Papik  Premium Established 111 points (86.2% positive, 13.8% negative)
registered 21.04.10

It Consultant

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czech language is from translator...thrown out money..I did not try other will probably be the same

čeština je z translatoru..vyhozene penize..ostatni jazyky jsem nezkoušel,pravděpodobně to bude to samé
Hi pavlospesos:
.As you can read in the description translation is basic for the user to modify with the MSE (Multi-String Editor) that we also offer not to mean a professional translation but as starting point to have several languages for your website made easily in a few minutes. Thanks for your comments.
After installation, if I change the language, is the map no more displayed. The translation in hungarian language is with Google translator, so is it not to use. I payed 39,00 Dollar for nothing...
Hi Orlon70 and thanks for your contact.
Please would you explain "is the map no more displayed"?. Also as you must know a professional translation can cost hundreds dollar each module...As you read in the description translation is basic for the user to modify with the MSE (Multi-String Editor) that we also offer not to mean a professional translation but as starting point to have several languages for your website made easily in a few minutes. Thanks for your comments.
about boonex forum: why I need handle this:
5.2- Goto public_html/modules/boonex/forum/install/langs and with any text editor (ie notepad++)
duplicate the original en.php you see there to the one you desired (i.e. portuguese will be pt.php, italian it.php etc).-
Delete all the keys between $aLangContent = array( and ); (at the end of the file)
Now, extract these keys: _sys_module_forum, _bx_forum* and _mma_forum* from MLP (Multi-Lang Pack from the lang pack you want)
see more and insert these lines into the new language file created in the lines between $aLangContent = array( and ); (end of the file)
each of them separated by comma as it was originally.-
By the way, it looks the forum in WWW.BAIRESDATE.COM is not completed about the forum translate.
Because, that's the way the forum files are organized in dolphin up to date so we need to follow their convention.
Sorry to be late.

Unfortunately most of the language in greek, russian, italian, and many other languages are incomprehensible. Meaningless.
It looks like you are using the "google translate". Is it so ?
The direct word translation, if not followed by grammar and syntax rules of each language, is not advisable .
And most of the times, the translation is not correct.
I bought it, now i can't download ....
the INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS do not have told us how to use the license.
and the member cannot select the language in the menu
only admin can change the language, i feel disappointing about this package or the instruction not clear
Dear: Thanks for your comments. License instructions is right in the front of the product description (please check Legal Terms here:
About changing language, should work perfect for any user. Please contact us in case still not working.-
i got you package and it works fine... my only problem is that i wish to put the link in the top menu instead ot the bottom menu of dolphin 7,3 but i can't find how to do it... any idea ??
it would be better or my visitors especially on mobile devices
Hi dchyrso !, interesting request. Maybe changing the design template?. We don't make design but you can always search or ask the forum so you will surely find a reply to fulfill what you need.-
how to install it?
hi! thanks for your contact. It comes with a very straightforward help to install it step by step.-
each lang can take a few seconds to load and compiles and you can use any or all langs anytime you need it.-
Excelente Pack - Y el vendedor muy amable y colaborador. Excellent Pack - And the very kind and helpful seller.
Hello everybody,

After installation the language pack working, untill you try to install a new modul. After that you can't compile the new modul. The translation unusable and meaningless. Created with Google translate. Don't pay for it!
It's better you translate. Another problem in the language pack every lanaguage 1 file. Not give you translation for every modul. In the original dolphin pack every modul has single language file. That's why not working properly.
This language pack is a fraud! see more Don't make the same misstake like me and buy.

King regards!
Dear pappgergo: The MLP is just meant to be a general translated pack for an international website, intended just to have minor adjust later by the admin. Far from being perfect will be of great help to have all the modules translated in a few minutes for any international site. As is stated clear in the product description, you can create each of the modules in case you really want it (you can use any text editor to do that). All the key are there and each lang pack is there for each standard dolphin see more module.- In case you want to add another module from third parties just contact us and we will try to help you with the translations.- Thank you.-
Dear pappgergo:

This kind of things we were fighting a long time and we have found that is almost imposible to have more than 30 lang packs with it own modules (we worked that way in the past it was a nightmare to mantain all the modules of all the lang packs within them) and we have a lot of users that want just one file to work with and not dealing with a lot of modules. Now the boonex policy has changed and we won't likely to sell more lang packs this way because was a headeach for us in the see more past.

