Version 2 (modified by sammie, 16 years ago) (diff) |
Advanced Settings
Here is the main control panel for Dolphin settings
Allow members to create events
Check to allow your members to create events.
Dolphin License Code
If you upgrade/downgrade your Dolphin license from free to adfree change it here.
Enable Boonex ID import
Allows you to import your Boonex profile and your members to import theirs if they have one. A great idea, though little use to most of us, so i have it unchecked, this would be great if Boonex made it available to networks that have more than one Dolphin site.
My Boonex Affiliate ID
If you are selling BoonEx Affiliate products on your site then you need to enter your BoonEx Affiliate ID here.
Track all profile views. Later a member can manage these "views".
This is enabled in the database so i have it checked, but as yet there is no real function on the Dolphin user side to see who viewed their profiles.
New User Notify
Sends an email to inform of new members that has joined
Enable profile votes
You must have this checked if you allow profile voting, this affects the leader board on the home page. if unchecked the leader board will not function. The leader board need 5 votes from 5 different members to register on the leader board, ensure your membership levels also has "Vote" and "View profiles" enabled for the membership levels you want to give this access too, again the leader board depends on the votes.