Changes between Version 36 and Version 37 of GenDolTShooter

May 27, 2009, 5:56:42 AM (16 years ago)



  • GenDolTShooter

    v36 v37  
    1 '''[wiki:GenDolTShooter#IcantremembermyAdminloginandorpassword.HowcanIrestoreorchangeit I can't remember my Admin login and/or password. How can I restore or change it?]''' 
    3 '''[ I see this error on some of my site's pages: "Call to undefined function: mb_ereg_replace() in /path_to_dolphin/inc/ on line 120"]''' 
    5 '''[wiki:GenDolTShooter#WhenItrytoopenaNavigationMenulinkorsomebodysprofileIgetthispage:NotFound When I try to open a Navigation Menu link or somebody's profile, I get this page: "Not Found"]''' 
    7 '''[ I see this error when I open my site: "Warning: Missing argument 1 for TopMenuDesign(), called in ...templates\tmpl_...\scripts\BxTemplMenu.php on line 45 and defined in\ on line 250"]''' 
    9 '''[wiki:GenDolTShooter#Mysecurityimagedoesntshowup.Sonoonecanjoinmysite My security image doesn't show up. So no one can join my site]''' 
    11 '''[wiki:GenDolTShooter#Igetthiserrormessagethroughoutmysite:Fatalerror:Calltoundefinedfunction:mb_internal_encoding I get this error message throughout my site: Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mb_internal_encoding]''' 
    13 '''[wiki:GenDolTShooter#IreceivethiserrorwhenItrytoinstallDolphin:Theserverencounteredaninternalerrorormisconfigurationandwasunabletocompleteyourrequest I receive this error when I try to install Dolphin: "The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request"]''' 
    15 '''[wiki:GenDolTShooter#Iseethiserroronmysite:FatalError:Cannotapplylocalization I see this error on my site: Fatal Error: Cannot apply localization]''' 
    17 '''[wiki:GenDolTShooter#WhenItrytoaddanyfieldsintheFieldsBuilderittellsmeUnabletoaddNew_Item.CheckifNew_Itemisalreadyadded When I try to add any fields in the Fields Builder it tells me "Unable to add New_Item. Check if New_Item is already added"]''' 
    19 '''[wiki:GenDolTShooter#TheMemberLog-InLinkatthefarrightsideofmyhomepageheaderdoesnotwork The Member Log-In Link at the far right side of my homepage header does not work]''' 
    21 '''[wiki:GenDolTShooter#Igettheundefinederrorwhentryingtoregistermywidgets I get the "undefined" error when trying to register my widgets]''' 
    23 '''[wiki:GenDolTShooter#MyRMSwidgetsChatIMVideoRecorderendupinConnecting.WhatshouldIdo My RMS widgets (Chat, IM, Video Recorder) end up in "Connecting". What should I do?]''' 
    25 '''[wiki:GenDolTShooter#SomeofthewidgetsshowNotInstalledintheRaySuitePanelthoughIhavearegularDolphininstallation Some of the widgets show "Not Installed" in the Ray Suite Panel though I have a regular Dolphin installation]''' 
    27 '''[wiki:GenDolTShooter#MywidgetsresultinInvalidparameterserrorandmyRayBaseresultsinNotInstalled My widgets result in "Invalid parameters" error and my Ray Base results in "Not Installed"]''' 
    29 '''[wiki:GenDolTShooter#IgetUploadingfileerrororUndefinedwhenuploadingaudiovideofilesinRayMediaandVideoPlayers I get "Uploading file error" or "Undefined" when uploading audio/video files in Ray Media and Video Players]''' 
    31 '''[wiki:GenDolTShooter#MyFreeAd-Freelicensesdontworkresultinginwronglicensenumbermessage My Free/Ad-Free licenses don't work resulting in "wrong license number" message]''' 
    33 '''[wiki:GenDolTShooter#MyRaywidgetsshowNotRegisteredonuserendthoughtheyhavebeensuccessfullyregisteredonadminend My Ray widgets show "Not Registered" on user end though they have been successfully registered on admin end]''' 
    35 '''[wiki:GenDolTShooter#MyAudioVideowidgetsChatIMVideoRecorderandWhiteboardcantconnect My Audio/Video widgets (Chat, IM, Video Recorder and Whiteboard) can't connect]''' 
    37 '''[wiki:GenDolTShooter#Ray3.1HotFix Ray 3.1 HotFix]''' 
    39 '''[wiki:GenDolTShooter#WhenIopenthevideorecorderitsconnectingforever.IntheadminpanelitopensupokbuthangswhenIclickonavideo When I open the video recorder, it's connecting forever. In the admin panel it opens up ok, but hangs when I click on a video]''' 
    41 '''[wiki:GenDolTShooter#Someorallofmywidgetskeeponloadinganddonotwork. Some or all of my widgets keep on loading and do not work.]''' 
