Version 3 (modified by ggsinc, 13 years ago) (diff) |
Dolphin Image Map
Here is every image I could find (and even some I couldn't) on the entire install of 7.0.8. All dimensions listed are in pixels.
- Administration pages image folder:
- /administration/templates/base/images
- Flash folders:
- /flash/modules/board/data/preview.jpg 130x130
- /flash/modules/board/skins/default.jpg 234x128
- /flash/modules/chat/data/preview.jpg 130x130
- /flash/modules/chat/skins/default.jpg 146x104
- /flash/modules/desktop/data/offline_16.png 16x16
- /flash/modules/desktop/data/online_16.png 16x16
- /flash/modules/desktop/data/offline_128.png 128x128
- /flash/modules/desktop/data/online_128.png 128x128
- /flash/modules/desktop/data/preview.jpg 130x130
- /flash/modules/desktop/skins/default.jpg 1056x1008
- /flash/modules/global/data/man.gif 110x110
- /flash/modules/global/data/spacer.gif 1x1
- /flash/modules/global/data/woman.gif 110x110
- Flash Smileys: /flash/modules/global/data/smilesets/
- /flash/modules/im/data/preview.jpg 130x130
- /flash/modules/im/skins/default.jpg 146x104
- /flash/modules/mp3/data/preview.jpg 130x130
- /flash/modules/mp3/files/default.png 32x32
- /flash/modules/photo/data/preview.jpg 130x130
- /flash/modules/video/data/preview.jpg 130x130
- /flash/modules/video_comments/data/preview.jpg 130x130
- Media Folders:
- /media/images/ your site logo is stored here
- /media/images/flags/ 18x12 gifs of flags </p>
- /media/images/master_nav.gif 48x40
- /media/images/spacer.gif 1x1
- /media/images/big_logo.png 309x60
- /media/images/mobile_logo.png 32x32 by default on install (128x128 on</p>
- /media/images/small_logo.png 156x28
- /media/images/membership/ this is where the membership badges are stored
- /media/images/membership/member.png 110x110
- /media/images/membership/non-member.png 110x110
- /media/images/membership/promotion.png 110x110
- media/images/profile/simg_err.gif system gif
- /media/images/profile/couple.jpg 100x100
- /media/images/profile/man.jpg 100x100
- /media/images/profile/woman.jpg 100x100
- /media/images/promo/ 994x262 rotating promo images from login and home page</p>
- /media/images/promo/ original/ 994x262 rotating promo images from login and home page</p>
- /media/images/smilies/default/icon_arrow.gif 15x15
- /media/images/smilies/default/icon_biggrin.gif 15x15
- /media/images/smilies/default/icon_cool.gif 15x15
- /media/images/smilies/default/icon_confused.gif 15x15
- /media/images/smilies/default/icon_cry.gif 15x15
- /media/images/smilies/default/icon_eek.gif 15x15
- /media/images/smilies/default/icon_evil.gif 15x15
- /media/images/smilies/default/icon_exclaim.gif 15x15
- /media/images/smilies/default/icon_frown.gif 15x15
- /media/images/smilies/default/icon_idea.gif 15x15
- /media/images/smilies/default/icon_lol.gif 15x15
- /media/images/smilies/default/icon_mad.gif 15x15
- /media/images/smilies/default/icon_mrgreen.gif 15x15
- /media/images/smilies/default/icon_neutral.gif 15x15
- /media/images/smilies/default/icon_question.gif 15x15
- /media/images/smilies/default/icon_razz.gif 15x15
- /media/images/smilies/default/icon_redface.gif 15x15
- /media/images/smilies/default/icon_rolleyes.gif 15x15
- /media/images/smilies/default/icon_sad.gif 15x15
- /media/images/smilies/default/icon_smile.gif 15x15
- /media/images/smilies/default/icon_surprised.gif 15x15
- /media/images/smilies/default/icon_twisted.gif 15x15
- /media/images/smilies/default/icon_wink.gif 15x15
- /media/images/smilies/sample/icon_arrow.gif 15x15
- /media/images/smilies/sample/icon_biggrin.gif 15x15
- /media/images/smilies/sample/icon_cool.gif 15x15
- /media/images/smilies/sample/icon_confused.gif 15x15
- /media/images/smilies/sample/icon_cry.gif 15x15
- /media/images/smilies/sample/icon_eek.gif 15x15
- /media/images/smilies/sample/icon_evil.gif 15x15
- /media/images/smilies/sample/icon_exclaim.gif 15x15
- /media/images/smilies/sample/icon_frown.gif 15x15
- /media/images/smilies/sample/icon_idea.gif 15x15
- /media/images/smilies/sample/icon_lol.gif 15x15
- /media/images/smilies/sample/icon_mad.gif 15x15
- /media/images/smilies/sample/icon_mrgreen.gif 15x15
- /media/images/smilies/sample/icon_neutral.gif 15x15
- /media/images/smilies/sample/icon_question.gif 15x15
- /media/images/smilies/sample/icon_razz.gif 15x15
- /media/images/smilies/sample/icon_redface.gif 15x15
- /media/images/smilies/sample/icon_rolleyes.gif 15x15
- /media/images/smilies/sample/icon_sad.gif 15x15
- /media/images/smilies/sample/icon_smile.gif 15x15
- /media/images/smilies/sample/icon_surprised.gif 15x15
- /media/images/smilies/sample/icon_twisted.gif 15x15
- /media/images/smilies/sample/icon_wink.gif 15x15
- Ad Module folders:
- /modules/boonex/ads/templates/base/images/icons/action_block.png 16x16
- /modules/boonex/ads/templates/base/images/icons/action_send.png 16x16
- /modules/boonex/ads/templates/base/images/icons/ads.png 16x16
- /modules/boonex/ads/templates/base/images/icons/back.png 14x14
- /modules/boonex/ads/templates/base/images/icons/bx_aboutus.png 61x57
- /modules/boonex/ads/templates/base/images/icons/bx_ads.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/ads/templates/base/images/icons/bx_contactus.png 61x58
- /modules/boonex/ads/templates/base/images/icons/bx_groups.png 64x64
- /modules/boonex/ads/templates/base/images/icons/bx_music.png 53x57
- /modules/boonex/ads/templates/base/images/icons/bx_news.png 61x62
