Profile Fields
Here you can reorganize, edit, create new and deactivate profile fields.
New_Block will create a new divider and New_Item will be the field itself.
- Clicking on the New_Block block allows you to set what page you want this displayed on.
- 0 - Main form 1 - Second form and so forth.
- Whatever page you set that block to show on, all field under this block will be displayed on that page.
Creating a new field
- If on the join form, drag a New_Item block up and place it where you want it to display
- SYSTEM NAME - this will be displayed on the block in the admin panel
- CAPTION - this will be the name of the field and will create the label beside the field
- DESCRIPTION - this will be displayed when someone hovers over the i icon beside the field
- TYPE - how you want this field to be displayed as eg. textbox, drop down menu, radio buttons etc.
- Advanced and Messages tabs are pretty straight forward, the Advanced section allows you to set Minimum characters and Maximum characters Note that this section may look different depending on the Select Type you chose.
- The Messages section allows you to set custom error messages.
- The Matching section allows you to set a Matching percentage and this will be based on the user's selection when filling out this if two people type in the same value or choose the same value from a drop down menu, they will be matched at a % that you specify in the Matching percent field.
- If using a Drop down menu for example, for the possible values field you can pull default values from the Predefined Values section simply entering the following:
- #!List_Name Visit the Predefined Values page for more information on Predefined Values.
Remember when editing Profile Fields that you will need to edit each section under Join Form, Edit Profile (including Owner and Admin under Edit Profile) and View Profile (including Admin, Member and Visitor under View Profile).
Some of above fields are common for all forms (join page, edit page, etc), but caption field need to be updated for each form separately, or it will be shown as not translated language key.
To make a Profile Value mandatory, check the Mandatory check box under "Advanced" tab in the edit popup box. Be sure to set the qualifiers that you need (i.e., minimum and maximum values, etc.). To remove a mandatory setting, deselect the same box and remove all qualifiers, if you just uncheck the mandatory box, the system will still check to compare against the requirements that are set.