Out of that, wasn't a google translation at all and is a good translation for any international site you can have (we have hundreds of satisfied customer all around the world that can confirm this).-

Obviously is not perfect and that's why we are selling it with an offer for the MSE (multi-string editor) for each customer customize the keys at your like.

If you want a professional lang pack you can search and maybe get them for a few hundred dollars...each of them.
Here you get a 33 lang pack for just USD 49 as a basis to work & play with it. ... Do you catch the idea ?

Also, you can build each module with the translated keys if you want. We let the customer to decide that.

Anyway, thanks for your review.
The translation is not perfect, no but that will help me just for beguin.
Comment peut-on mettre en vente un si mauvais travail d'une part, et d'autre part, abandonner tous ceux qui ont acheté votre "Traduction"? Qui remboursera?
On my page many languages did not work perfect.
Hi, ub60: would you kindly tell me which of them? I have test it with 4/5 langs pack and seems to be ok in your site. Regards, Papik.
Hi Papik

why none of the languages ​​can be compiled?

The Chat and other modules are in rusian.
hi xtrudd:
All the standard dolphin modules can be compiled. Just check our sites please.
Feel free to ask if you have any doubts.
The Chat and other modules are in Russian, though I switch to other languages?
Hi, it has the standard dolphin modules and forums translated.- We might work on the chat adding some extra cost. What lang do you need?
amigo como faço pra instalar a tradução ?
all emails from admin or system etc are not translated, Terms & privacy policy very bad translated and are not the documents like en.php that comes with the latest version of Dolphin ..... how was this done? google or even worse?

sorry bro, but your work is not complete yet. I hope you send an update ASAP!
Dear Raultho: We all want to have all the translations perfectly done in each lang pack for Dolphin. If you can have a perfect translation for the price of Dolphin would be really a deal but that´s not actually the case. A professional translator can charge hundreds of dollars just to have ONE of the lang pack we offer in our multi-lang pack. We know is far away from being perfect but that's why we also offer the Master String Editor for the user customize each of the keys, email templates etc. see more Anyway, we are trying to improve all the lang packs all we can and hopefully will be an update soon.
Nice partnership with other user!
I'm satisfied, although there are no translations for the forum, but generally great work!
thank you italian-backtracker!. And yes, the translated files for the forum are there, you should just compile the forum lang files too (please see instructions) or contact me by pm in case of doubt. Thanks Again!,
If you are looking for something to fast grow your social net this is a "must have " pack to attract a new " other language " users.
I have a good experience to work with developer.
Everything was accurate and right on time.
Even when inaccuracy was found in Dolphin CMS install.
Looking forward to the development of new languages!
Thanks! you're welcome!.
Hello, When can you provide Chinese Pack (Chinese Traditional&Chinese Simplified) for Dolphin 7.1.4. I need it. Thank you.
Gracias muy buena la traducción mi pagina esta usando tu traducción comparteya!com
thank you, good package for the multilanguage. is very good and useful for boonex dolphin !!!!
good product and support for your jobs, keep it up.
Thank you, you're welcome!
Fantastic seller, product and support! Great deal!! A++++++++++++
Fantastic seller, product and support! Great deal!! A++++++++++++
Arte online
Immediate support excellent pack Thanks Papik
I purchased this package businessman in multilingual version 7.09 and now I'm updating with it to version 7.1, from the first contact, he was considerate and understanding the questions and doubts that I had no understanding, gave me a technical support professional, with cordiality ever, I not only recommend but say that everyone can fully trust this person and I submit to those who want to have on your site, a treatment of fine work and very professional.

Thanks Papik
Hace unos días que adquirí el pack, y hasta donde he podido ver la traducción es muy buena. Las veces que he tenido que consultar con soporte, han respondido rápidamente y con total correctitud, pudiendo solucionar de inmediato mis dudas. Les doy 5 estrellas.
thanks for the 5 stars! you are welcome.
Perfect Translation, and very good support! 5 Stars!
Una traduccion perfecta y un soporte casi inmediato, se merece un 10!
Thanks woody22 !!
I can't send the e-mail that you request:

Your mail message to the following address(es) could not be delivered. This
is a permanent error. Please verify the addresses and try again. If you are
still having difficulty sending mail to these addresses, please contact
Customer Support at 480-624-2500.

