I have had members to accidentally block others because the block action does not have a confirmation; it posts a notice but it is possible for members to overlook the notice and to accidentally click on the block button; yes, it has happened more than once.
I found a solution to this issue :
To add confirmation to the block button add the part in red to the action code.
if ( {ID} == {member_id} || isBlocked({member_id}, {ID}) ) return;
return "if(confirm('Are you sure you want to block this member?')) $.post('list_pop.php?action=block', { ID: '{ID}' }, function(sData){ $('#ajaxy_popup_result_div_{ID}').html(sData) } );return false;";
If you hit Cancel, the action is not taken. If you hit OK, the action is taken and the member is blocked
Can you help me, my site is multi language, how I do to make it work?