- /modules/boonex/ads/templates/base/images/icons/bx_privacy.png 45x59
- /modules/boonex/ads/templates/base/images/icons/bx_search.png 52x63
- /modules/boonex/ads/templates/base/images/icons/clock.png 16x16
- /modules/boonex/ads/templates/base/images/icons/cool.gif 27x18
- /modules/boonex/ads/templates/base/images/icons/edit.png 16x16
- /modules/boonex/ads/templates/base/images/icons/folder_small.png 14x11
- /modules/boonex/ads/templates/base/images/icons/group_no_pic.gif 64x64
- /modules/boonex/ads/templates/base/images/icons/left_arrow.gif 16x15
- /modules/boonex/ads/templates/base/images/icons/next.png 16x16
- /modules/boonex/ads/templates/base/images/icons/right_arrow.gif 16x15
- /modules/boonex/ads/templates/base/images/icons/rss.png 16x16
- /modules/boonex/ads/templates/base/images/icons/wall_post_icon.png 16x16
- /modules/boonex/ads/templates/base/images/simple_tree/arrow_refresh.png 16x16
- /modules/boonex/ads/templates/base/images/simple_tree/collapsable-last.gif 34x22
- /modules/boonex/ads/templates/base/images/simple_tree/collapsable.gif 34x1200
- /modules/boonex/ads/templates/base/images/simple_tree/cross.png 16x16
- /modules/boonex/ads/templates/base/images/simple_tree/disk.png 16x16 >
- /modules/boonex/ads/templates/base/images/simple_tree/expandable-last.gif 34x22
- /modules/boonex/ads/templates/base/images/simple_tree/expandable.gif 34x1200
- /modules/boonex/ads/templates/base/images/simple_tree/folder_add.png 16x16
- /modules/boonex/ads/templates/base/images/simple_tree/folder_delete.png 16x16
- /modules/boonex/ads/templates/base/images/simple_tree/folder_edit.png 16x16
- /modules/boonex/ads/templates/base/images/simple_tree/leaf-last.gif 32x22
- /modules/boonex/ads/templates/base/images/simple_tree/leaf.gif 32x1200
- /modules/boonex/ads/templates/base/images/simple_tree/line_bg.gif 80x20
- /modules/boonex/ads/templates/base/images/simple_tree/line_bg_over.gif 80x20
- /modules/boonex/ads/templates/base/images/simple_tree/line_bg_over_last.gif 80x20</p>
- /modules/boonex/ads/templates/base/images/simple_tree/minus.gif 7x7
- /modules/boonex/ads/templates/base/images/simple_tree/page_add.png 16x16
- /modules/boonex/ads/templates/base/images/simple_tree/page_delete.png 16x16
- /modules/boonex/ads/templates/base/images/simple_tree/page_edit.png 16x16
- /modules/boonex/ads/templates/base/images/simple_tree/plus.gif 7x7
- /modules/boonex/ads/templates/base/images/simple_tree/root.gif 16x16
- /modules/boonex/ads/templates/base/images/simple_tree/spacer.gif 1x1
- /modules/boonex/ads/templates/base/images/simple_tree/spinner.gif 16x16
- /modules/boonex/ads/templates/base/images/simple_tree/tree_line.gif 60x5</p>
- Article Module folder:
- Avatar Module folder:
- /modules/boonex/avatar/data/images/ This is where all of the default avatars are, size 64x64
- /modules/boonex/avatar/templates/base/images/icons/cross_circle_frame.png 16x16
- /modules/boonex/avatar/templates/base/images/icons/icon.png 16x16
- /modules/boonex/avatar/templates/base/images/icons/tick_circle_frame.png 16x16
- /modules/boonex/avatar/templates/base/images/icons/tick_circle_frame_couple.png 16x16
- /modules/boonex/avatar/templates/base/images/icons/wall_post_icon.png 16x16
- Blog Module folder:
- /modules/boonex/blogs/templates/base/images/icons/action_block.png 16x16
- /modules/boonex/blogs/templates/base/images/icons/action_fave.png 16x16
- /modules/boonex/blogs/templates/base/images/icons/action_report.png 16x16
- /modules/boonex/blogs/templates/base/images/icons/back.png 14x14
- /modules/boonex/blogs/templates/base/images/icons/blogpost.png 16x16
- /modules/boonex/blogs/templates/base/images/icons/blogs.png 16x16
- /modules/boonex/blogs/templates/base/images/icons/bx_blogs.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/blogs/templates/base/images/icons/categ_add.png 16x15
- /modules/boonex/blogs/templates/base/images/icons/clock.png 16x16
- /modules/boonex/blogs/templates/base/images/icons/comments.png 16x16
- /modules/boonex/blogs/templates/base/images/icons/description_edit.png 16x16
- /modules/boonex/blogs/templates/base/images/icons/folder_small.png 14x11
- /modules/boonex/blogs/templates/base/images/icons/next.png 14x14
- /modules/boonex/blogs/templates/base/images/icons/post_featured.png 14x16
- /modules/boonex/blogs/templates/base/images/icons/post_new.png 15x16
- /modules/boonex/blogs/templates/base/images/icons/rss.png 16x16
- /modules/boonex/blogs/templates/base/images/icons/tgs.png 16x16
- Board Module folder:
- Chat Module folder:
- Data Migration Module folder:
- Desktop Module folder:
- Events Module folder:
- /modules/boonex/events/templates/base/images/icons/action_block.png 16x16
- /modules/boonex/events/templates/base/images/icons/action_manage_fans.png 16x16
- /modules/boonex/events/templates/base/images/icons/action_share.png 16x16
- /modules/boonex/events/templates/base/images/icons/action_upload_files.png 16x16
- /modules/boonex/events/templates/base/images/icons/action_upload_photos.png 16x16
- /modules/boonex/events/templates/base/images/icons/action_upload_sounds.png 16x16
- /modules/boonex/events/templates/base/images/icons/action_upload_videos.png 16x16
- /modules/boonex/events/templates/base/images/icons/bx_events.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/events/templates/base/images/icons/calendar_add.png 16x16