child status 100...This message is looping: it already has my Delivered-To line. (#5.4.6)
please in a hurry you can use: Thanks and sorry for the inconveniences we are working on it.
Hallo, ich habe über Paypal bestellt und warte seit 5 Stunden auf eine E-Mail oder um das Programm! Es Passiert nicht!!!!
hi Mamo: we receive email from you appreciating our product...could you please clarify your concepts about our lang pack to the comunity ? thanks in advance Papik

This the 2 email that I write toyou without any replay. I buy your Spanish MEGA PACK for Rayz Modules but in the download the zip file do not contein any file, So I can get access to my product.
Please sen me a downloand link where I can get my purchase. If I have no replay in 48 hours I will open a disput in paypal to recover my money. I also open a ticket with Boonex and them told me that in the rule you are the responsible to delivred the product.
This the transaction id:
13 jul see more 2012 23:58:04 CEST
Id. de transacción: 1H6038743U581922M


dear mrdguinea: As you can see, we had some download errors from the boonex market so we sent your packs manually twice several days ago. until now we didn't receive the confirmation of reception from your behalf. Would like to know if the files were finally received ok. Thank you!
What about Romanian language? can you guys help?! Please!
Hi skorpyo:
If theres is enough people requesting that language you can be sure we gonna be working on it!
please check our dolphin lang market often.
I would like one in German and Chinese if possible.

Hi, I have just purchased this package. Where have I to send this "You just send us your domain name, company name and starting year and dolphin version and we'll send these languages packs ready to use!. ATTENTION: WE CAN'T START WORKING ON YOUR PACKAGES UNTIL WE RECEIVE THESE DATA FROM YOU SO PLEASE DON'T COMPLAINING ABOUT NO GETTING THE PRODUCT UNTIL YOU SEND US THAT DATA." ?
I hope your answer ASAP
hi jekafa: We have sent you the mult-lang pack, hope all is ok and working fine. Regards.!
Great product! Fast Turn In!!
thanks gonzo20084!. that's our goal.
I am saerching for a dutch language pack. I found one person on the market but i get no respons. Can you help me on a dutch language pack for the latest version of the Dolphin community software? I already have a license.
Hi Mireille: Sorry for the delay.
Yes, I can help on dutch. Write me if you still need that lang pack and we'll working on your requirement.
Hi. Will you have a translation into Turkish language. On the market today there is no translation into Turkish.
i cant download the program it tells me

Corrupted Content Error

The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because an error in the data transmission was detected.

The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because an error in the data transmission was detected.Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
hi lovecua1, as we didn't recieve an answer for our email we sent several days ago, we suppose you were able to download the package, otherwise please send us an email to Thank You.
Thank you so much for all the assistance you have provided me. The INTERNATIONAL LANG PACK: Sp+Pt+Ger+Rus+Jp FULL, Version 2.0 NEW! It was a big HIT !!!

I recommend his services and the product to any one.

Fast Lieferung.Gute work together thanks
Thank you!. More languages packs coming soon...
how about a multi language module for all countries
Hi DawnG:

Right now, we are working on it!.
Thank You
Best Regards,
Переведено достаточно некачественно, много Ашибок, в том числе и грамматических. В целом пользоваться можно.

Пример перевода, который мне пришлось менять
Articles - Товары
Featured Articles - Особые товары.
Very clear and easy instructions. This is a very professional Team with very professional products. Good job guys. You saved me a ton of time translating over 5K lines. Wow!!!
Thank you petermourra, we'll keep on doing it for customers like you.
Thanks for your review.
We say thank you, it's a very very very good work ... install is easy, and runs just fine
Hi, I have paid for the product but the zip file you produced do not open.
Please reply back to me asap. I am using the free dolphin license my company domain is started in March 2011
Hi cairosa:
Sorry to be late. Please don't use this email for support. Write me to

I wonder if the value of language translation to Portuguese (Brazil) is for the dolphin script is translated to 7 and the extra modules installed on the site, the values ​​are charged for extra modules and what the average price per module extra or new modules
Hi xade7:

It is a dolphin lang pack (with all the standard dolphin modules).
Actually we are in the process to translate modules from other boonex developers too.
Please check our market regularly.
Best Regards,
Is this translator MEGA PACK: Sp+ Pt_BR+Ger+Rus FULL, Version 2.0 NEW! for D 706?
Thank you.
i'd like to translate my site into Indonesian,can you help me ???
Hi alexyoung!
Indonesian not easy to translate by now...
We are working on japanese and arabic currently...
We hope in the next months can have a lot of more lang packs ready to go!
Thanks for your interest!
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Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.