Actions manager premium from eSASe

Actions manager premium

The new module Actions Manager Premium it is differ than the old version - and has the following advantages:

1 It allows to change the order of default Dolphin actions (profile actions, groiups actions, etc) via editor.

2 Remove some actions.

3 You can move any action button to archive This is useful in case you needn't remove button but want to hide it and activate when needed. (NEW feature!)

4 You can add and edit any action buttons. (NEW feature!)

Now you can manage any action button completely : Move, remove, edit or hide! This is very simple!
Installation doesn't take more than 5 minutes!

view more details here:

We only have a unique modules for dolphin!
Quote · 6 Apr 2012

Sasha, I sent you an email yesterday with some suggestions to improve this module's admin interface... specifically to remove some confusion with the listed Actions names.  Check your email inbox please.  Thank you (again) for creating this admin tool... I think many site developers will make good use of the 'hide' feature.
Quote · 6 Apr 2012

corrected product's URL is:

We only have a unique modules for dolphin!
Quote · 9 Apr 2012

How to...


   How to display all actions buttons in one single collun and not in 2 colluns like it is now?
does this mod do that too? 



  I Know it can add a field up or below the buttons, and we can move the buttons of place.  But can we arrage all buttons in one single collun?  Because most of the case they are displayed in 2 colluns,,  I want to make a left collun with 25% width and this double colluns in Action is not fitting well.

Quote · 16 Apr 2012

I still can't download it :-(
Quote · 16 Apr 2012

I still can't download it :-(  

Hello?  I have paid for the module yet a week later I still can't download it.  How many times do I have to send a message asking for this issue to be fixed? 

Quote · 17 Apr 2012

Could this be used to create an actions block on the account page so that I could add buttons and actions for - add tutorial / add article / add review / etc.....

or would i have to make the actions block somehow and then add the actions to it using this module?





Quote · 17 Apr 2012


I still can't download it :-(  

Hello?  I have paid for the module yet a week later I still can't download it.  How many times do I have to send a message asking for this issue to be fixed? 


 Please send me PM. We will try fix this issue in private mode

We only have a unique modules for dolphin!
Quote · 17 Apr 2012


Could this be used to create an actions block on the account page so that I could add buttons and actions for - add tutorial / add article / add review / etc.....

or would i have to make the actions block somehow and then add the actions to it using this module?





 This module allow edit any actions buttton - profile page, articles page, events etc

We only have a unique modules for dolphin!
Quote · 17 Apr 2012


How to...


   How to display all actions buttons in one single collun and not in 2 colluns like it is now?
does this mod do that too? 



  I Know it can add a field up or below the buttons, and we can move the buttons of place.  But can we arrage all buttons in one single collun?  Because most of the case they are displayed in 2 colluns,,  I want to make a left collun with 25% width and this double colluns in Action is not fitting well.

 I think you can do this via css. Set width of all buttons as 100%

We only have a unique modules for dolphin!
Quote · 17 Apr 2012

I still can't download it :-(  

Hello?  I have paid for the module yet a week later I still can't download it.  How many times do I have to send a message asking for this issue to be fixed? 


 Please send me PM. We will try fix this issue in private mode

Okay... I've sent you yet another PM on this issue... previous PM's were sent on April 9, 10 and 11.
Quote · 17 Apr 2012

Dear customers! It seems there is some issue which I can not manage . Seems it is with the unity website. 


Paul says he is unable to download the module but he has to . Screenshot is in attachements. 


If someone have the same issue, ordered the package but not able to download it please, contact me and I'll send the module by email




paul.gif · 75.8K · 266 views
We only have a unique modules for dolphin!
Quote · 18 Apr 2012


Dear customers! It seems there is some issue which I can not manage . Seems it is with the unity website. 


Paul says he is unable to download the module but he has to . Screenshot is in attachements. 


If someone have the same issue, ordered the package but not able to download it please, contact me and I'll send the module by email




The image shows " Buyer: paul " ... I suspect "paul" should be "epaulo"
Quote · 18 Apr 2012

Download problem has been resolved.  Thank you ESASE.
Quote · 19 Apr 2012

While archiving two Sound Actions buttons, I noticed both list items have the same info displayed.  If I want to unhide one of them later then I'll have to guess what each one does.  Is there some way to add more info to each list item... that will display the purpose of the Actions button?

I've attached an image file to show what I'm referring to.
Quote · 19 Apr 2012


While archiving two Sound Actions buttons, I noticed both list items have the same info displayed.  If I want to unhide one of them later then I'll have to guess what each one does.  Is there some way to add more info to each list item... that will display the purpose of the Actions button?

I've attached an image file to show what I'm referring to.

 I'm working on this, will update soon

We only have a unique modules for dolphin!
Quote · 20 Apr 2012

Version 1.0.1 was realized  - fixed trouble with Icons

We only have a unique modules for dolphin!
Quote · 20 Apr 2012

Thank you for updating the icons... the list display looks much better. Smile  

Unfortunately, even with the icons, I still find it difficult in some cases to tell the difference between the Actions items listed... in some cases they have the same icon and text description {evalResult}.  Could additional information be added to provide greater detail for each Actions item listed?

I've attached an image to show an example.
Quote · 20 Apr 2012

What happens if I archive (hide) or delete some Actions buttons then UNinstall the module... will archived and/or deleted Actions buttons become visible?
Quote · 20 Apr 2012

I am trying to add a wall button to the action menu using this module.

After viewing the module I see that I could have done the same thing in the data base.

This method is no easier.

I have added the information to create button but it does not show up.

