Abserve Responsive Dolphin Theme with Admin Panel - part 2

Quote · 12 Oct 2016

We have sent you a detailed mail for your queries. Kindly check your PM :)



Quote · 12 Oct 2016

Hey guys,

I found another little problem. If you go to your demo with a mobile phone. Have your phone upright, you can not login or if logged in you can not go to your account. If you turn the phone in landscape then you can. Please let me know how I can fix this.

Quote · 13 Oct 2016

We have fixed it in our demo. Kindly check your PM :)


Quote · 18 Oct 2016



You installed it, thanks


3 issues so far.........

1- the slider photo does not work, You upload try to save, says completed and its gone, no photo, shows no file was uploaded there when you return

top and bottom parallax do work though......

2- when you apply the different color for the site, every box heading disappears totally...if only a heading was in the box, it is now totally empty.....was black by default, but even if it did not take white text it should still be visible but is not

3- when you land on home page the new colors for the site do not appear or click in until you page scroll down about 10mm, the heading is still gray not accepting the new color until you scroll down to it..... when you land no color just gray


Thanks Tim




Quote · 25 Oct 2016

Ok update.....

solved #2........


but there is some photo issue ...... I have uploaded 50 times, they either do not take or in slider they show as there and either past 1st photo shows up as empty "image" or they do not add to the slider at all...... it has taken 4 of 50 photos of all sizes....you can see it there


the parallax does the same thing, its very choosy about what it will take and if they show up as taken by system with the photo showing but no photo appears at all on any pages I have tried.....


also chat, world map did not take the site color change shows your abserve blue and both have no drop down menu when you arrive on the page.


ok thanks

Quote · 25 Oct 2016


I am pretty disappointed with your responses so far. I asked you a very straightforward question. How can I replace the word "join" with the username on join.php? I would not have come to you directly but this functionality is in one of your files: Abserve.js.


Your first response was: 







Then you later responded






I really do not think this is something that will take you weeks or even up to a day. I have paid for your template, the least you can do is tell me how I can access the user nickname on that page. 

I hope you can resolve this.


PS: If anyone reading this can help, I would really appreciate your comments. I'm a skilled programmer but my web dev/php is really really rusty at the moment.


Screen+Shot_join.jpg · 587.7K · 406 views
Quote · 26 Oct 2016

Hello gracey,


Could you please share your screen and explain us?

Quote · 27 Oct 2016



I have just sent you my skype id via PM, please give me a time to contact you, my timezone is GMT.

Quote · 27 Oct 2016



no complaints about your overall design the top slider is great( 1 issue below ) and the drop down menu is a step above the rest


But....sigh, lol....if you choose to use white text or a dark theme, you are causing a large problem, with no simple fix for the user.......there really needs to be a more thorough color changing customization panel for every color on that site.........I am failing to see the full control, as for moving forward, am dead in the water. I guess the plan is you guys offer for sale customization for the rest.


As you do not have an admin demo, I had no idea the only things I was going to be able to change basically were general site color (1) and general text color (1)......color of hover, background......and basically that is it. I am sorry but that is not full control over site color.


When you land at the site the empty "image" screen appears before a photo does, it looks bad.......I cannot remove the top header color to invisible on my own as everything takes the 1 general site color choice....... again no control, just a few of many such issues that could be solved with a color code


So the idea of full control over my theme is not the case at all, I now need much coding stuff to either correct the invisible text or abandon the site color plan..... which I am not going to do as its a design group color scheme....which was planned for other sites using your base theme



that is full control above.....not 4 choices that blanket everything


for  designer with a few degrees in such, I have nothing I can do further than what I see on my own

to solved the numerous issues with invisible text in every enter box on the site, calendar invisible, countries, placing an ad, start a forum, invite a friend etc etc etc........ the invisible boxes are everywhere, they pop up everywhere......

Even if fixed every time I need a change I must find someone to do it for me.....that does not work


The slider and drop down menu mean a lot but not at the cost of no ability to control the colors on the site or overall look of the site.......without big coding it will look little more than generic site with a different solid color.


If you have a plan for more color control then I am willing to listen, otherwise, I may change the idea for my theme and let you take this one back, which is a bummer but........ If I knew how to do the coding to fix all the issues and change the colors everywhere, I would not need your theme.


I am sorry but I am already a site admin of a big site with no control over how and what is done graphically and how things look and I am doing this to have my own control and I am not feeling it...... needing someone to do coding for colors is not the answer for me, you must be able to test different combinations on test site, not direct someone to do it, with no way to test it out first and then stuck paying to change it again, if you do not like it...... I don't need a designer


I appreciate the quick fixes you guys did for a few technical issues, But this has no permanent fix for me, if there was a tool kit that handled this color situation, I would buy it, but I did not see one ........ I am sure for the coding savvy crowd, there are far less issues and its perfect, so I am not knocking the theme just pointing out if you are a beginner its not full control, if I was coding savvy, I'd be thrilled right now.  

