By default Dolphin has Payment module with !PayPal integration in it. This module is used to add shopping cart functionality to Dolphin and process payments. For example, default Dolphin's Store module is integrated with Payment module. So, if you want to use Store to sell something on your site you need to start from setting up Payment module. [[BR]][[BR]] 1. You need to install Payment module via Dolphin administration panel -> Modules -> Add & Manage. 2. Now you are ready to set it up in Dolphin administration panel -> Modules -> Payment and first of all you need to fill in your !PayPal requisites in 'Payment Details' block. Take a look at the form parts: * '''Mode'''. You may use !PayPal in 2 modes (live and test). If you want to test payment on your site before going live you need to select 'test' mode and enter your sandbox email address in the last field of the form (Sandbox). If you ready to go live select 'live' mode. In this mode sandbox email is not needed. * '''Business'''. You need to specify your !PayPal email address here. * '''Process type'''. You may use three types. They are direct, PDT and IPN. The easiest way is to use direct mode. In this mode you don't need to do any changes in your !PayPal account. The second one is PDT. If you want to use it, you need enable PDT in your !PayPal account and get a token there. Then you need to put it in the 'Identity token' field. This method is more secure then the 'Direct' one. The last one is 'IPN' mode. In this mode you need to configure your !PayPal account too. Use URL like the following (You may see the exact URL which you should copy&paste in your !PayPal account in the payment details form in "Data Return URL" setting.) as notification URL in your !PayPal. In this mode !PayPal will notify Dolphin script about processed payment automatically when the payment was completed. It's useful when you have a lot of payments with eCheck or pending payments which are not processed immediately.[[BR]]'''Note'''. If you plan to use "Pay Before Join" mode in Dolphin then you should use Direct as Processing type. It's essential because Dolphin should receive data about the payment in the same time when buyer was returned to Dolphin after payment processing. In this case Dolphin would be able to check the data and allow the buyer to continue join process if payment was successfully accepted. 3. Check 'Active' checkbox and save the form. Now you should be able to sell products in the Store. [[BR]] There is an example of the easiest configuration.[[BR]] Active: checked[[BR]] Mode: live[[BR]] Business: your !PayPal email[[BR]] Process type: direct[[BR]] Identity token: leave empty[[BR]] Sandbox: leave empty[[BR]] [[BR]][[BR]] If you want to use 2co on your site you need to start from configuring your 2co account.[[BR]] 1. Login into the account here [[BR]] 2. Go to Account -> Site Management ( Now you need to enter site related data.[[BR]] 1. '''Demo Setting'''. It's used to enable/disable test mode. You need to choose Parameter value.[[BR]] 2. '''Company Name''', '''Soft Descriptor''', '''Site Title''', '''Site Description''', '''Site Category'''. You need to fill in these fields in accordance with you company and site. Don't leave them empty.[[BR]] 3. '''Direct Return'''. You need to select Given links back to my website.[[BR]] 4. '''Secret Word'''. Fill in the value, it will be used in Dolphin integration.[[BR]] 5. '''Approved URL''', '''Pending URL'''. You need to use the same URL. It can be retrieved from Dolphin admin panel -> modules -> payment -> payment details block -> 2Checkout. URL is specified in the Data return URL field.[[BR]] 6. Save the form.[[BR]] 3. 2co account is configured.[[BR]] Now you need to configure 2co in Dolphin admin panel -> modules -> payment -> payment details block -> 2Checkout[[BR]] 1. '''Active'''. Enable/Disable the payment provider.[[BR]] 2. '''Mode'''. You may use 2Checkout in 2 modes (live and test). If you are ready to go live select 'live' mode.[[BR]] 3. '''Account number'''. You should receive it when you've registered the 2co account.[[BR]] 4. '''Payment Method'''. This will set the default selection on the payment method step during the checkout process. You may select any one you want.[[BR]] 5. '''Secret Word'''. You need to enter the same value you've entered during 2co account configuration on step 2.4.[[BR]] 6. Save the form and configuration will be finished.[[BR]] There is an example of configuration in live mode.[[BR]] Active: checked[[BR]] Mode: live[[BR]] Account number: 1234567[[BR]] Payment Method: !PayPal(PPI)[[BR]] Secret Word: tango[[BR]] '''!PayPal Payflow Pro''' module in Dolphin.[[BR]] '''Note''', to be able to use this module, you need to start from registering a !PayPal Merchant Account. Then if you plan to process payments via !PayPal, you need to get Business !PayPal account. If you already have both of them then let's start from installation and configuration of '''!PayPal Payflow Pro''' module:[[BR]] 1. Install the module.[[BR]] 2. Select the module as main Payment Processing module in admin panel -> settings -> advanced settings -> general -> Payment module (at least one payment processing module should be installed) setting.[[BR]] 3. Fill in Partner (!PayPal), Merchant login, User login and User password for a payment provider (!PayPal Hosted Checkout, !PayPal Express Checkout or !PayPal Recurring Billing) you plan to use in admin panel -> modules -> !PayPal PayFlow Pro -> Details (to sell membership levels) and in user end -> my account -> payments -> settings tab (to sell products in Store). Activate the configured payment provider. You need to enabled Test mode if you have it enabled in your !PayPal Merchant Account.[[BR]] Some actions which should be done in !PayPal Merchant Account using !PayPal Manager:[[BR]] 1. To enable Recurring billing for your Merchant Account you need to contact with !PayPal support team.[[BR]] 2. Reference Transactions should be enabled in both accounts. You may easily do it in Merchant Account by yourself. You need to do the following: Login into !PayPal Manager -> click 'Account Administration' -> click 'Transaction Settings' in 'Manage Security' section -> set 'Allow Reference Transactions' to Yes -> click 'Confirm'. To enable it in your Business !PayPal account you need to contact with !PayPal Support team. There is no way to do it by yourself.[[BR]] 3. If you are in a test mode then you need to check 'Transaction Process Mode' in your !PayPal Manager -> Service Settings -> 'Hosted Checkout Pages' section -> Set Up -> 'Choose your settings' section. It should be set to Test. Also on the same page you need to check '!PayPal Express Checkout' section and specify !PayPal email address for live mode and !PayPal Sandbox email address for test mode.[[BR]] Now you are ready to test it.