Between a lack of download information and fact that this does the same thing as adding a button through the data base and that it does not seem to work, I am pretty frustrated.

Are there detailed instructions on how to add a wall button to the action menu using this module?

Quote · 21 Apr 2012

I got the button to show up on the actions menu but cannot get it to bring the wall that belongs to that profile.

Anyone have any ideas?

Quote · 22 Apr 2012

The description of this module did not state that the buyer has to know how to write PHP.

Someone must know how this is done.

Quote · 24 Apr 2012


I am trying to add a wall button to the action menu using this module.

After viewing the module I see that I could have done the same thing in the data base.

This method is no easier.

I have added the information to create button but it does not show up.

Between a lack of download information and fact that this does the same thing as adding a button through the data base and that it does not seem to work, I am pretty frustrated.

Are there detailed instructions on how to add a wall button to the action menu using this module?



I'm sorry, but I am physically unable to write instructions for each button customers probably want to add. You are always welcome to contact me personally and ask questions



We only have a unique modules for dolphin!
Quote · 25 Apr 2012




I'm sorry, but I am physically unable to write instructions for each button customers probably want to add. You are always welcome to contact me personally and ask questions



 I did contact you personally, and got no response as of yet.

Quote · 25 Apr 2012

I have sent a second email asking about the information I need to make your module work.

Quote · 28 Apr 2012


I have sent a second email asking about the information I need to make your module work.




Well, I am uploading a screenshot where everyone will see that I got the first message from you on weekend Please, do not confuse other users, you never contacted me before

Secondly, please specify what this button should do, redirect to which page ? and I'll explain how to do this

Untitled-1 copy.gif · 66.6K · 268 views
We only have a unique modules for dolphin!
Quote · 30 Apr 2012

I am sorry if you did not get my first contact attempt. Not sure what happened. I have a copy of the email that I sent to the email address in the text file that was in the zip file that I got the download link to when I purchased the module. I apologize, I should have contacted you through the boonex site the first time.

May I please have the script that will make the button that I have created take the person that clicks it to the wall of the member that owns the profile that is tied to the actions menu that the button is on?

Thank you for your response. :)

Quote · 30 Apr 2012

I am uploading a screenshot so you can  see that I did contact you once before.


Just because the screen shot that you posted shows only one contact attempt it does not mean that there weren't others.

It has never been my intention to start a flame war with the person that I am trying to get help from. I did try to contact you once before on the matter of the download link to download the module.

When I had so much trouble getting the download link I thought that I had been taken for $30.00 and was upset.

I have not tried to show other people that you are small or dishonest, I simply stated the facts.

I am not angry or aggressive, and I am not trying to make you look bad.

I just need to know.

Are you going help me understand your product?


May I please have the script that will make the button that I have created take the person that clicks it to the wall of the member that owns the profile that is tied to the actions menu that the button is on?

Quote · 7 May 2012

Module is available for Dolphin 7.1

We only have a unique modules for dolphin!
Quote · 20 Nov 2012

Warning: Creating default object from empty value in /modules/esase/actions_manager_premium/classes/SasActionsManagerPremiumForm.php on line 51

What would cause me to get this warning?  Is it of importance?

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 14 Dec 2012


Warning: Creating default object from empty value in /modules/esase/actions_manager_premium/classes/SasActionsManagerPremiumForm.php on line 51

What would cause me to get this warning?  Is it of importance?

 I need your ftp access

We only have a unique modules for dolphin!
Quote · 15 Dec 2012

I put a copy of the site from the VPS on the dedicated; along with a copy of the database.  I noticed that it did not do it on the VPS site.  We will be removing the test site from the dedicated server and moving the production site off of the VPS to the dedicated.  If I continue to get the message then, I may try uninstalling the mod and then installing it again to see if it clears.  Outside of the warning message the mod worked.  Thank you for your help.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 15 Dec 2012

This seems like it has some real capability here.  Does it work on sub-forms?  Also,  I had a few other modules from you that included an update to 7.1, but they were removed from my shopping cart so I can't download the 7.1 version.  I take it that this was an accident or something ?????    I sent you an email and you can also answer the sub-form question in it as well, if you wish.

Keep up the good work


Quote · 12 Feb 2013

I want "Download Option" In Sound and video please tell me how can I generate Download link in Action of sound & video with this module

Quote · 1 Mar 2013

Please Update with this feature 

We can generate Download link in Sound and Video same like files

Quote · 1 Mar 2013

I went to add an action and I got a warning:

Warning: Creating default object from empty value in /var/www/public_html/modules/esase/actions_manager_premium/classes/SasActionsManagerPremiumForm.php on line 51

Looking back through the forum here I reported this problem once before but I never heard back from you.  Has this problem been resolved?

Edit: Just downloaded the latest version; replaced all files and got the same warning message.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 8 Mar 2013

I am posting this again and if I don't get an answer I will file a complaint and no, I am not giving you access to my server; that was a mistake the last time I did.

When I go to edit or add an action, I get the following:

Warning: Creating default object from empty value in /modules/esase/actions_manager_premium/classes/SasActionsManagerPremiumForm.php on line 51

While you are at it, fix the traffic inspector module as well, or I will file a complaint on that one as well.  You are suppose to be a trusted vendor, act like one!

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 26 Apr 2013

Dolphin needs to remove you as a trusted vendor, you won't respond to your support forum!

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 15 May 2013

Hi. This module is compatible with Dolphin 7.14?



Quote · 15 Sep 2013

This vendor is not active anymore, please delete as trusted vendor.

Quote · 20 Jan 2014
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.