBlocks         = array();

    var $aBlocksOrder    = array();

var $aBlocksInactive = array();

var $aBlocksSamples  = array();

var $aMinWidths      = array();

var $iPageWidth;

var $bResetable; //defines if the page can be reset

var $sDefaultSqlFile; //file containing default setting for reset

    var $isSystem; // defines if the page is system or created by admin


function BxDolPVAPage( $sPage, &$oParent ) {

global $admin_dir;


$this -> sName   = $sPage;

$this -> sName_db = addslashes( $this -> sName );


/* @var $this->oParent BxDolPageViewAdmin */

$this -> oParent = &$oParent;


$this -> sDefaultSqlFile = BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT . "{$admin_dir}/default_builders/{$this -> oParent -> sDBTable}_{$this -> sName}.sql";

$this -> bResetable = file_exists( $this -> sDefaultSqlFile );


$this -> loadContent();



function loadContent() {


        $sQuery = "select `System` from `{$this -> oParent -> sDBTable}_pages` where `Name` = '{$this -> sName_db}'";

        $this->isSystem = (bool)(int)db_value($sQuery);


        //get page width

        $sQuery = "SELECT `PageWidth` FROM `{$this -> oParent -> sDBTable}` WHERE `Page` = '{$this -> sName_db}' LIMIT 1";

        $this -> iPageWidth = db_value( $sQuery );


        if (!$this -> iPageWidth)

            $this -> iPageWidth = '960px';


        //get columns widths

        $sQuery = "




            FROM `{$this -> oParent -> sDBTable}`


                `Page` = '{$this -> sName_db}' AND

                `Column` != 0

            GROUP BY `Column`

            ORDER BY `Column`


        $rColumns = db_res( $sQuery );

        while( $aColumn = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rColumns ) ) {

            $iColumn                       = (int)$aColumn['Column'];

            $this -> aColsWidths[$iColumn] = (float)$aColumn['ColWidth'];

            $this -> aBlocks[$iColumn]     = array();

            $this -> aBlocksOrder[$iColumn]= array();


            //get active blocks

            $sQueryActive = "




                FROM `{$this -> oParent -> sDBTable}`


                    `Page` = '{$this -> sName_db}' AND

                    `Column` = $iColumn

                ORDER BY `Order`



            $rBlocks = db_res( $sQueryActive );


            while( $aBlock  = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rBlocks ) ) {

                $this -> aBlocks[$iColumn][ $aBlock['ID'] ] = _t( $aBlock['Caption'] );

                $this -> aBlocksOrder[$iColumn][] = $aBlock['ID'];




        // load minimal widths

        $sQuery = "SELECT `ID`, `MinWidth` FROM `{$this -> oParent -> sDBTable}` WHERE `MinWidth` > 0 AND `Page`= '{$this -> sName_db}'";

        $rBlocks = db_res( $sQuery );

        while( $aBlock = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rBlocks ) )

            $this -> aMinWidths[ (int)$aBlock['ID'] ] = (int)$aBlock['MinWidth'];


        $this -> loadInactiveBlocks();



function loadInactiveBlocks() {

//get inactive blocks and samples

$sQueryInactive = "




FROM `{$this -> oParent -> sDBTable}`


`Page` = '{$this -> sName_db}' AND

`Column` = 0



$sQuerySamples = "




FROM `{$this -> oParent -> sDBTable}`


`Func` = 'Sample'



$rInactive = db_res( $sQueryInactive );

$rSamples  = db_res( $sQuerySamples );


while( $aBlock = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rInactive ) )

$this -> aBlocksInactive[ (int)$aBlock['ID'] ] = _t( $aBlock['Caption'] );


while( $aBlock = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rSamples ) )

$this -> aBlocksSamples[ (int)$aBlock['ID'] ] = _t( $aBlock['Caption'] );



function getJSON() {

$oPVAPageJSON = new BxDolPVAPageJSON( $this );

$oJson = new Services_JSON();

return $oJson -> encode($oPVAPageJSON);





/* temporary JSON object */

class BxDolPVAPageJSON {

var $active;

    var $active_order;

var $inactive;

var $samples;

var $widths;

var $min_widths;


function BxDolPVAPageJSON( $oParent ) {

$this -> widths     = $oParent -> aColsWidths;

$this -> min_widths = $oParent -> aMinWidths;

$this -> active     = $oParent -> aBlocks;

        $this -> active_order = $oParent -> aBlocksOrder;

$this -> inactive   = $oParent -> aBlocksInactive;

