This is where you can manage all your members' profiles. You can see the Controls block loaded in the Quick Links mode giving you an option to see the brief stats of all types of members on your site with the appropriated links. Check out the Tags and Search modes as well for more options.
The block Members shows you the full list of your members with a brief information in Geeky mode by default. Check out Extended and Simple modes as well to choose the most convenient way to browse your members.
You can sort the list by the number of the members per page or sort them by username, activity, etc. in all modes. Action buttons (Activate, Ban, etc) are available too in all modes.
You can click any Username to access their profile information, to feature the member, edit the profile privacy and edit the profile's membership level. To feature a member once in the admin profile edit, check the "Featured" box in Admin Controls and save.
By default Dolphin is set up in Post-Moderation mode. It means that visitor join your site without Email confirmation and get the Active status immediately.
This mode is controlled by Administration Panel -> Settings -> Moderation Settings section. You may want to manipulate the Moderation Settings according to the needs and terms of your site. If so, you should learn what statuses members have and how they operate.
Generally, profiles have different statuses:
- Unconfirmed;
- Approval;
- Active;
- Rejected;
- Suspended.
A profile has this status while a newly registered member did not confirm his e-mail address. In a standard way, confirmation is performed through sending a message to the member's address specified in the profile. The message contains a link that a member should click on to complete the registration process. After this happens the profile's status shifts to Approval.
Besides, a registered member's profile will also become unconfirmed after he/she changes the e-mail address. The new address will need the same confirmation procedure as described above.
NB: Normally, you as the site's administrator should not care about the profiles of the Unconfirmed status. They become subject of your attention as soon as they get into the Approval category.
Profiles of this status are those that already have e-mail addresses confirmed by the members but not checked by the Administrator. In the process of profiles approving you check whether uploaded photos and text entered in text fields meet the requirements of your site policies. In case the content of a profile does not violate your site's rules you will change the status to Active. The member will then receive a message notifying him/her about becoming a member and possibility to enjoy the full scope of services. Otherwise, you will make it Rejected. In this case the member will receive a notification message listing possible reasons for rejection. Both messages can be modified in the Email Templates settings.
NB: Reason for rejection could be very different. Some examples: insufficient or irrelevant information in the Description field, lack of correct date of birth, profile filled in a non-target language or contains derogatory, offensive or explicit expressions, etc.
NB: If a profile contains prohibited photos (for example, with pornographic content which is not allowed by your policies, or with contact information on them, etc.) or there is contact information in the text fields, you still may switch this profile to Active category after manually deleting prohibited photos or, if this is the case, blocks of text containing contact information or inappropriate language.
Active members can search through the site and buy contact information other members. But the main feature of active members is that they can get into search results conducted by other members and non-member visitors. You can make an active member featured by checking the Mark as Featured check-box above the photo section.
Profiles resting in this category are waiting for being changed by the members. After a member changes content of his/her profile (edited text fields or uploaded new photos), the status of the profile will be changed to Approval and it will again be subject to administrator's attention.
This category is created for those members who want to be temporarily invisible to other members. The shift from Active to Suspended and back should made by the member himself. NB: If an active or suspended member makes changes in the profile his/her profile will also get into Approval category.
Attachments (2)
(106.4 KB) -
added by ggsinc 13 years ago.
Members Screenshot
- Admin-Profile-Edit.png (60.8 KB) - added by ggsinc 13 years ago.
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