Closing them up is easy. I am not sure about one closing automatically as another is opened. Not sure that's even necessary.
I can't remember who I got this from but here is the simple answer:
Collapse account control box:
I got the answer how to collapsed the Account Info,Tracker sections in the Account Control block
Here is the changes if any one need. You need to edit the member.php
Find the below code
'caption' => $sPresenceC,
'collapsable' => true
Change to
'caption' => $sPresenceC,
'collapsable' => true,
'collapsed' => true,
Find the below code
'caption' => $sAccountInfoC,
'collapsable' => true
Change to
'caption' => $sAccountInfoC,
'collapsable' => true,
'collapsed' => true,
Find the below code
'caption' => $sCustomC,
'collapsable' => true
Change to
'caption' => $sCustomC,
'collapsable' => true,
'collapsed' => true, ... Hosted by!