PapikEstablished  111 (86.2%)



compatible compatibility not specified not compatible

Version: 7.3.4

Added: 13.08.13

Updated: 15.11.17

Category: Other

Tags: extensions, services, translations, upgrades, dolphin 7.1, 7.2, languages, 7.3, 7.3.4

Demo:  username - Demo,password - 123456

License: Personal For One Domain

Technical Checklist...


"GET THIS MULTI-LANG PACK + Master Strings Editor v.2.2 + Email templates VISUAL editor ( for your site for only U$S 79!! "

Install the lang packs then start to use Master Strings Editor to "suite your needs".

Kindly send us an email to: requesting both and we'll indicate how to get them.


7-26-2015: Czech package added.-
7-24-2015: New: Updated lang pack for 7.1.6.-
04-17-2014: New 7.1.4 keys already added and translated.- All 32 lang packs updated !.-
04-17-2014: Flags Icon for each country already fixed.-
04-18-2014: Lithuanian lang pack added.-
12-12-2015: 35 lang packs upgraded for Dolphin 7.2.x (Version 1.0)!
12-22-2015: Fixing some minor bugs on file compression for final zip
03-19-2016: Upgraded to 7.3 version
27-08-2016: Upgraded to latest dolphin 7.3.2 version
18-11-2016: Checked for 7.3.3 compatibility OK.-
15-11-2017: Updated for 7.3.4 compatibililty OK.-

This is our multi-lang pack for your international dolphin 7.3.x website.-
Langs included in the pack: Arabic, Bulgarian, Chinese Simplified, Czech , Danish
German, Greek, Spanish, Estonian, Finnish, French, Hindi, Haitian, Creole, Hungarian
Italian, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian, Latvian, Dutch, Norwegian, Polish
Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Chinese Traditional
Ukrainian, Vietnamese (more lang packs coming soon).

We can offer lang pack separately for a low charge too if you requires it.-



1- IMPORTANT: This is a commercial translation service. It cannot be modified for other than your site. The "your site" means the product can be installed and set up for ONE domain name ONLY.To be able to use this product for another domain names you have to order another copy of this product (customized lang mod service). This translation cannot be redistributed for free or a fee without written permission from the author.

2- Although all the LEGAL TERMS has been translated and revised,we cannot be RESPONSIBLE FOR LEGAL DEMANDS OR ANY OTHER PROBLEMS ASSOCIATED WITH THE TRANSLATION OF THEM IN YOUR SITES.-In case of doubts we suggest you to check them specifically with a lawyer for the laws valid on such a country.

3- Although big effort has been done to make this a good product for all Boonex users, it is almost impossible to get the 100% of translation accuracy in more then 5000 lines each lang pack so the user will accept the lang pack "AS IS" and we won't have any responsability for any errors or missing keys since we offer it as a "base product" for the boonex user website. Anyway we will do our best effort to help. You can contact us at

4-This lang packs came in just one file ready to import and compile (1 minutes) by each language.
If you need each lang pack separately for each module (boonex modules) you should separate
them your self, if you manage a text editor like notepad++ etc it is pretty easy to do or we can do for you
for a low extra charge.-

5- Please check first what we offer at WWW.BAIRESDATE.COM so you can be sure it is what you need AS BEING A DIGITAL PRODUCT WE CAN'T OFFER REFUNDS FOR IT. Contact me first in case of doubt ( (skype:skype-goitglobal). Please be patient, remember we are all in differents timezone and might take 1-3 days to reply .-
Thank You!.
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If you are looking for something to fast grow your social net this is a "must have " pack to attract a new " other language " users.
I have a good experience to work with developer.
Everything was accurate and right on time.
Even when inaccuracy was found in Dolphin CMS install.
Looking forward to the development of new languages!
Thanks! you're welcome!.
Nice partnership with other user!
I'm satisfied, although there are no translations for the forum, but generally great work!
thank you italian-backtracker!. And yes, the translated files for the forum are there, you should just compile the forum lang files too (please see instructions) or contact me by pm in case of doubt. Thanks Again!,
all emails from admin or system etc are not translated, Terms & privacy policy very bad translated and are not the documents like en.php that comes with the latest version of Dolphin ..... how was this done? google or even worse?

sorry bro, but your work is not complete yet. I hope you send an update ASAP!
Dear Raultho: We all want to have all the translations perfectly done in each lang pack for Dolphin. If you can have a perfect translation for the price of Dolphin would be really a deal but that´s not actually the case. A professional translator can charge hundreds of dollars just to have ONE of the lang pack we offer in our multi-lang pack. We know is far away from being perfect but that's why we also offer the Master String Editor for the user customize each of the keys, email templates etc. see more Anyway, we are trying to improve all the lang packs all we can and hopefully will be an update soon.
Hi Papik

why none of the languages ​​can be compiled?