$this -> samples    = $oParent -> aBlocksSamples;





class BxDolPageViewCacher {

var $sCacheFile;

    var $oBlocksCacheObject;


function BxDolPageViewCacher( $sDBTable, $sCacheFile ) {

$this -> sDBTable = $sDBTable;

$this -> sCacheFile = $sCacheFile;



function createCache() {


        $oCacheBlocks = $this->getBlocksCacheObject ();

        $oCacheBlocks->removeAllByPrefix ('pb_');


$sCacheString = "// cache of Page View composer\n\nreturn array(\n  //pages\n";


//get pages


$sQuery = "SELECT `Page` AS `Name` FROM `{$this -> sDBTable}` WHERE `Page` != '' GROUP BY `Page`"; 


$rPages = db_res( $sQuery );


while ($aPageN = mysql_fetch_assoc($rPages)) {

$sPageName  = addslashes($aPageN['Name']);

$aPageN['Title'] = db_value("SELECT `Title` FROM `{$this -> sDBTable}_pages` WHERE `Name` = '$sPageName'");

$sPageTitle = addslashes($aPageN['Title']);

            $sPageWidth = db_value("SELECT `PageWidth` FROM `{$this -> sDBTable}` WHERE `Page` = '$sPageName' LIMIT 1");

            $sPageWidth = empty($sPageWidth) ? '998px' : $sPageWidth;


$sCacheString .= "  '$sPageName' => array(\n";

$sCacheString .= "    'Title' => '$sPageTitle',\n";

$sCacheString .= "    'Width' => '$sPageWidth',\n";

$sCacheString .= "    'Columns' => array(\n";


//get columns

$sQuery = "




FROM `{$this -> sDBTable}`


`Page` = '$sPageName' AND

`Column` > 0

GROUP BY `Column`

ORDER BY `Column`


$rColumns = db_res( $sQuery );


while( $aColumn = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rColumns ) ) {

$iColumn = $aColumn['Column'];

$iColWidth  = $aColumn['ColWidth'];


$sCacheString .= "      $iColumn => array(\n";

$sCacheString .= "        'Width'  => $iColWidth,\n";

$sCacheString .= "        'Blocks' => array(\n";


//get blocks of column

$sQuery = "









FROM `{$this -> sDBTable}`


`Page` = '$sPageName' AND

`Column` = $iColumn



$rBlocks = db_res( $sQuery );


while( $aBlock = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rBlocks ) ) {

$sCacheString .= "          {$aBlock['ID']} => array(\n";


$sCacheString .= "            'Func'      => '{$aBlock['Func']}',\n";

$sCacheString .= "            'Content'   => '" . $this -> addSlashes( $aBlock['Content'] ) . "',\n";

$sCacheString .= "            'Caption'   => '" . $this -> addSlashes( $aBlock['Caption'] ) . "',\n";

$sCacheString .= "            'Visible'   => '{$aBlock['Visible']}',\n";

$sCacheString .= "            'DesignBox' => {$aBlock['DesignBox']},\n";

                    $sCacheString .= "            'Cache'     => {$aBlock['Cache']}\n";


$sCacheString .= "          ),\n"; //close block


$sCacheString .= "        )\n"; //close blocks

$sCacheString .= "      ),\n"; //close column



$sCacheString .= "    )\n"; //close columns

$sCacheString .= "  ),\n"; //close page



$sCacheString .= ");\n"; //close main array



        $aResult = eval($sCacheString);


        $oCache = $GLOBALS['MySQL']->getDbCacheObject();

        $oCache->setData ($GLOBALS['MySQL']->genDbCacheKey($this -> sCacheFile), $aResult);


return true;



function addSlashes( $sText ) {

$sText = str_replace( '\\', '\\\\', $sText );

$sText = str_replace( '\'', '\\\'', $sText );


return $sText;



    function getBlocksCacheObject () {

        if ($this->oBlocksCacheObject != null) {

            return $this->oBlocksCacheObject;

        } else {

            $sEngine = getParam('sys_pb_cache_engine');  

            $this->oBlocksCacheObject = bx_instance ('BxDolCache'.$sEngine);

            if (!$this->oBlocksCacheObject->isAvailable())

                $this->oBlocksCacheObject = bx_instance ('BxDolCacheFile');

            return $this->oBlocksCacheObject;




    function genBlocksCacheKey ($sId) {

        global $site;

        return 'pb_' . $sId . '_' . md5($site['ver'] . $site['build'] . $site['url'] . getCurrentLangName(false) . $GLOBALS['oSysTemplate']->getCode()) . '.php';





Quote · 3 Jun 2012

Attach as a file so i can edit it for you and provide a replacement.

