Hi all,
Recently I just closed somebody's website in India, who was selling Boonex modules for a half price, from module makers like Modzzz, Esase, Boonexpert, etc. Now we have another guy who is selling my partner's custom work, without having a license to re-distribute it. His name is pcintegrad (http://www.boonex.com/pcintegrad)
He also stole the text of my original offer of Mobile apps rebranding service and offering it for a half price. I suspect it's the same guy from India, whose website with modules I just closed.
His fake offer:
My original offer:
On my messages to him I've never got any replies. This "smarty" just want to make easy money from somebody's hard work of sleepless nights.
His profile is already reported to Boonex company. Watch out guys.
http://boonexpert.com |
Recently closed site screenshots:
I delete the picture
no need to give links or ideas
danielmarseille - Bosun
http://boonexpert.com |
Hi, we did the rebrands and integrations for xploresound.com (his demo site). He is a complete fraud, if you look at his demo link for his "Mobile Modules" you will see my team and I's work, as he is showcasing them as developed by him and for sale by him. We finished our work, he locked us out of site completely and stole our mobile integrations. Every one of them he is selling was originally created and developed by my company. We have time stamped files that show and an email trail as well. Alex, thank you for posting this and making everyone aware. I thought it was just us he was ripping off but apparently many many more than just us. ALL and I mean ALL of what he showcases for mobile mods was done by us. check this out!
http://xploresound.com/mobile/music/ http://xploresound.com/mobile/events/ http://xploresound.com/mobile/clubs/
http://xploresound.com/mobile/artists and others he lists were done by us! What a complete thief and a total idiot if he thinks that Boonex will not serve the proper justice!
Hi Mike,
Thank you for joining discussion, I hope more people will see this thread.
I wrote a personal email to Andrew Boon asking him to help us. He is pretty busy guy, but I hope he will not miss my message.
Here's some cached search results from Google of the site that we took care to close recently, just for reference:
I delete the picture
no need to give links or ideas
danielmarseille - Bosun
http://boonexpert.com |
OH MY GOD! What a scam person, I want him in a rocket shipped to pluto.  so much to do.... |
And so far nobody care about the frauds here, on Boonex Unity. Messages are sent, ticket is created.. Does anybody out there? Hallo? http://boonexpert.com |
As far as I know, he didn't even completely paid for your work, only some %% prepaid and then he locked out all of us. Just tried to write a review on his profile, got a message that I have no rights to do so.
We finished our work, he locked us out of site completely and stole our mobile integrations.
http://boonexpert.com |
I will not be using this fellow for anything. It's disgusting. Makes my stomach churn. Vunderba..... Challenge Yourself to be the Best...... Hosting from Zarconia.net |
Itsawhiz, thank you for joining this thread. I hope we all together will be able to clean up a little bit here. http://boonexpert.com |
Almost 2 weeks and Boonex modules still stolen and nobody cares.
AlexT replied that he sees nothing wrong in this situation.
What makes Boonex Dolphin the most awesome system, is the marketplace with unique and awesome modules which made by the Unity Members.
The more modules will be stolen, the less module-makers will be interested in creating new stuff, the faster "BoonEx (ACN 127966581)" will go deep down without new modules developed. I'm surprised nobody understand this simple thing. Who you gonna sell licenses to, if there will be nothing new on the market to offer? What if one day somebody will hack the Dolphin license and will publish it on the market? Will you care then?
I'm not gonna publish any of my new modules on Boonex market until I'll be sure that they will not be stolen and re-sold by somebody else, who is looking for "fast money without judgment"!
http://boonexpert.com |
Yes, I got the scam in my message box and knew it for what it was. Also saw the closed thread created by someone else about modules being sold illegally. I do hope this does not deter module developers from creating and offering modules for sale. Geeks, making the world a better place |
Since PCINTEGRAD stole my offer texts, some of my customers are confused and asking me if PCINTEGRAD is my second account.
I had, have now and will have only one account and its name is BOONEXPERT!
Dear BOONEX, please advice something finally! I can't believe you guys don't give a heck about those people, who is making modules, offering services, work as best as they can for years, attracting more customers, keeping Boonex afloat.
Yes, it's just an offer text, it cannot be copyrighted in this case, but what if everybody will copy offer texts from each other here?
http://boonexpert.com |
Case is finally closed. Thanks for everybody participating support! No more fraud on Boonex! http://boonexpert.com |
I must take this topic up again since a couple new module sharing websites are discovered.
This guy is the owner of herencia-vampirica.com: "i Have many moduls and i can exchange somone..."
Under username EternalFenix sharing\exchanging modules that was made by us in our sleepless nights.
Recently he removed all screenshots from his website, but here on Boonex Unity Forums some traces of his website are found:
Profile link: http://www.boonex.com/saira%20night
He mentioned in his post path on the server usually contains domain name or part of it:
"... /home/herencia/public_html/inc/.... "
On other forum the same name (EternalFenix) is found and the same path on the server as mentioned here on Boonex forums: http://www.modmysite.com/free-mod-exchange/11474.htm
Now I finally blocked him from any contact with me or buying anything from me.
What a shame...
http://boonexpert.com |
I have contact with this person - to it removes the message
Bosun / Moderator -- My Products : http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/danielmarseille |
I have contact with this person so that deletes the message from the forum immediately
Sorry, I don't understand. Do you mean he will remove his forum posts?
http://boonexpert.com |
I asked him to delete this message
there are two or three days - I have contacted this person from its site - herencia-vampirica.com
to tell him to remove the screenshots of its website
Bosun / Moderator -- My Products : http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/danielmarseille |
The person's profile on Boonex also needs to be banned. It is not sufficient to just ask them to remove the screenshots.
