You'll need to go into UploadPhoto.php and look for this section:
function deleteMedia( $iPhotoID )
$aPhotos = $this -> getElementArrayByID( $iPhotoID );
$sIconSrc = $this -> sMediaDir . 'icon_' . $aPhotos['med_file'];
$sThumbSrc = $this -> sMediaDir . 'thumb_' . $aPhotos['med_file'];
$sPhotoSrc = $this -> sMediaDir . 'photo_' . $aPhotos['med_file'];
$this -> oMediaQuery -> deleteMedia( $this -> iProfileID, $iPhotoID, $this -> sMediaType );
if( $aPhotos['med_id'] == $aPhotos['PrimPhoto'] )
$this -> oMediaQuery -> resetPrimPhoto( $this -> iProfileID );
@unlink( $sIconSrc );
@unlink( $sThumbSrc );
@unlink( $sPhotoSrc );
Your going to need to add a delete false 0 to the orange line and an else to continue it. Don't have time right now to do the full tweak, but I think you get the idea.