- /modules/boonex/events/templates/base/images/icons/edit.png 16x16
- /modules/boonex/events/templates/base/images/icons/events.png 16x16
- /modules/boonex/events/templates/base/images/icons/group_add.png 16x16
- /modules/boonex/events/templates/base/images/icons/key.png 16x16
- /modules/boonex/events/templates/base/images/icons/participant.png 11x11
- /modules/boonex/events/templates/base/images/icons/user_add.png 16x16
- /modules/boonex/events/templates/base/images/icons/wall_post_icon.png 16x16
- Facebook Connect Module folder:
- Feedback Module folder:
- Files Module folder:
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/002.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/003.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/004.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/005.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/006.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/007.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/008.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/009.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/010.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/011.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/012.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/013.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/014.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/015.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/016.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/017.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/018.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/019.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/020.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/021.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/022.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/023.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/024.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/025.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/026.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/027.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/028.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/029.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/030.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/031.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/032.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/033.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/034.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/035.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/036.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/037.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/038.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/039.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/040.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/041.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/042.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/043.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/044.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/045.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/046.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/047.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/048.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/049.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/050.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/051.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/052.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/053.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/054.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/055.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/056.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/057.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/058.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/059.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/060.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/061.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/062.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/063.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/064.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/bx_files.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/default.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/folder.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/member_menu_sub.png 16x16
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/shf.png 16x16
- /modules/boonex/files/templates/base/images/icons/wall_post_icon.png 16x16
- Forum Module folder:
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base/icons/admin.gif 48x48
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base/icons/basic.gif 48x48
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base/icons/special.gif 48x48
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base/img/a.gif 16x16
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base/img/admin.gif 16x16
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base/img/btn_icon_cancel.gif 16x16
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base/img/btn_icon_delete.gif 16x16
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base/img/btn_icon_down.gif 16x16