This code in what you provided is incorrect. It is missing a lot of these {  } brackets. It does not even come close to matcing whats in the instructions. There may be other areas as well. I did not look through the entire thing as it does not contain line numbers. So it is too difficult to follow.

if( $sFunc == 'RSS' )

$sContentUpd = "`Content` = '" . process_db_input($aData['Url'], BX_TAGS_STRIP) . '#' . (int)$aData['Num'] . "',";

elseif( $sFunc == 'Echo' )

$sContentUpd = "`Content` = '" . process_db_input($aData['Content'], BX_TAGS_NO_ACTION) . "',";

elseif( $sFunc == 'PHP')

$sContentUpd = "`Content` = '" . process_db_input($aData['Content'], BX_TAGS_NO_ACTION) . "',";

elseif( $sFunc == 'XML' ) {

$iApplicationID = (int)$aData['application_id'];

$sContentUpd = "`Content` = '" . $iApplicationID . "',";

} else

$sContentUpd = '';

Does not match the edits in my instructions.

Missing } and opening { on this line elseif( $sFunc == 'PHP')

Missing } on this line elseif( $sFunc == 'XML' ) {

Your better off reverting to your backup of that file and try again. Or attach your origional as a file and i will edit it for you.
Quote · 3 Jun 2012

Hi Deano,


I was wondering if you have instructions for how to uninstall... noticed your Tools module and would like to install that, but even with my limited knowledge on how this software works, I'm guessing that the two shouldn't be installed together.


Thanks in advance!

Quote · 8 Jun 2012

There really are no un-install instructions. You basically just reverse what you did to install it. Reversing the source changes are easy if you made a backup of the file prior to installing it. Reversing is just a simple matter of restoring the backup.

However. As i wrote both of those mods, i also run both of them on my site.

They are fully compatible with each other. There is no need to remove it if that is what your worried about.

I actually find this one easier to use as i prefer the convenience of having it in the page builders.
Quote · 8 Jun 2012

Ok, great! Thanks!

Quote · 8 Jun 2012

Hi, I have tried everything like Install Instructions. But now I can not get into my admin's builders/page blocks area. Also my websites gets this error on the top of the page;

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/cekirge/public_html/ in /home/cekirge/public_html/ on line 133

Could you please help me for this issue. What should I do? My BxDolPageViewAdmin.php file is attached.

Thank you



BxDolPageViewAdmin.php · 32.2K · 544 downloads
Quote · 5 Sep 2012

First thing you need to do is restore backup of BxDolPageViewAdmin.php. You need to determine if the problem of not being able to get into admin is releated to this or something else.

If after restoring BxDolPageViewAdmin.php you still cannot get into admin, then the problem is not this but something else.
Quote · 5 Sep 2012




 Ok, wait a minute. What does this mean?  Does that mean you have already fixed it?
Quote · 5 Sep 2012

Product checked and found to be compatible with dolphin 7.1.0. No update was required.
Quote · 6 Nov 2012

I downloaded your "php blocks" code, which I thank, and made the changes accordingly.  

But, your code is not updated to the 7.1 version beta 1.  Secondly, my "ratings" blocks do appear in admin, but no longer appear in the front-end.

Can you suggest?

Quote · 13 Dec 2012


I downloaded your "php blocks" code, which I thank, and made the changes accordingly.  

But, your code is not updated to the 7.1 version beta 1.  Secondly, my "ratings" blocks do appear in admin, but no longer appear in the front-end.

Can you suggest?

My last post above this specifically states that i tested this on dolphin 7.1 and no changes were required. It has been tested, and works. Your most likely trying to fine exact line number which i am sure i stated in the instructions do not do. The line numbers are just an aproximate. You need to use your eyes for visual comparison because every version of dolphin may be slightly different on the line numbers do to additions or deletions in the file. But i have verified it works. I have it installed and i use in on my beta site.

As for your second problem. Please post a separate topic of your own as it is not related to this one.
Quote · 13 Dec 2012



We install the the module "php block" but we notice that our window to insert a content in a new block, after install php block, doesn´t has all options to edition, like insert image, bold, underline, edit text, html I try uninstall the module for try to see if it return to show all the options of edit a new block, but was unsuccessful. 
That I need is or the module doesn´t prevent show all the options in the window of edition in blocks 
We need to uninstall module until we can find help to make it have function.

See the image how the window opens at link below: block.png 

It is showing the same with the block install or unistall. You can help us? 


Thank you in advance.


