= !BoonEx Community Software Trac = !BoonEx Trac is a collaborative platform for Dolphin development, bug-tracking documentation and quality control. All materials are free to view, but Wiki editing is restricted to Advanced and Premium Members of !BoonEx Unity. Tickets submission is only available to Premium Members. [[BR]][[BR]] == Documentation == [[Image(http://www.boonex.com/images/wiki/doc.gif, left, nolink)]] === [wiki:Dolphin7Docs Documentation Index] === Manuals, FAQs and tutorials both for !BoonEx community software users, extensions developers, designers and translators. !BoonEx Documentation is a Wiki, so you are welcome to participate in improving it. Documentation covers [http://www.boonex.com/trac/dolphin/wiki/Dol7Installation Installation], [[BR]] == Development == [[Image(http://www.boonex.com/images/wiki/roadmap.gif, left, nolink)]] == [/roadmap Roadmap] == Development tracking. See what is already done, what is reported or suggested and what is planned for the future releases.[[BR]] [[Image(http://www.boonex.com/images/wiki/source.gif, left, nolink)]] == [/browser Source Code] == Full access to 100% of Dolphin source code, including Flash apps, older versions and upcoming versions. Download, play with it, modify it and if you have valuable changes to commit, contact us.[[BR]] [[Image(http://www.boonex.com/images/wiki/view.gif, left, nolink)]] == [/report View Tickets] == Browse active and closed tickets. It's a good idea to browse tickets before posting new tickets to avoid duplicates. You can also help to resolve tickets through comments.[[BR]] [[Image(http://www.boonex.com/images/wiki/new.gif, left, nolink)]] == [/newticket New Ticket] == Submit bug reports, feature suggestions, enhancement advice or requests. Please, make sure to browse existing tickets and explore the Documentation Wiki to avoid duplicate postings.[[BR]][[BR]][[BR]] [[Image(http://www.boonex.com/images/wiki/timeline.gif, left, nolink)]] == [/timeline Timeline] == Trac History is changing. Track what has been added, fixed, edited or removed. Every action is stored in the Timeline and can be accessed as if you are "Rewinding" the system.[[BR]] [[Image(http://www.boonex.com/images/wiki/search.gif, left, nolink)]] == [/search Trac Search] == Search within Tickets, Changesets and Documentation Wiki. [[BR]][[BR]]