Yep I have the module but it does need to be inside a block and doesn't get sent to an actual navigation app, plus it doesn't work for events groups and profiles there is a bug it only works on my ads...
But I have a solution... I added the following changes to add a navigate here button:
BXWorldMapModule.php (/modules/boonex/Wmap/classes)
Around line 650, after:
$this->_oTemplate->addCss ('main.css');
I added this:
// Determine Operating System / Add Navigation Link (Apple Maps / Google Maps)
$iNavLink = '';
if(stristr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],'Mac') || stristr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],'Apple'))
$iNavlink = '';
$iNavLink .= $r['lat'].",".$r['lng'];
// distance addition
$iDistance = BxDolService::call('geo_locator', 'GetMyDistance', array($iEntryId,$sPart));
$aVars2 = array (
'NavigateMe' => $iNavLink,
'distance' => $iDistance,
'map' => $this->_oTemplate->parseHtmlByName('map', $aVars),
Then in entry_location.html (/modules/boonex/Wmap/templates)
after __map__
<center><b><bx_text:_DistanceToYou /></b><span id="bx_map_curr_dis">__distance__ </span> <p></p><a href=__NavigateMe__ target="_blank"><bx_text:_NavigateTxt /></a></center>
Then Add a Language key for _NavigateTxt
And _DistanceToYou
Its the basic Idea, only thing is i can't get my if to work for apple devices so it opens apple maps instead on apple.. so by default it will open google navigator...