21 | | '''[wiki:GenDolTshooter#Igettheundefinederrorwhentryingtoregistermywidgets I get the "undefined" error when trying to register my widgets]''' |
22 | | |
23 | | '''[wiki:GenDolTshooter#MyRMSwidgetsChatIMVideoRecorderendupinConnecting.WhatshouldIdo My RMS widgets (Chat, IM, Video Recorder) end up in "Connecting". What should I do?]''' |
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25 | | '''[wiki:GenDolTshooter#SomeofthewidgetsshowNotInstalledintheRaySuitePanelthoughIhavearegularDolphininstallation Some of the widgets show "Not Installed" in the Ray Suite Panel though I have a regular Dolphin installation]''' |
26 | | |
27 | | '''[wiki:GenDolTshooter#MywidgetsresultinInvalidparameterserrorandmyRayBaseresultsinNotInstalled My widgets result in "Invalid parameters" error and my Ray Base results in "Not Installed"]''' |
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29 | | '''[wiki:GenDolTshooter#IgetUploadingfileerrororUndefinedwhenuploadingaudiovideofilesinRayMediaandVideoPlayers I get "Uploading file error" or "Undefined" when uploading audio/video files in Ray Media and Video Players]''' |
30 | | |
31 | | '''[wiki:GenDolTshooter#MyFreeAd-Freelicensesdontworkresultinginwronglicensenumbermessage My Free/Ad-Free licenses don't work resulting in "wrong license number" message]''' |
32 | | |
33 | | '''[wiki:GenDolTshooter#MyRaywidgetsshowNotRegisteredonuserendthoughtheyhavebeensuccessfullyregisteredonadminend My Ray widgets show "Not Registered" on user end though they have been successfully registered on admin end]''' |
34 | | |
35 | | '''[wiki:GenDolTshooter#MyAudioVideowidgetsChatIMVideoRecorderandWhiteboardcantconnect My Audio/Video widgets (Chat, IM, Video Recorder and Whiteboard) can't connect]''' |
36 | | |
37 | | '''[wiki:GenDolTshooter#Ray3.1HotFix Ray 3.1 HotFix]''' |
38 | | |
39 | | '''[wiki:GenDolTshooter#WhenIopenthevideorecorderitsconnectingforever.IntheadminpanelitopensupokbuthangswhenIclickonavideo When I open the video recorder, it's connecting forever. In the admin panel it opens up ok, but hangs when I click on a video]''' |
40 | | |
41 | | '''[wiki:GenDolTshooter#Someorallofmywidgetskeeponloadinganddonotwork. Some or all of my widgets keep on loading and do not work.]''' |
42 | | |
43 | | '''[wiki:GenDolTshooter#WhenaccessingOrcaIgeterrorWarning:fopen...orcaconfparams.conffunction.fopen:failedtoopenstream When accessing Orca, I get error "Warning: fopen(.../orca/conf/params.conf) function.fopen: failed to open stream"]''' |
44 | | |
45 | | '''[wiki:GenDolTshooter#WhentryingtocompileOrcalanguagesIgeterrorLanguagefilescompilationhavebeenfailed When trying to compile Orca languages I get error "Language files compilation have been failed"]''' |
| 21 | '''[wiki:GenDolTShooter#Igettheundefinederrorwhentryingtoregistermywidgets I get the "undefined" error when trying to register my widgets]''' |
| 22 | |
| 23 | '''[wiki:GenDolTShooter#MyRMSwidgetsChatIMVideoRecorderendupinConnecting.WhatshouldIdo My RMS widgets (Chat, IM, Video Recorder) end up in "Connecting". What should I do?]''' |
| 24 | |
| 25 | '''[wiki:GenDolTShooter#SomeofthewidgetsshowNotInstalledintheRaySuitePanelthoughIhavearegularDolphininstallation Some of the widgets show "Not Installed" in the Ray Suite Panel though I have a regular Dolphin installation]''' |
| 26 | |
| 27 | '''[wiki:GenDolTShooter#MywidgetsresultinInvalidparameterserrorandmyRayBaseresultsinNotInstalled My widgets result in "Invalid parameters" error and my Ray Base results in "Not Installed"]''' |
| 28 | |
| 29 | '''[wiki:GenDolTShooter#IgetUploadingfileerrororUndefinedwhenuploadingaudiovideofilesinRayMediaandVideoPlayers I get "Uploading file error" or "Undefined" when uploading audio/video files in Ray Media and Video Players]''' |
| 30 | |
| 31 | '''[wiki:GenDolTShooter#MyFreeAd-Freelicensesdontworkresultinginwronglicensenumbermessage My Free/Ad-Free licenses don't work resulting in "wrong license number" message]''' |
| 32 | |
| 33 | '''[wiki:GenDolTShooter#MyRaywidgetsshowNotRegisteredonuserendthoughtheyhavebeensuccessfullyregisteredonadminend My Ray widgets show "Not Registered" on user end though they have been successfully registered on admin end]''' |
| 34 | |
| 35 | '''[wiki:GenDolTShooter#MyAudioVideowidgetsChatIMVideoRecorderandWhiteboardcantconnect My Audio/Video widgets (Chat, IM, Video Recorder and Whiteboard) can't connect]''' |
| 36 | |
| 37 | '''[wiki:GenDolTShooter#Ray3.1HotFix Ray 3.1 HotFix]''' |
| 38 | |
| 39 | '''[wiki:GenDolTShooter#WhenIopenthevideorecorderitsconnectingforever.IntheadminpanelitopensupokbuthangswhenIclickonavideo When I open the video recorder, it's connecting forever. In the admin panel it opens up ok, but hangs when I click on a video]''' |
| 40 | |
| 41 | '''[wiki:GenDolTShooter#Someorallofmywidgetskeeponloadinganddonotwork. Some or all of my widgets keep on loading and do not work.]''' |
| 42 | |
| 43 | '''[wiki:GenDolTShooter#WhenaccessingOrcaIgeterrorWarning:fopen...orcaconfparams.conffunction.fopen:failedtoopenstream When accessing Orca, I get error "Warning: fopen(.../orca/conf/params.conf) function.fopen: failed to open stream"]''' |
| 44 | |
| 45 | '''[wiki:GenDolTShooter#WhentryingtocompileOrcalanguagesIgeterrorLanguagefilescompilationhavebeenfailed When trying to compile Orca languages I get error "Language files compilation have been failed"]''' |