we need a community script witch doesnt involve ffmpeg.exe, beacause we love the dolphin script but this file is a obsticle. please help the shared hosting company members...
we need a community script witch doesnt involve ffmpeg.exe, beacause we love the dolphin script but this file is a obsticle. please help the shared hosting company members... |
we need a community script witch doesnt involve ffmpeg.exe, beacause we love the dolphin script but this file is a obsticle. please the shared hosting company members... why? ffmpeg.exe is used to capture thumbnail of the video that uploaded by member. so , if your member upload video about obama, this exe will capture it and generate a thubmnail or picture of that video content. => http://friends.smansakra.sch.id => friends community based dolphin 7 |
It does a lot more than that. Without it, dolphin would be seriously limited on formats it supports if it was not used. ffmpeg is a cross platform converter. Just about any file format uploaded can be converted to a format conpatable with the flash player for playback. https://www.deanbassett.com |
It does a lot more than that. Without it, dolphin would be seriously limited on formats it supports if it was not used. ffmpeg is a cross platform converter. Just about any file format uploaded can be converted to a format conpatable with the flash player for playback. i agree dean.. => http://friends.smansakra.sch.id => friends community based dolphin 7 |
derspawn, the problem is not that you are on a shared environment, the problem is that you are hosting on a server that is not compatible with the application. dolphin is not the only software out there that requires certain configuration for the app to run, there are quite a few of them, and what you are facing is an environment where the hosting service provider is looking to host under an umbrella, so they have to have basic configuration, and this essentially deters the more specific applications that would be run on the server. again its not the shared environment, its the servers configuration. we provide shared hosting, and we have no issues with ffmpeg.exe but we have also explored compiling apache with ffmpeg, this is something we will look at in the future, but for now, ffmpeg.exe works with no problems on all of our servers. Regards, DosDawg When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support |
Sooo do I have to hos ton Windows or Linux for Dolphin? Do I need a dedicated server to use Dolphin as well? I wish I knew all these requirements before I bought. |
thier is a component name seyret and it does video thumbnails and more without using ffmpeg.exe not sure why, well i guest i need to change server.... i really want to be able to use this great product |
Dedicated Servers are BEST! One will do for now :)
Why. Because there are alot of customizations to the web hosting platform that 'MOST" sharred hosting won't allow. For instance JRE (Java Runtime Environment). They'll tell you it adds a 'great' security risk, when in actually to an SA (ServerAdministrator) it is simply just another piece of the overall environment that must be managed and maintained (updated).
JRE is essential to RMS but not necessary for Dolphin/Orca/Ray
Next is the custom PHP environment. Now depending on how long you have been working with PHP as a host you might still be in PHP4 land telling your sharred host clients that PHP5 is a 'great' security risk. But yet again, a properly seasoned SA knows better.
Dedicated is best because it provides any developer with SA tools which makes setting the Dolphin Software Environment much easier.
If you are not comfortable as an SA -> then seek out the great guidance of any BoonEx hosting provider as they understand the server environment and will and have created Dolphin Shaarred Hosting environments. It's worth 30-50 per month, if your not willing to be an SA and pay for a 200 per month DedBox :)