ESASE WAP 3.8.1 Predefined Fields Not Displaying Correctly
It appears to be using the "Value" under the Predefined Values rather than "LKey" from the Language file.
Looking For: Female (this should be "Women")
Religion: 8 (this should be "Christian")
Drinking: 2 (this should be "Rarely")
Drugs: doesnot (this should "No")
Smoking: 4 (this should be "Very often")
The only 1 I can see it using the Language Key correctly is "Country"
Same thing happens to any custom Predefined fields I create, example. I created a predefined list for Sexual Orientation with several options, 1 being "Straight" I used "straight" as the Value and "_Straight" as the LKey
I created a System Language Key for "_Straight" with "String text for English Language: Straight"
I can see that it is using the "Value" in the Predefined list because it is displaying the word straight with the First letter in Lower case rather than what I had defined in the Language settings with the First Letter in Upper case.
This is just one example. All of the Predefined Lists that I created as well as the default system lists are not displayig correctly, this is not just 1 field/value having this issue.
Again, the only 1 I can see that is displaying correctly is "Country"