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base/img/btn_icon_edit.gif 16x16
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base/img/btn_icon_flag.gif 16x16
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base/img/btn_icon_flags.gif 16x16
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base/img/btn_icon_join.gif 16x16
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base/img/btn_icon_locked.gif 16x16
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base/img/btn_icon_login.gif 16x16
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base/img/btn_icon_new_cat.gif 16x16
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base/img/btn_icon_new_forum.gif 16x16
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base/img/btn_icon_new_topic.gif 16x16
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base/img/btn_icon_plink.gif 16x16
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base/img/btn_icon_reply.gif 16x16
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base/img/btn_icon_rss.gif 16x16
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base/img/btn_icon_search.gif 16x16
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base/img/btn_icon_submit.gif 16x16
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base/img/btn_icon_topics.gif 16x16
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base/img/btn_icon_unlocked.gif 16x16
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base/img/btn_icon_up.gif 16x16
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base/img/button_bg.gif 100x50
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base/img/button_l.gif 100x25
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base/img/colexp.png 32x64
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base/img/colexp2.gif 13x26
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base/img/forum.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base/img/forum_new.gif 29x29
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base/img/gr.png 20x60
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base/img/grad_bg.png 40x69
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base/img/header_bg.gif 60x83
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base/img/icon_bg.gif 24x48
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base/img/input_bg.gif 800x400
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base/img/live_bg.gif 759x59
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base/img/live_top.gif 293x1
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base/img/loading_bg.gif 10x10
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base/img/loading_bg.png 100x100
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base/img/logo.gif 195x47
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base/img/report.png 16x16
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base/img/report_gray.png 16x16
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base/img/sp.gif 1x1
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base/img/sys_pgt_first.png 16x48
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base/img/sys_pgt_last.png 16x48
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base/img/sys_pgt_next.png 16x48
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base/img/sys_pgt_prev.png 16x48
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base/img/top_bg.gif 48x69
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base/img/topic.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base/img/topic_bg.gif 54x24
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base/img/topic_lock.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base/img/topic_lock_new.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base/img/topic_new.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base/img/topic_sticky.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base/img/topic_sticky_new.png 32x32
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base/img/vote_good.png 16x16
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base/img/vote_good_gray.png 16x16
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base/img/wnd_title_bg.gif 266x23
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base_en/icons/admin.gif 48x48
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base_en/icons/basic.gif 48x48
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base_en/icons/special.gif 48x48
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base_en/img/a.gif 16x16
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base_en/img/admin.gif 16x16
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base_en/img/btn_icon_cancel.gif 16x16
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base_en/img/btn_icon_delete.gif 16x16
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base_en/img/btn_icon_down.gif 16x16
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base_en/img/btn_icon_edit.gif 16x16
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base_en/img/btn_icon_flag.gif 16x16
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base_en/img/btn_icon_flags.gif 16x16
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base_en/img/btn_icon_join.gif 16x16
- /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base_en/img/btn_icon_locked.gif 16x16
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