ok, I modified the actions in the database to fade the actions box out after you click a fave, block, hotlist or befriend button for the profile.
That way you have to mouse over the avatar again, and it has the new options available.
The same mod would apply for the actions in FILE,PHOTO, and VIDEO as well.
It took me a while to figure it out and I need cash for my site, IDK if I should sell it or post it!
oh hell... here it is!
make the action box refresh after selecting befreind, remove, block, hotlist, fwb
in mysqladmon run this query
SELECT * FROM `sys_objects_actions` where `type` = 'Profile'
find befriend should be record 4
in the field Eval you'll find
if ({ID} == {member_id} OR is_friends({ID} , {member_id})) return;
return "$.post('list_pop.php?action=friend', { ID: '{ID}' }, function(sData){ $('#ajaxy_popup_result_div_{ID}').html(sData) } );return false;";
if ({ID} == {member_id} OR is_friends({ID} , {member_id})) return;
return "$.post('list_pop.php?action=friend', { ID: '{ID}' }, function(sData){ $('#ajaxy_popup_result_div_{ID}').html(sData) } );
$('#short_profile_info').fadeOut(5000, function(){});
return false;";
You are basically adding the red text into the script for each action
so even tho there are different action scripts, insert the red code and the action block will disappear after performing the action.
hope this helps some of you!
Visit my site! ;)