Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of DolPaymentMod

May 5, 2010, 5:53:01 AM (15 years ago)



  • DolPaymentMod

    v4 v5  
    1717Identity token: leave empty[[BR]] 
    1818Sandbox: leave empty[[BR]] 
     20If you want to use 2co on your site you need to start from configuring your 2co account.[[BR]] 
     21   1. Login into the account here[[BR]] 
     22   2. Go to Account -> Site Management ( Now you need to enter site related data.[[BR]] 
     23         1. '''Demo Setting'''. It's used to enable/disable test mode. You need to choose Parameter value.[[BR]] 
     24         2. '''Company Name''', '''Soft Descriptor''', '''Site Title''', '''Site Description''', '''Site Category'''. You need to fill in these fields in accordance with you company and site. Don't leave them empty.[[BR]] 
     25         3. '''Direct Return'''. You need to select Given links back to my website.[[BR]] 
     26         4. '''Secret Word'''. Fill in the value, it will be used in Dolphin integration.[[BR]] 
     27         5. '''Approved URL''', '''Pending URL'''. You need to use the same URL. It can be retrieved from Dolphin admin panel -> modules -> payment -> payment details block -> 2Checkout. URL is specified in the Data return URL field.[[BR]] 
     28         6. Save the form.[[BR]] 
     29   3. 2co account is configured.[[BR]][[BR]] 
     30Now you need to configure 2co in Dolphin admin panel -> modules -> payment -> payment details block -> 2Checkout[[BR]] 
     31   1. '''Active'''. Enable/Disable the payment provider.[[BR]] 
     32   2. '''Mode'''. You may use 2Checkout in 2 modes (live and test). If you are ready to go live select 'live' mode.[[BR]] 
     33   3. '''Account number'''. You should receive it when you've registered the 2co account.[[BR]] 
     34   4. '''Payment Method'''. This will set the default selection on the payment method step during the checkout process. You may select any one you want.[[BR]] 
     35   5. '''Secret Word'''. You need to enter the same value you've entered during 2co account configuration on step 2.4.[[BR]] 
     36   6. Save the form and configuration will be finished.[[BR]] 
     37There is an example of configuration in live mode.[[BR]] 
     38Active: checked[[BR]] 
     39Mode: live[[BR]] 
     40Account number: 1234567[[BR]] 
     41Payment Method: PayPal(PPI)[[BR]] 
     42Secret Word: tango[[BR]] 
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.
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