7 | | * '''Process type'''. You may use three types. They are direct, PDT and IPN. The easiest way is to use direct mode. In this mode you don't need to do any changes in your !PayPal account. The second one is PDT. If you want to use it, you need enable PDT in your !PayPal account and get a token there. Then you need to put it in the 'Identity token' field. This method is more secure then the 'Direct' one. The last one is 'IPN' mode. In this mode you need to configure your !PayPal account too. Use URL like the following http://www.your_domain.com/path_to_dolphin/m/payment/act_finalize_checkout as notification URL in your !PayPal. In this mode !PayPal will notify Dolphin script about processed payment automatically when the payment was completed. It's useful when you have a lot of payments with eCheck or pending payments which are not processed immediately. |
8 | | * '''Connection type'''. You may use SSL or HTML. If your server supports SSL then it would be better for you to use SSL connection, because it's more secure. |
| 7 | * '''Process type'''. You may use three types. They are direct, PDT and IPN. The easiest way is to use direct mode. In this mode you don't need to do any changes in your !PayPal account. The second one is PDT. If you want to use it, you need enable PDT in your !PayPal account and get a token there. Then you need to put it in the 'Identity token' field. This method is more secure then the 'Direct' one. The last one is 'IPN' mode. In this mode you need to configure your !PayPal account too. Use URL like the following http://www.your_domain.com/path_to_dolphin/m/payment/act_finalize_checkout/paypal/0 (You may see the exact URL which you should copy&paste in your !PayPal account in the payment details form in "Data Return URL" setting.) as notification URL in your !PayPal. In this mode !PayPal will notify Dolphin script about processed payment automatically when the payment was completed. It's useful when you have a lot of payments with eCheck or pending payments which are not processed immediately.[[BR]]'''Note'''. If you plan to use "Pay Before Join" mode in Dolphin then you should use Direct as Processing type. It's essential because Dolphin should receive data about the payment in the same time when buyer was returned to Dolphin after payment processing. In this case Dolphin would be able to check the data and allow the buyer to continue join process if payment was successfully accepted. |