Here is a module I put together for my site and it works well. you can use it - just change all instances of Vehicle to whatever you want. please keep in mind - there are 3 types of vehicle instances to replace: VEHICLE, Vehicle, and vehicle. So, make sure you replace with proper capitalizations.
For example - you want to have a module for artwork.
First - change the folder vehicles to artworks
Second - in the classes folder - change the Vehicle in the file names to Artwork (CfArtworksDb for example)
Third - in the templates base folder - change filenames from vehicle to artwork (my_artworks_create_artwork for example)
Fourth - Find and replace all instances of vehicle with artwork within module
Fifth - find all instances of Vehicle and replace with Artwork within module
sixth - find all instances of VEHICLE and replace with ARTWORK within module
seventh - upload the whole ccf folder to the modules folder in your site
Do not search for vehicle with an s at the end - there are a lot of instances with and without the s, so searching and replacing without the s will properly change the ones with an s