== General Dolphin FAQ == '''[http://www.boonex.com/trac/dolphin/wiki/GenDolFAQs#HowdoIeditthewebpagesAboutUsContactUsPrivacyTermsFAQ How do I edit the web pages About Us, Contact Us, Privacy, Terms, FAQ?]''' '''[http://www.boonex.com/trac/dolphin/wiki/GenDolFAQs#HowdoIedittheCopyrightcopy2008YourCompanywordingatthebottom How do I edit the Copyright © 2008 Your Company wording at the bottom?]''' '''[http://www.boonex.com/trac/dolphin/wiki/GenDolFAQs#Ineedtotransfermysitetoanotherfolderserver.WhatdoIneedtodo I need to transfer my site to another folder/server. What do I need to do? ]''' '''[http://www.boonex.com/trac/dolphin/wiki/GenDolFAQs#HowcanIreplaceFreeDolphinpackagewithAd-Freeoneandviceversawithoutlosingmycustomization How can I replace Free Dolphin package with Ad-Free one (and vice versa) without losing my customization?]''' '''[http://www.boonex.com/trac/dolphin/wiki/GenDolFAQs#HowcanImanageaffiliates How can I manage affiliates?]''' '''[http://www.boonex.com/trac/dolphin/wiki/GenDolFAQs#HowcanItranslatemysiteintoadifferentlanguage How can I translate my site into a different language?]''' '''[http://www.boonex.com/trac/dolphin/wiki/GenDolFAQs#HowcanImanagemybanners How can I manage my banners?]''' '''[http://www.boonex.com/trac/dolphin/wiki/GenDolFAQs#HowcanIcreateacustompageformysite How can I create a custom page for my site?]''' == '''''How do I edit the web pages About Us, Contact Us, Privacy, Terms, FAQ?''''' == The titles and the contents of these pages can be edited in the language file: '''Admin Panel -> Settings -> Language Settings -> Search for strings -> Look for''' here you should search for the corresponding language '''key''' and change its value: * '''About Us:''' [[BR]] '''_ABOUT_US_H''': ''About Us Page Title'' [[BR]] '''_ABOUT_US_H1''': ''About Us Box Title'' [[BR]] '''_ABOUT_US''': ''About Us Box Contents'' [[BR]] * '''Contact Us:''' [[BR]] '''_CONTACT_H''': ''Contact Us Page Title'' [[BR]] '''_CONTACT_H1''': ''Contact Us Box Title'' [[BR]] ''Note'': ''Contact Us Box Contents'' can be changed in the file ''contact.php'': {{{ function PageCompPageMainCodeWithForm() }}} * '''Privacy:''' [[BR]] '''_PRIVACY_H''': ''Privacy Page Title'' [[BR]] '''_PRIVACY_H1''': ''Privacy Box Title'' [[BR]] '''_PRIVACY''': ''Privacy Box Contents'' [[BR]] * '''Terms:''' [[BR]] '''_TERMS_OF_USE_H''': ''Terms Page Title'' [[BR]] '''_TERMS_OF_USE_H1''': ''Terms Box Title'' [[BR]] '''_TERMS_OF_USE''': ''Terms Box Contents'' [[BR]] * '''FAQ:''' [[BR]] '''_FAQ_H''': ''FAQ Page Title'' [[BR]] '''_FAQ_H1''': ''FAQ Box Title'' [[BR]] '''_FAQ_INFO''': ''FAQ Box COntents'' [[BR]] ---- == '''''How do I edit the Copyright © 2008 Your Company wording at the bottom?''''' == This wording can be edited in the language file: '''Admin Panel -> Settings -> Language Settings -> Search for strings -> Look for''' here you should search for the corresponding language '''key''' ''_copyright'' and change its value ---- == '''''I need to transfer my site to another folder/server. What do I need to do?''''' == 1) First of all, you need to back up your folders and files and your database tables. It usually results in creation of two archives (.tgz or .zip) which you will have to unpack on your new server/folder; besides, the database tables will have to be imported in your new database. 2) Dolphin 6 has several files which must be changed after transferring to another folder or server: * inc/header.inc.php change the values of the following variables according to your current settings: '''{{{$site['url']}}}''' and '''{{{$dir['root']}}}''' and all the elements of '''{{{$db}}}''' array (it's not usually needed if you just move your site to another folder on the same server) * '''cmd.php''', '''notifies.php''', '''tags.php''' files in '''periodic''' folder. All of them have lines as follows: {{{ require_once( '[path_to]/inc/header.inc.php' ); }}} where '''[path_to]''' must be changed according to the current path to Dolphin folder * '''ray/modules/global/inc/header.inc.php''' edit the line {{{ include("[path_to]/inc/header.inc.php"); }}} the same way as described above * '''ray/modules/global/js/integration.js''' change the value of the variable '''sRayUrl''' according to your current URL. ---- == '''''How can I replace Free Dolphin package with Ad-Free one (and vice versa) without losing my customization?''''' == The only difference between Free and Ad-Free Dolphin packages are Ray widgets. So you can just replace the Free widgets with the Ad-Free ones. You can do it this way: 1) replace the '''ray''' folder in the Free Dolphin package you currently have with that from the Ad-Free package 2) set the following permissions: {{{ chmod 777 ./ray/modules/board/files/ ./ray/modules/im/files/ ./ray/modules/mp3/files/ ./ray/modules/movie/files ./ray/modules/music/files }}} {{{ chmod 666 ./ray/modules/global/xml/config.xml ./ray/modules/global/xml/main.xml ./ray/modules/board/xml/config.xml ./ray/modules/board/xml/langs.xml ./ray/modules/board/xml/main.xml ./ray/modules/board/xml/skins.xml ./ray/modules/chat/xml/config.xml ./ray/modules/chat/xml/langs.xml ./ray/modules/chat/xml/main.xml ./ray/modules/chat/xml/skins.xml ./ray/modules/im/xml/config.xml ./ray/modules/im/xml/langs.xml ./ray/modules/im/xml/main.xml ./ray/modules/im/xml/skins.xml ./ray/modules/presence/xml/config.xml ./ray/modules/presence/xml/langs.xml ./ray/modules/presence/xml/main.xml ./ray/modules/presence/xml/skins.xml ./ray/modules/video/xml/config.xml ./ray/modules/video/xml/langs.xml ./ray/modules/video/xml/main.xml ./ray/modules/video/xml/skins.xml ./ray/modules/mp3/xml/config.xml ./ray/modules/mp3/xml/langs.xml ./ray/modules/mp3/xml/main.xml ./ray/modules/mp3/xml/skins.xml ./ray/modules/movie/xml/config.xml ./ray/modules/movie/xml/langs.xml ./ray/modules/movie/xml/main.xml ./ray/modules/movie/xml/skins.xml ./ray/modules/music/xml/config.xml ./ray/modules/music/xml/langs.xml ./ray/modules/music/xml/main.xml ./ray/modules/music/xml/skins.xml }}} {{{ chmod 666 ./ray/modules/desktop/xml/config.xml ./ray/modules/desktop/xml/langs.xml ./ray/modules/desktop/xml/main.xml ./ray/modules/desktop/xml/skins.xml }}} {{{ chmod 777 ray/modules/global/app/ffmpeg.exe }}} 3) edit '''ray/modules/global/inc/header.inc.php''' and replace '''[path_to]''' with the full server path to your Dolphin directory with the trailing slash, for example: '''/home/dolphin/public_html/''' 4) edit '''ray/modules/global/js/integration.js''' and replace the '''[url_to_ray]''' with the full URL to Ray folder with the trailing slash, for example: '''http://mysite.com/ray/'''. 5) Enter your '''Admin Panel''' and register the Ad-Free widgets in '''Plugins -> Ray Suite'''. ---- == '''''How can I manage affiliates?''''' == The Affiliate support must first be enabled by navigating to '''Admin Panel -> Settings -> Advanced Settings -> Enable affiliate support''' Now navigate to '''Admin Panel -> Users -> Affiliates''' '''Manage Affiliates''' On this page you can manage the list of your affiliates by adding and deleting them. Affiliates can be added in two ways: - The administrator can manually add all information about a new affiliate; - A future affiliate can enter this information by creating affiliate profiles on http://www.yoursite.com/join_aff.php After being added the affiliate will be assigned an ID. Then he/she should place a link to your site with this ID. Example: http://www.yoursite.com/index.php?idAff=25. A visitor who has joined your site through this link is automatically assigned to this affiliate and the affiliate will receive a share of all transactions that the visitor initiates (specified in the '''Percent''' field). An affiliate can view his/her statement (list of profiles that are assigned to this affiliate and financial information) by logging in through the following page http://www.yoursite.com/aff/ The admin can also view financial statements of each affiliate by clicking the wording '''fin''' on the right side of the '''Manage Affiliates''' table. The '''Affiliate -> My Link''' section inside an Affiliate Profile will display the link that an affiliate should place at his/her site. '''Members as Affiliates''' You can give incentives to people that are active members of your community site. This feature is based on '''Invite a friend''' module of our script. Members invite their friends using tellfriend.php window ('''Invite a friend''' link at the top of the pages). When the invited people registere at the site with the same e-mail they were invited at, they become referrals of the person who invited them. Admin can set a certain number of invited and registered members ('''Number of Members''') that must be invited before the referrants get eligible to change their membership levels. The Admin can choose what membership privileges to give to referrants ('''Memberhip Type''') and for how long this privilege should last ('''Number of Days'''). '''AFF Approved banners''' The Admin can insert images for affiliate banners. Affiliates will be able to view them and choose the suitable one for them. ---- == '''''How can I translate my site into a different language?''''' == Follow these steps 1. Log into Dolphin's Admin Panel 2. Click '''Settings -> Language Settings''' 3. Fill in the name of your New language in the '''New Language''' field of the '''Language File''' 4. In the '''Copy from''' field choose an existing language to copy the language strings from, for example '''English''' 5. In the '''Flag''' field choose your desired flag for the language you're creating 6. Click '''Create''' This will result with the message '''*** language has been successfully created.'''