The Chat and other modules are in rusian.
hi xtrudd:
All the standard dolphin modules can be compiled. Just check our sites please.
Feel free to ask if you have any doubts.
The Chat and other modules are in Russian, though I switch to other languages?
Hi, it has the standard dolphin modules and forums translated.- We might work on the chat adding some extra cost. What lang do you need?
On my page many languages did not work perfect.
Hi, ub60: would you kindly tell me which of them? I have test it with 4/5 langs pack and seems to be ok in your site. Regards, Papik.
Hello everybody,

After installation the language pack working, untill you try to install a new modul. After that you can't compile the new modul. The translation unusable and meaningless. Created with Google translate. Don't pay for it!
It's better you translate. Another problem in the language pack every lanaguage 1 file. Not give you translation for every modul. In the original dolphin pack every modul has single language file. That's why not working properly.
This language pack is a fraud! see more Don't make the same misstake like me and buy.

King regards!
Dear pappgergo:

This kind of things we were fighting a long time and we have found that is almost imposible to have more than 30 lang packs with it own modules (we worked that way in the past it was a nightmare to mantain all the modules of all the lang packs within them) and we have a lot of users that want just one file to work with and not dealing with a lot of modules. Now the boonex policy has changed and we won't likely to sell more lang packs this way because was a headeach for us in the see more past.

Out of that, wasn't a google translation at all and is a good translation for any international site you can have (we have hundreds of satisfied customer all around the world that can confirm this).-

Obviously is not perfect and that's why we are selling it with an offer for the MSE (multi-string editor) for each customer customize the keys at your like.

If you want a professional lang pack you can search and maybe get them for a few hundred dollars...each of them.
Here you get a 33 lang pack for just USD 49 as a basis to work & play with it. ... Do you catch the idea ?

Also, you can build each module with the translated keys if you want. We let the customer to decide that.

Anyway, thanks for your review.
Dear pappgergo: The MLP is just meant to be a general translated pack for an international website, intended just to have minor adjust later by the admin. Far from being perfect will be of great help to have all the modules translated in a few minutes for any international site. As is stated clear in the product description, you can create each of the modules in case you really want it (you can use any text editor to do that). All the key are there and each lang pack is there for each standard dolphin see more module.- In case you want to add another module from third parties just contact us and we will try to help you with the translations.- Thank you.-
Excelente Pack - Y el vendedor muy amable y colaborador. Excellent Pack - And the very kind and helpful seller.
hi! thanks for your contact. It comes with a very straightforward help to install it step by step.-
each lang can take a few seconds to load and compiles and you can use any or all langs anytime you need it.-
i got you package and it works fine... my only problem is that i wish to put the link in the top menu instead ot the bottom menu of dolphin 7,3 but i can't find how to do it... any idea ??
it would be better or my visitors especially on mobile devices
Hi dchyrso !, interesting request. Maybe changing the design template?. We don't make design but you can always search or ask the forum so you will surely find a reply to fulfill what you need.-
the INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS do not have told us how to use the license.
and the member cannot select the language in the menu
only admin can change the language, i feel disappointing about this package or the instruction not clear
Dear: Thanks for your comments. License instructions is right in the front of the product description (please check Legal Terms here:
About changing language, should work perfect for any user. Please contact us in case still not working.-

Unfortunately most of the language in greek, russian, italian, and many other languages are incomprehensible. Meaningless.
It looks like you are using the "google translate". Is it so ?
The direct word translation, if not followed by grammar and syntax rules of each language, is not advisable .
And most of the times, the translation is not correct.
about boonex forum: why I need handle this:
5.2- Goto public_html/modules/boonex/forum/install/langs and with any text editor (ie notepad++)
duplicate the original en.php you see there to the one you desired (i.e. portuguese will be pt.php, italian it.php etc).-
Delete all the keys between $aLangContent = array( and ); (at the end of the file)
Now, extract these keys: _sys_module_forum, _bx_forum* and _mma_forum* from MLP (Multi-Lang Pack from the lang pack you want)
see more and insert these lines into the new language file created in the lines between $aLangContent = array( and ); (end of the file)
each of them separated by comma as it was originally.-
By the way, it looks the forum in WWW.BAIRESDATE.COM is not completed about the forum translate.
Because, that's the way the forum files are organized in dolphin up to date so we need to follow their convention.
Sorry to be late.
After installation, if I change the language, is the map no more displayed. The translation in hungarian language is with Google translator, so is it not to use. I payed 39,00 Dollar for nothing...
Hi Orlon70 and thanks for your contact.
Please would you explain "is the map no more displayed"?. Also as you must know a professional translation can cost hundreds dollar each module...As you read in the description translation is basic for the user to modify with the MSE (Multi-String Editor) that we also offer not to mean a professional translation but as starting point to have several languages for your website made easily in a few minutes. Thanks for your comments.
czech language is from translator...thrown out money..I did not try other will probably be the same

čeština je z translatoru..vyhozene penize..ostatni jazyky jsem nezkoušel,pravděpodobně to bude to samé
Hi pavlospesos:
.As you can read in the description translation is basic for the user to modify with the MSE (Multi-String Editor) that we also offer not to mean a professional translation but as starting point to have several languages for your website made easily in a few minutes. Thanks for your comments.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.