1- Should i post this kind of questions in the answers thing? you are fine to post this question in here.
2- When i go to my dolphins homepage, the home link doesn't get
active, but when i click home it gets active, how can i fix this? not real sure what you are referring to here, so not much help on this one.
3- Is there a way to call the blocks (Members, Feedback, Latest news, etc) like you call the logo (__main_logo__) in the script? the blocks are called from the dbase, so if you wanted to write some code where you could call them up on a sql query, then by all means go for it, but these blocks and pages are written to the database.
4- Is there a way to make the thumbnail images, insted of getting
reduced in proportion to the original get reduced to fit exactly
110x110? not real sure again what you are referring to here, so not much help here.
please clarify the two questions which i was unable to post an answer to and i will check back periodically and see if i can help you out.
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