Best Regards,


Mila Menezes

Quote · 22 Feb 2013




We install the the module "php block" but we notice that our window to insert a content in a new block, after install php block, doesn´t has all options to edition, like insert image, bold, underline, edit text, html I try uninstall the module for try to see if it return to show all the options of edit a new block, but was unsuccessful. 
That I need is or the module doesn´t prevent show all the options in the window of edition in blocks 
We need to uninstall module until we can find help to make it have function.

See the image how the window opens at link below: block.png 

It is showing the same with the block install or unistall. You can help us? 


Thank you in advance.


Best Regards,


Mila Menezes

Issue resolved. Assisted with uninstall via PM.
Quote · 22 Feb 2013

Attached is a modified copy of inc/classes/BxDolPageViewAdmin.php for dolphin 7.0.9 and images showing what my HTML and PHP blocks look like after the mod is installed.

BxDolPageViewAdmin.php · 30.6K · 528 downloads
2-26-2013 8-16-15 AM.png · 32.7K · 1836 views
2-26-2013 8-16-51 AM.png · 19.6K · 1792 views
Quote · 26 Feb 2013

Product updated. Instructions updated for dolphin 7.1.1
Quote · 15 Mar 2013

BxDolPageViewAdmin.php   please help this causing error


NOTE: Line numbers below may not exactly match what you have. Use the code as a visual aid to make sure you have the right spot.

Around line 259 will be the following code. (Line number will vary
depending on dolphin version. Visually compair the code)

if( $sFunc == 'RSS' )
    $sContentUpd = "`Content` = '" . process_db_input($aData['Url'], BX_TAGS_STRIP) . '#' . (int)$aData['Num'] . "',";
elseif( $sFunc == 'Echo' )

Add this directly under it.

// Deano - PHP Block Mod - Code Start
elseif( $sFunc == 'PHP' )
$sContentUpd = "`Content` = '" . process_db_input($aData['Content'], BX_TAGS_NO_ACTION) . "',";
// Deano - PHP Block Mod - Code End


Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ELSEIF in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 286


Thanks in advanced Deano.

Quote · 7 May 2013

There is a error in the instructions. Should read a follows.

Around line 259 will be the following code. (Line number will vary
depending on dolphin version. Visually compair the code)

if( $sFunc == 'RSS' )
    $sContentUpd = "`Content` = '" . process_db_input($aData['Url'], BX_TAGS_STRIP) . '#' . (int)$aData['Num'] . "',";
elseif( $sFunc == 'Echo' )
    $sContentUpd = "`Content` = '" . process_db_input($aData['Content'], BX_TAGS_NO_ACTION) . "',";

Add this directly under it.

// Deano - PHP Block Mod - Code Start
elseif( $sFunc == 'PHP' )
$sContentUpd = "`Content` = '" . process_db_input($aData['Content'], BX_TAGS_NO_ACTION) . "',";
// Deano - PHP Block Mod - Code End

I will update the market download to correct the error in the instructions.
Quote · 7 May 2013

I have followed the instructions and I am able to drag the PHP BLOCK into a page column, but it doesn't appear on the page?

Do you know what would be causing this?


Quote · 9 Aug 2013


I have followed the instructions and I am able to drag the PHP BLOCK into a page column, but it doesn't appear on the page?

Do you know what would be causing this?



Did you add any code to the php block that would create output?

Unlike a html block. Dolphin does not show empty php blocks.

Actually, not just a empty block. If the code does not cause any output, then the block is not displayed.
Quote · 9 Aug 2013

I have an issue (followed instructions carefully).
When I try to add a block (any block, php, html...) in page builder, the screen gets greyed out and it says "this block has no properties"... and then the only option is to refresh the page... 

BxDolPageViewAdmin.php · 34.6K · 491 downloads
Quote · 22 Aug 2013


I have an issue (followed instructions carefully).
When I try to add a block (any block, php, html...) in page builder, the screen gets greyed out and it says "this block has no properties"... and then the only option is to refresh the page... 

Are you clicking on the block before or after you drag it into a page?

Like a HTML block, it is to be dragged into a page first before you try to edit it.
Quote · 22 Aug 2013

Oh... rookie mistake 0_o
Thanks for pointing that out :) 

Quote · 23 Aug 2013


I'm getting a:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '<' in /home/username/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolPageView.php(698) : eval()'d code on line 1

Please see below 

Capture.PNG · 29.5K · 1113 views
Quote · 20 Apr 2014

 Line 698 in BxDolPageView.php is not where your error is. This is where it is.

eval()'d code on line 1

The code you used in the block itself is wrong. You can't use opening and closing php tags in php blocks. You most likely started your code with <?php

This is not a module problem. For help with code your using in the block, use the regular forums. General php help is beyond the scope of support for the module.
Quote · 20 Apr 2014
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.