    43 '''[wiki:GenDolTShooter#WhenaccessingOrcaIgeterrorWarning:fopen...orcaconfparams.conffunction.fopen:failedtoopenstream When accessing Orca, I get error "Warning: fopen(.../orca/conf/params.conf) function.fopen: failed to open stream"]''' 
    45 '''[wiki:GenDolTShooter#WhentryingtocompileOrcalanguagesIgeterrorLanguagefilescompilationhavebeenfailed When trying to compile Orca languages I get error "Language files compilation have been failed"]''' 
     1 * '''[wiki:GenDolTShooter#IcantremembermyAdminloginandorpassword.HowcanIrestoreorchangeit I can't remember my Admin login and/or password. How can I restore or change it?]''' 
     3 * '''[ I see this error on some of my site's pages: "Call to undefined function: mb_ereg_replace() in /path_to_dolphin/inc/ on line 120"]''' 
     5 * '''[wiki:GenDolTShooter#WhenItrytoopenaNavigationMenulinkorsomebodysprofileIgetthispage:NotFound When I try to open a Navigation Menu link or somebody's profile, I get this page: "Not Found"]''' 
     7 * '''[ I see this error when I open my site: "Warning: Missing argument 1 for TopMenuDesign(), called in ...templates\tmpl_...\scripts\BxTemplMenu.php on line 45 and defined in\ on line 250"]''' 
     9 * '''[wiki:GenDolTShooter#Mysecurityimagedoesntshowup.Sonoonecanjoinmysite My security image doesn't show up. So no one can join my site]''' 
     11 * '''[wiki:GenDolTShooter#Igetthiserrormessagethroughoutmysite:Fatalerror:Calltoundefinedfunction:mb_internal_encoding I get this error message throughout my site: Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mb_internal_encoding]''' 
     13 * '''[wiki:GenDolTShooter#IreceivethiserrorwhenItrytoinstallDolphin:Theserverencounteredaninternalerrorormisconfigurationandwasunabletocompleteyourrequest I receive this error when I try to install Dolphin: "The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request"]''' 
     15 * '''[wiki:GenDolTShooter#Iseethiserroronmysite:FatalError:Cannotapplylocalization I see this error on my site: Fatal Error: Cannot apply localization]''' 
     17 * '''[wiki:GenDolTShooter#WhenItrytoaddanyfieldsintheFieldsBuilderittellsmeUnabletoaddNew_Item.CheckifNew_Itemisalreadyadded When I try to add any fields in the Fields Builder it tells me "Unable to add New_Item. Check if New_Item is already added"]''' 
     19 * '''[wiki:GenDolTShooter#TheMemberLog-InLinkatthefarrightsideofmyhomepageheaderdoesnotwork The Member Log-In Link at the far right side of my homepage header does not work]''' 
     21 * '''[wiki:GenDolTShooter#Irepiodicallygetthiserroronmysite:Goterror28fromstorageengine I periodically get this error on my site: "Got error 28 from storage engine"]''' 
     23 * '''[wiki:GenDolTShooter#Igettheundefinederrorwhentryingtoregistermywidgets I get the "undefined" error when trying to register my widgets]''' 
     25 * '''[wiki:GenDolTShooter#MyRMSwidgetsChatIMVideoRecorderendupinConnecting.WhatshouldIdo My RMS widgets (Chat, IM, Video Recorder) end up in "Connecting". What should I do?]''' 
