Version 35 (modified by anonymous, 18 years ago) (diff)


Dolphin Development Zone

Welcome to Dolphin Development Zone! Now you can take part in Dolphin Smart Community Builder development process by reporting bugs, suggesting new features and collaborating in documentation development (wiki).

This is not a support platform. Individual support issues should be resolved at Expertzzz or directly with BoonEx support team via email (support@…).

What You Can Do Here
Dolphin Documentation Wiki. Read, share and take part in collaborative development of Dolphin Documentation database, which covers such topics as Installation, Administration, Modification, etc.
Roadmap represents current state of our development plans.
Track what has been done, fixed or changed. Tickets.
Wiki is for documentation of all sorts. Ticket.
You may help the project by improving Wiki documentation yourself.
You may help the project by improving Wiki documentation yourself.

Outside Development Zone

Boonex. Tickets may contain bug reports, feature requests and general advice.
Boonex Blog. Roadmap represents current state of our development plans.
Expertzzz. Track what has been done, fixed or changed.

Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.
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