Monday after I hear back from you, I will inform you what I am going do to.



Quote · 28 Oct 2016




I have just sent you my skype id via PM, please give me a time to contact you, my timezone is GMT.

 Hi I was hoping to hear back from you today (Friday) but please let me know if you can do the screen-share on Monday. If not you can just post the code changes. 

Hope I hear back from you.

Quote · 28 Oct 2016

Kindly check your PM :)


Quote · 31 Oct 2016

ok.....back again, since I did not hear from you I kept at it, but............................


As I stated 2 weeks ago the photo upload does not work properly,I am unable to add the same photos I can add to the profile photo page to link to......most show up as empty photo icon with text no, photo....there is a problem!!!

The top parallax default shows up on no pages when it bothers to even take the photos at all, it does like present events page parallax shows photo in upload area, but no photo on the page.


I was switching fonts and the entire color system reverted back to your blue..:((........they all again did not switch back from the blue.....


If we cannot sort this Monday, you can process a refund, please!!!!!....... im 2 weeks playing games and cannot move forward because of the issues with colors and photos.... 


a little information or instructions explaining something maybe photo block sizes would be helpful



Quote · 4 Nov 2016

We already fixed it. Kindly check your mail for more details.



Quote · 5 Nov 2016



I added you to the skype as requested and I will stay up late tonight so we can talk there.......

Sorry for slow response, I live off grid and my power system was down for 5 days


But.........nothing is fixed at all........slider photos do not upload still, its actually gotten worse as now if they upload they show 1-4 photos but only 3 are visible, the new photos either do not upload at all or are not even visible at all....is there a size issue, who knows I have made a long list of different size photos, they still do not work....I cannot tell you how frustrating it is for 3 weeks unable to sort this photo issue!!!!! I have wasted days on this issue and gotten nowhere...........


there are still abserve blue places on homepage that do not change colors...........


so its not fixed at all


Quote · 12 Nov 2016

Kindly send your queries to our support mail - support@abservetech.com

Our team will check and fix it.



Quote · 16 Nov 2016


I'd like to change the height of the header.

I'd also like to add functionality that reduces header height and logo size on scroll.

Can you point me to the JS file that deals with this please?

Quote · 24 Nov 2016

We have sent you the details to your mail. Please check it.



Quote · 26 Nov 2016



Does anyone know how to turn off the parallax images on some selected pages?  For instance, I don't need big images on top when browsing or seeing members' profile...


I have seen that question before and in June 2016, Abservetech promise a solution within one week.  Where can I get the instructions to do so please?  The option is not visible from the admin panel!



Quote · 11 Jan 2017

If you don't need the parallax images, We will help you to remove it from your website.

Kindly check your PM for more details.

Quote · 12 Jan 2017

Is there any way to get rid of the IMAGE that flashes on the slider for a split second between images? Its kinda annoying to watch the slideshow and between each one for a second you see a light grey back ground and with a darker grey word IMAGE then it is replaced with the next image in the slideshow. 

Quote · 2 Mar 2017

Kindly check your PMWe will surely provide our dedicated support and do the best for your required needs.



Quote · 2 Mar 2017

Hi, Just got the theme and it's looking great. Problem I'm having now is the Slider. I upload 5 images, it only shows one of them. If I upload more, they don't appear, just the default "IMAGE" and the one other working image. 


sit is http://choaclub.com

Quote · 21 May 2017

Thank you for your inquiry and we have sent reply to your Boonex mail. Please check it.




Quote · 22 May 2017

Thanks for the quick response. I managed to find the solution to the problem. The images were uploaded with spaces in their names. 


Now all I need to do is turn off the slider for members who are logged in. 



Quote · 22 May 2017

One more problem. Sorry guys. 


In IE the "Join" button shows up in it's box. 

In Chrome, there is no button. 

Images attached.


Also, more of an aesthetic than anything, the wording is hard to read. A drop shadow or option to add a "stroke" would be great to help the text pop out more. 

button IE.PNG · 1.1M · 339 views
no button chrome.PNG · 1M · 348 views
Quote · 22 May 2017

Please check your Boonex mail for our reply.




Quote · 23 May 2017


Is there any way to get rid of the IMAGE that flashes on the slider for a split second between images? Its kinda annoying to watch the slideshow and between each one for a second you see a light grey back ground and with a darker grey word IMAGE then it is replaced with the next image in the slideshow. 

 Yes, I need help with this also.

Quote · 7 May 2018

Please check your Boonex mail for our reply.




Quote · 8 May 2018


Are you still updating to the latest version of Dolphin? Or is it already compatible with the latest version?


Then one more. Where can I change a blogger sign on the social button on the Google+ sign?


best regards and nice weekend



Quote · 26 Apr 2019
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.