     27 * '''[wiki:GenDolTShooter#SomeofthewidgetsshowNotInstalledintheRaySuitePanelthoughIhavearegularDolphininstallation Some of the widgets show "Not Installed" in the Ray Suite Panel though I have a regular Dolphin installation]''' 
     29 * '''[wiki:GenDolTShooter#MywidgetsresultinInvalidparameterserrorandmyRayBaseresultsinNotInstalled My widgets result in "Invalid parameters" error and my Ray Base results in "Not Installed"]''' 
     31 * '''[wiki:GenDolTShooter#IgetUploadingfileerrororUndefinedwhenuploadingaudiovideofilesinRayMediaandVideoPlayers I get "Uploading file error" or "Undefined" when uploading audio/video files in Ray Media and Video Players]''' 
     33 * '''[wiki:GenDolTShooter#MyFreeAd-Freelicensesdontworkresultinginwronglicensenumbermessage My Free/Ad-Free licenses don't work resulting in "wrong license number" message]''' 
     35 * '''[wiki:GenDolTShooter#MyRaywidgetsshowNotRegisteredonuserendthoughtheyhavebeensuccessfullyregisteredonadminend My Ray widgets show "Not Registered" on user end though they have been successfully registered on admin end]''' 
     37 * '''[wiki:GenDolTShooter#MyAudioVideowidgetsChatIMVideoRecorderandWhiteboardcantconnect My Audio/Video widgets (Chat, IM, Video Recorder and Whiteboard) can't connect]''' 
     39 * '''[wiki:GenDolTShooter#Ray3.1HotFix Ray 3.1 HotFix]''' 
     41 * '''[wiki:GenDolTShooter#WhenIopenthevideorecorderitsconnectingforever.IntheadminpanelitopensupokbuthangswhenIclickonavideo When I open the video recorder, it's connecting forever. In the admin panel it opens up ok, but hangs when I click on a video]''' 
     43 * '''[wiki:GenDolTShooter#Someorallofmywidgetskeeponloadinganddonotwork. Some or all of my widgets keep on loading and do not work.]''' 
     45 * '''[wiki:GenDolTShooter#WhenaccessingOrcaIgeterrorWarning:fopen...orcaconfparams.conffunction.fopen:failedtoopenstream When accessing Orca, I get error "Warning: fopen(.../orca/conf/params.conf) function.fopen: failed to open stream"]''' 
     47 * '''[wiki:GenDolTShooter#WhentryingtocompileOrcalanguagesIgeterrorLanguagefilescompilationhavebeenfailed When trying to compile Orca languages I get error "Language files compilation have been failed"]''' 
    329    == The Member Log-In Link at the far right side of my homepage header does not work == 
     331== The Member Log-In Link at the far right side of my homepage header does not work == 
    331333   This is connected with some relocation settings on your server. To fix it, open the file '''templates/tmpl_uni/scripts/functions.php''' and replace 
    343345   }}} 
     349== I periodically get this error on my site: "Got error 28 from storage engine" == 
     351The error comes when MySQL doesn't have any free hard disk space to write to. Check your '''tmp''' directory or delete older backups. 
    522530    }}} 
    523     * Open the file '''ray/modules/global/inc/''' and replace '''[path_to]''' with the server path to Dolphin's folder, for example '''/home/user/community/'''[[BR]][[BR]] 
     531    * Open the file '''ray/modules/global/inc/''' and replace  * '''[path_to]''' with the server path to Dolphin's folder, for example '''/home/user/community/ * '''[[BR]][[BR]] 
    524532    * Log into Dolphin's Admin Panel and navigate to '''Plugins -> Ray Suite'''. Register all your widgets and specify your RMS in '''Base Settings'''. Please refer to [ Dolphin Installation Manual].[[BR]][[BR]] 
    525533    * Restore the media files from backup placing them into the same folders where they used to be. 
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.
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