Changes between Version 71 and Version 72 of DetailedInstall

Aug 25, 2010, 6:50:50 AM (14 years ago)
Andrew Boon



  • DetailedInstall

    v71 v72  
    425425== Part 5: Final Step == 
    427    [wiki:Final61x for Dolphin 6.1.x] 
    429    [wiki:Final7x for Dolphin 7.x] 
     428''''DOLPHIN 7.x'''' 
     430After the installation is finished and the script has logged you in, you need to register your license and install the modules that you want to have on your site. 
     432=== Register your license ===  
     434Log out off your admin account and log into the administration area. Its URL looks this way: ''''''. 
     436After you have successfully logged in, you will be prompted for your license number. Just type it in the provided window and press "Register". 
     438If your license can't be registered due to some problem, the window will not go away. In this case, check your license number and whether it is already registered for a different domain. If it is already registered, you can reset it in your Unity account and then use to register the newly installed site. 
     440Later, you can change your license for this site, for example if you want to switch from a free license to a paid one. To do so, you need to proceed to '''Settings -> Advanced Settings -> Variables''' and change the license number in the '''Dolphin License Code''' field. 
     442=== Install the modules === 
     444Go to '''Tools -> Modules''' where you can find modules that are installed and not installed. By default, there are no installed modules, and you have to do it manually. 
     446If your web server is running PHP as an '''Apache module''', you will have to change some permissions to be able to install some modules. Here is the whole list of the correct permissions: 
     448chmod 777 modules/boonex/avatar/data/images/ modules/boonex/avatar/data/tmp/ 
     449chmod 777 modules/boonex/forum/classes modules/boonex/forum/conf modules/boonex/forum/layout modules/boonex/forum/log modules/boonex/forum/js modules/boonex/forum/cachejs 
     450chmod 777 modules/boonex/photos/data/files 
     451chmod 777 modules/boonex/files/data/files 
     452chmod 777 modules/boonex/desktop/file 
     453chmod 777 modules/boonex/profile_customize/data/images 
     454chmod 666 modules/boonex/profiler/log/profiler.log 
     457You can skip the above paragraph if PHP on your server is running in '''CGI mode'''. 
     459Now you can check all modules you need and install them. Please note that many of them are depending on other modules, so please pay attention to error messages that may appear in the '''Operation Results''' area. Just click the plus sign next to the error and you will see its description. 
     461If the error message states that you first need to install some other module before installing the current one, then do it and then return to the module you were installing in the first place. 
     463Some error messages may state that the module is already installed. In this case, just ignore the message. 
     465The installed modules settings will automatically appear in the '''Modules''' area, and their menus will be automatically added to your site interface. 
     469''''DOLPHIN 6.1.x'''' 
     471=== Specify RMS for the Ray applications ===  
     473    * You need to log into your Admin Panel and you will be given the prompt to register Dolphin. 
     475    * Proceed to '''Plugins -> Ray Suite -> Base Settings''', check '''Use RMS''', specify '''RMS Address''' (the IP address of your RMS), '''RMS Port''' ('''1935''' by default) and '''RMS HTTP Port''' ('''5080''' by default). 
     477    Click '''Save -> OK'''. If you see no error notification, your RMS is running properly. If the notification '''Can't connect to RMS''' appears, refer to this [ Troubleshooter] 
     479=== Compile languages for the Orca forum === 
     481    * Proceed to '''Plugins -> Orca Forum''' 
     483    Click the link '''en''' next to the '''Compile Langs''' wording. Refresh the page. 
     484    Navigate to http://your_site_url/groups/orca and click the link '''en''' next to the '''Compile Langs''' wording. Refresh the page. 
     485    Now you won't see these annoying [L] letters anymore :) 
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.
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