36 | | == Boonex Market FAQ == |
37 | | - [ What I can and can not do at BoonEx Market?] |
38 | | - [ How will my personal information be used?] |
39 | | - [ How to find good quality Products and reputable Vendors?] |
40 | | - [ What is the difference between Starter, Advanced and Premium memberships?] |
41 | | - [ How to upgrade to Advanced or Premium membership?] |
42 | | - [ Who are Moderators and what they do?] |
43 | | - [ How to submit a Copyright Infringement complaint?] |
44 | | - [ How to claim a refund or demand delivery?] |
45 | | - [ What are License conditions of the product I purchased?] |
46 | | - [ Why is my profile suspened?] |
47 | | - [ Why is my product hidden?] |
48 | | - [ What to do if I have been unfairly mistreated by Moderator?] |
49 | | - [ What to do if somebody is selling or using my product without permission?] |
50 | | - [ Can I re-download purchased products?] |
51 | | - [ What happens to my purchases if Vendor account is no longer active?] |
52 | | - [ Where can I get technical support for the products I purchased?] |
53 | | - [ Do products include installation, documentation, translation, etc.?] |
54 | | - [ Where can I find the product I just purchased it?] |
55 | | - [ What to do if I am happy or unhappy with a product?] |
| 36 | == [#BoonexMarketFAQ1 Boonex Market FAQ] == |
| 37 | - [#WhatIcanandcannotdoatBoonExMarket What I can and can not do at BoonEx Market?] |
| 38 | - [#Howwillmypersonalinformationbeused How will my personal information be used?] |
| 39 | - [#Howtofindgood-qualityProductsandreputableVendors How to find good quality Products and reputable Vendors?] |
| 40 | - [#WhatisthedifferencebetweenStarterAdvancedandPremiummemberships What is the difference between Starter, Advanced and Premium memberships?] |
| 41 | - [#HowtoupgradetoAdvancedorPremiummembership How to upgrade to Advanced or Premium membership?] |
| 42 | - [#WhoareModeratorsandwhattheydo Who are Moderators and what they do?] |
| 43 | - [#HowtosubmitaCopyrightInfringementcomplaint How to submit a Copyright Infringement complaint?] |
| 44 | - [#Howtoclaimarefundordemanddelivery How to claim a refund or demand delivery?] |
| 45 | - [#WhatarelicenseconditionsoftheproductIpurchased What are License conditions of the product I purchased?] |
| 46 | - [#Whyismyprofilesuspended Why is my profile suspened?] |
| 47 | - [#Whyismyproducthidden Why is my product hidden?] |
| 48 | - [#WhytodoifIhavebeenunfairlymistreatedbymoderator What to do if I have been unfairly mistreated by Moderator?] |
| 49 | - [#Whattodoifsomebodyissellingorusingmyproductwithoutpermission What to do if somebody is selling or using my product without permission?] |
| 50 | - [#CanIre-downloadpurchasedproducts Can I re-download purchased products?] |
| 51 | - [#WhathappenstomypurchasesifVendoraccountisnolongeractive What happens to my purchases if Vendor account is no longer active?] |
| 52 | - [#WherecanIgettechnicalsupportfortheproductsIpurchased Where can I get technical support for the products I purchased?] |
| 53 | - [#Doproductsincludeinstallationdocumentationtranslationetc. Do products include installation, documentation, translation, etc.?] |
| 54 | - [#WherecanIfindtheproductIjustpurchased Where can I find the product I just purchased it?] |
| 55 | - [#WhattodoifIamhappyorunhappywithaproduct What to do if I am happy or unhappy with a product?] |