[[BR]] Now you have to compile the language file (write it '''langs/lang-***.php''') 8. In the '''Language''' area click '''Compile''' next to the language name This will result with the message '''*** language has been successfully compiled.''' 9. Open your FTP program 10. Go to your Dolphin directory 11. FTP your new language file from the '''langs''' directory on your local computer. The name of the file will look like '''lang-***.php''' 12. Open it in a txt editor which supports UTF-8 encoding 13. Make the changes and save it in UTF-8 format. 14. FTP it back (upload) to the '''lang''' directory! Now you need to import your new language strings into the database. Here you can use the following tweak:[[BR]] http://www.expertzzz.com/Downloadz/view/2390[[BR]] Just download it and follow the instructions in the ''readme.txt'' file. ---- == '''''How can I manage my banners?''''' == Log into your '''Admin Panel''' and navigate to '''Tools -> Banners''' On the top of the Banners Panel there is a list of your banners. Each banner in the list has the following controling buttons: '''Preview''', '''Modify''', and '''Delete'''. '''''Preview''''' lets you see the banner as it will look on your site. '''''Modify''''' option lets you change the banner settings. They are stated further. '''''Delete''''' this deletes a banner. Besides this, every line displays banner statistics, such as number of impressions (views) and number of clicks. A new banner can be added by using a form at the bottom of the '''Banners''' panel. The settings are the same as when you're modifying a banner. Here they are: 1) '''''Banner title''''' - this can be any name you want to assign to your banner. This name won't be shown to members. 2) '''''Banner URL''''' - here you need to specify the link where your banner points to, for example '''!http://www.boonex.com'''. 3) '''''Banner Active''''' - this checkbox should be checked if you wish to display your banner and unchecked if you want to hide the banner. 4) '''''Banner Text (HTML Only)''''' - this must be the code generating your banner, should it be a picture, a text or an object. For example, the following code will show a BoonEx banner on your site: {{{ }}} 5) '''''Start Date''''' and '''''End Date''''' are the starting and ending periods of your banner's impression. You can use the '''''Choose''''' and '''''Clear''''' buttons to insert a date and delete it respectively. 6) '''''Position on the page''''' has four checkboxes '''''Top''''', '''''Left''''', '''''Bottom''''' and '''''Right''''' to display the banner in the respective areas of your site. 7) '''''HShift''''' and '''''VShift''''' let you specify for what number of pixels you want to shift your Left or Right banners '''''Horizontally''''' or '''''Vertically''''' respectively. 8) '''''Submit''''' button allows you to submit your changes and the '''''Insert as new''''' checkbox lets you submit the modified banner as a new one. ---- == '''''How can I create a custom page for my site?''''' == You will need to create three files for your custom page, these files are: '''my_page.php''' '''templates/tmpl_uni/page_100.html''' '''templates/tmpl_uni/css/my_page.css''' ''NB: The names are just examples'' '''1) my_page.php''' should contain the following lines: {{{ }}} '''2) templates/tmpl_uni/page_100.html''' (as soon as you specified '''100''' in the previous example, this is how you need to name the HTML page) should contain the following lines: {{{ __include _header.html__


__page_main_code__ __include _footer.html__ }}} '''3) templates/tmpl_uni/css/my_page.css''' should contain the following lines: {{{ /* as soon as you're using the my_page class in the previous example, you need to specify it here */ .my_page { color: blue; } }}} '''4)''' Now you need to make a link to this custom page. Edit '''''templates/tmpl_uni/_header.html''''' and '''''templates/tmpl_uni/_footer.html''''' and insert the following elements among the other similar ones: in ''_header.html'' {{{ __TOP_MyPage__ }}} in ''_footer.html'' {{{ __BMI_MyPage__ }}} Now edit '''''inc/design.inc.php''' and insert the following lines among the other similar ones: {{{ $_page_cont[0]['TOP_MyPage'] = '' . _t("_MyPage") . ''; $_page_cont[0]['BMI_MyPage'] = '' . _t("_MyPage") . ''; }}} Create the language key named '''_MyPage''' and you're done. ''NB: You may need to create more language keys and write more code depending on the purpose of your custom page.''