I asked him to delete this message
there are two or three days - I have contacted this person from its site - herencia-vampirica.com
to tell him to remove the screenshots of its website
Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz |
The person's profile on Boonex also needs to be banned. It is not sufficient to just ask them to remove the screenshots.
I asked him to delete this message
there are two or three days - I have contacted this person from its site - herencia-vampirica.com
to tell him to remove the screenshots of its website
That's true. I'm trying to get Andrew online, seems he is the only guy with ban possibilities who cares about such things.
http://boonexpert.com |
all Moderators can do something - such as suspend an account
we also have a private forum which is reserved for moderator and administrator
in this forum sometimes we talk about website or there are exchanges or sales of illegal modules
and whenever possible we take sanctions
Bosun / Moderator -- My Products : http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/danielmarseille |
the site owner: http://www.herencia-vampirica.com/
"Saira night" profile has been suspended permanently.
Bosun / Moderator -- My Products : http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/danielmarseille |
Mr. Moderator, exactly what happens when a Profile is suspended permanently ?
Is the IP banned from creating new accounts ?
Is the IP also banned from browsing the site (since they could go somewhere else to create a new account then proceed to use the site as usual from home) ?
Does Boonex collect whatever Paypal email they used for purchases on the site and place those email(s) in a block list so no future account created can use that same Paypal email again ?
the site owner: http://www.herencia-vampirica.com/
"Saira night" profile has been suspended permanently.
Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz |
Mr. Moderator, exactly what happens when a Profile is suspended permanently ?
Is the IP banned from creating new accounts ?
Is the IP also banned from browsing the site (since they could go somewhere else to create a new account then proceed to use the site as usual from home) ?
Does Boonex collect whatever Paypal email they used for purchases on the site and place those email(s) in a block list so no future account created can use that same Paypal email again ?
When an account is suspended, it's disabled - the user cannot access it. This also affects any licenses (IIRC). The IP can also be blocked as an extension, and that's likely what AlexT did when he closed the account. But IP blocks aren't reliable when there's an unlimited number of proxies one can use to make a new account.
I can't answer the email question - you'll have to ask someone from BoonEx about this.
BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
Mr. Moderator, exactly what happens when a Profile is suspended permanently ?
Is the IP banned from creating new accounts ?
Is the IP also banned from browsing the site (since they could go somewhere else to create a new account then proceed to use the site as usual from home) ?
Does Boonex collect whatever Paypal email they used for purchases on the site and place those email(s) in a block list so no future account created can use that same Paypal email again ?
the site owner: http://www.herencia-vampirica.com/
"Saira night" profile has been suspended permanently.
I don't think that blocking IP or even report fraud to PayPal will stop people from trading modules on other websites Many people have dynamic IP addresses and not static. I think we should think more about protecting modules and other digital stuff by encoding them somehow and providing an unique activation key according to certain website. This is the only solution coming to my mind so far. But it's not too much work to decode anything written in php if it's not a server-based encryption like ionCube.
http://boonexpert.com |
This guy appeared to be unblocked because "he provided clues". What?? What kind of Clues for stolen stuff? Blocking real code owners from writing him messages and not responding to emails - is it CLUES that he do nothing illegal??
Dear Support Guys, maybe you should stop for a second and think about it more clear? Can't you see even the same text on his rebranding offers as on mine??? My customers are thinking it's my second account because of the same text!
http://boonexpert.com |
PCINTEGRAD has created his own thread here, in the dark corner http://www.boonex.com/forums/#topic/Pcintegrad-NOT-A-FRAUD-.htm
He was little ashamed to come here and write for himself.
http://boonexpert.com |
Do not want to get into your game , hit a mail from another customer ripped off by Boonexpert ..... that's life , first purchases the positive votes to run your modules and other scams to people, and you dare to say that we have used words like " rebranding " as " iOS" , etc ... if you have patented is service and these words .... submit your patent , shame das .
I pass an email we received recently : " Yes , I unfortunately had a bad Experience with boonexpert and do not know how to get out . You'd Be Able to get me to Upgrate app for IOS and Android 1.8. Boonexpert made me a great mess . I did install from boonexpert to rebranding , que has not finished . I finally Decided to set access to my ftp and look elsewhere . This is the reason why I'm trying to get help . you can help me? 'll explain below what you should do : 1) update iOS 1.8 and translate the new version 2 ) Android 1.8 update and translate the new version Also Boonexper received some money to install on your smartphone join me , just that I have not finished . 3 ) you are Able to refer back to this work ok I await your response . thanks Doxxxxxx (omitted) recoxxxxx.it " (omitted) "
other mail
" You gave me this confirmation That gentleman is not a serious person . Lasciandomii I took my money problems. You spego things to do : 1) Do the upgrate IOS version 1.8 of the translation from Inglés to Italian , Boonexpert Because translation was wrong . 2 ) Update to version 1.8 ANDROID Boonexper That did not make me DESPITE I had paid 3 ) Make the translation of Android version 1.8 from Inglés to Italian . 4) finish the unfinished form join DESPITE everything Boonexpert Avesi paid . see the link www.recollxxxxx.it / mobile / join.php . What I expect from you ? That This work is done. Let me know the budget for the expense . I hope I have Explained well what I wrote did not speak Inglés well . " |
If this mail is even real, you are sharing somebody's private mail, you have no rights to do so. What else you can share or send to somebody?
What a shame on you, gosh....
http://boonexpert.com |